Uses of Class
Packages that use Event
triggered from an enchantment table
relating to entities that hang
related to raids.Events
relating to programmatic state
changes on the server.Events
relating to vehicular entities
relating to weather.Classes specifically relating to loading software modules at runtime.
Classes for handling
written in
java.Spigot-specific player events.
Uses of Event in org.bukkit.event.block
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.blockModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when a bell resonated after being rung and highlights nearby raiders.class
Called when a bell is being rung.class
Called when a block is broken by a player.class
Called when a block is brushed by a player.class
Called when a block is destroyed as a result of being burnt by fire.class
Called when we try to place a block, to see if we can build it here or not.class
Called when an ItemStack is successfully cooked in a block.class
Called when a player stops damaging a Block.class
Called when a block is damaged by a player.class
Called when an equippable item is dispensed from a block and equipped on a nearby entity.class
Called when an item is dispensed from a block.class
Called when a block dispenses loot from its designated LootTable.class
Called if a block broken by a player drops an item.class
Represents a block related event.class
An event that's called when a block yields experience.class
Called when a block explodes.class
Called when a block fades, melts or disappears based on world conditionsclass
Called with the block changes resulting from a player fertilizing a given block with bonemeal.class
Called when a block is formed or spreads based on world conditions.class
Represents events with a source block and a destination block, currently only applies to liquid (lava and water) and teleporting dragon eggs.class
Called when a block grows naturally in the world.class
Called when a block is ignited.class
Fired when a single block placement action of a player triggers the creation of multiple blocks(e.g.class
Thrown when a block physics check is called.class
Called when a piston block is triggeredclass
Called when a piston extendsclass
Called when a piston retractsclass
Called when a block is placed by a player.class
Called when a Sculk sensor receives a game event and hence might activate.class
Called when a redstone current changesclass
Event fired when a dispenser shears a nearby sheep.class
Called when a block spreads based on world conditions.class
Called when a brewing stand starts to brew.class
Called when a Campfire starts to cook.class
Event called when a Crafter is about to craft an item.class
Called when a block is formed by entities.class
Called when the fluid level of a block changes due to changes in adjacent blocks.class
Used when: A Furnace starts smeltingFurnaceStartSmeltEvent
A Brewing-Stand starts brewingBrewingStartEvent
A Campfire starts cookingCampfireStartEvent
Called when leaves are decaying naturally.class
Called when the moisture level of a soil block changes.class
Called when a note block is being played through player interaction or a redstone current.class
Represents an event triggered when a new cursor is created by aSculkCatalyst
Called when a sign is changed by a player.class
Called when a sponge absorbs water from the world.class
Called when a block of TNT in the world become primed.class
Called when a vault in a trial chamber is about to display an item. -
Uses of Event in org.bukkit.event.enchantment
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.enchantmentModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when an ItemStack is successfully enchanted (currently at enchantment table)class
Called when an ItemStack is inserted in an enchantment table - can be called multiple times -
Uses of Event in org.bukkit.event.entity
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.entityModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when a lingering potion applies it's effects.class
Called when an arrow enters or exists an entity's body.class
Called when a bat attempts to sleep or wake up from its slumber.class
Called when a creature is spawned into a world.class
Called when a Creeper is struck by lightning.class
Called when an EnderDragon switches controller phase.class
Called when the amount of air an entity has remaining changes.class
Called when anEntity
breaks a doorclass
Called when one Entity breeds with another Entity.class
Called when any Entity changes a block and a more specific event is not available.class
Called when a block causes an entity to combust.class
Called when an entity causes another entity to combust.class
Called when an entity combusts.class
Called when an entity is damaged by a blockclass
Called when an entity is damaged by an entityclass
Stores data for damage eventsclass
Thrown whenever a LivingEntity diesclass
Called when an entity stops riding another entity.class
Thrown when an entity creates an item drop.class
Called when anEntity
enters a block and is stored in that block.class
Called when an entity enters love mode.class
Represents an Entity-related eventclass
Called when a human entity experiences exhaustion.class
Called when an entity explodesclass
Called when an entity interacts with an objectclass
Called when an entity receives knockback from another entity.class
Called when a living entity receives knockback.class
Called when an entity attempts to ride another entity.class
Thrown when a entity picks an item up from the groundclass
Triggered when a entity is created in the world by a player "placing" an item on a block.class
Called when an entity comes into contact with a portalclass
Called when a non-player entity is about to teleport because it is in contact with a portal.class
Called before an entity exits a portal.class
Called when an entity changes its pose.class
Called when a potion effect is modified on an entity.class
Stores data for health-regain eventsclass
Called when anEntity
is removed.class
Called when an entity dies and may have the opportunity to be resurrected.class
Called when a LivingEntity shoots a bow firing an arrowclass
Called when an entity is spawned into a world.class
Called when aSpellcaster
casts a spell.class
Thrown when a LivingEntity is tamedclass
Called when a creature targets or untargets another entityclass
Called when an Entity targets aLivingEntity
and can only target LivingEntity's.class
Thrown when a non-player entity is teleported from one location to another.class
Sent when an entity's gliding status is toggled with an Elytra.class
Sent when an entity's swimming status is toggled.class
Called when an entity is about to be replaced by another entity.class
Called immediately prior to an entity being unleashed.class
Called when a ThrownExpBottle hits and releases experience.class
Called when an entity has made a decision to explode.class
Called when a firework explodes.class
Called when a human entity's food level changesclass
Called when a horse jumps.class
This event is called when aItem
is removed from the world because it has existed for 5 minutes.class
Called when an item is spawned into a worldclass
Called when a splash potion hits an areaclass
Stores all data related to the bartering interaction with a piglin.class
Stores data for pigs being zappedclass
Called when a Pig Zombie is angered by another entity.class
Thrown whenever aPlayer
Called immediately prior to a creature being leashed by a player.class
Called when a splash potion hits an areaclass
Called when a projectile hits an objectclass
Called when a projectile is launched.class
Called when a sheep's wool is dyedclass
Called when a sheep regrows its woolclass
Called when a Slime splits into smaller Slimes upon deathclass
Called when an entity is spawned into a world by a spawner.class
Called when aStrider
's temperature has changed as a result of entering or exiting blocks it considers warm.class
Called when an entity is spawned into a world by a trial spawner.class
Called whenever a villager acquires a new trade.class
Called when aVillager
is about to restock one of its trades.class
Called whenever an entity's reputation with a villager changes. -
Uses of Event in org.bukkit.event.hanging
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.hangingModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Triggered when a hanging entity is removed by an entityclass
Triggered when a hanging entity is removedclass
Represents a hanging entity-related event.class
Triggered when a hanging entity is created in the world -
Uses of Event in org.bukkit.event.inventory
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.inventoryModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when the brewing of the contents inside the Brewing Stand is complete.class
Called when an ItemStack is about to increase the fuel level of a brewing stand.class
Called when the recipe of an Item is completed inside a crafting matrix.class
Called when an ItemStack is successfully burned as fuel in a furnace.class
This event is called when a player takes items out of the furnaceclass
Called when an ItemStack is successfully smelted in a furnace.class
Called when a Furnace starts smelting.class
Event that gets called each time a Hopper attempts to find its source/attached containers.class
This event is called when a player clicks in an inventory.class
Represents a player related inventory eventclass
This event is called when a player in creative mode puts down or picks up an item in their inventory / hotbar and when they drop items from their Inventory while in creative mode.class
This event is called when the player drags an item in their cursor across the inventory.class
Represents a player related inventory eventclass
An abstract base class for events that describe an interaction between a HumanEntity and the contents of an Inventory.class
Called when some entity or block (e.g.class
Represents a player related inventory eventclass
Called when a hopper or hopper minecart picks up a dropped item.class
Called when an item is put in a slot for repair by an anvil.class
Called when an item is put in a slot for repair or unenchanting in a grindstone.class
Called when an item is put in a slot and the result is calculated.class
Called when an item is put in a slot for upgrade by a Smithing Table.class
Called when the recipe of an Item is completed inside a smithing table.class
This event is called whenever a player clicks a new trade on the trades sidebar. -
Uses of Event in org.bukkit.event.player
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.playerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This event will sometimes fire synchronously, depending on how it was triggered.class previews have been removedclass
Stores details for players attempting to log in.class
Called when a player has completed all criteria in an advancement.class
Represents a player animation eventclass
Called when a player interacts with an armor stand and will either swap, retrieve or place an item.class
This event is fired when the player is almost about to enter the bed.class
This event is fired when the player is leaving a bed.class
Called when a player empties a bucketclass
This event is called whenever a player captures an entity in a bucket.class
Called when a player interacts with a Bucketclass
Called when a player fills a bucketclass
Deprecated.Use the more genericPlayerBucketEntityEvent
Called when a player changes their main hand in the client settings.class
Called when a player switches to another world.class
This event is called after a player registers or unregisters a new plugin channel.class
Deprecated.This event will fire from the main thread and allows the use of all of the Bukkit API, unlike theAsyncPlayerChatEvent
Deprecated.This event is no longer fired due to client changesclass
This event is called whenever a player runs a command (by placing a slash at the start of their message).class
This event is called when the list of available server commands is sent to the player.class
Thrown when a player drops an item from their inventoryclass
Called when a player edits or signs a book and quill item.class
Called when a player throws an egg and it might hatchclass
Represents a player related eventclass
Called when a players experience changes naturallyclass
Called when a player's experience cooldown changes.class
Thrown when a player is fishingclass
Called when the GameMode of the player is changed.class
This event is called whenever a player harvests a block.class
Called when a visible entity is hidden from a player.class
This event is called when a player sends updated input to the server.class
Represents an event that is called when a player right clicks an entity that also contains the location where the entity was clicked.class
Represents an event that is called when a player right clicks an entity.class
Represents an event that is called when a player interacts with an object or air, potentially fired once for each hand.class
Fired when a player's item breaks (such as a shovel or flint and steel).class
This event will fire when a player is finishing consuming an item (food, potion, milk bucket).class
Called when an item used by the player takes durability damage as a result of being used.class
Fired when a player changes their currently held itemclass
Represents when a player has an item repaired via the Mending enchantment.class
Called when a player joins a serverclass
Called when a player gets kicked from the serverclass
Called when a players level changesclass
This event is called when the list of links is sent to the player.class
Called when a player changes their locale in the client settings.class
Stores details for players attempting to log in.class
Holds information for player movement eventsclass
Thrown when a player picks up an arrow from the ground.class
Called when a player is about to teleport because it is in contact with a portal which will generate an exit portal.class
Deprecated.This event causes synchronization from the login thread;AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent
is preferred to keep the secondary threads asynchronous.class
Called when a player leaves a serverclass
Called when a player clicks a recipe in the recipe book.class
Called when a player changes recipe book settings.class
Called when a player discovers a new recipe in the recipe book.class
This is called immediately after a player registers for a plugin channel.class
Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent viaPlayer.setResourcePack(java.lang.String)
Called when a player respawns.class
This event is fired when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using their trident to propel them through the air.class
Called when a player shears an entityclass
Called when a hidden entity is shown to a player.class
This event is fired when a sign is opened by the player.class
This event is fired when the spawn point of the player is changed.class
Called when a player statistic is incremented.class
Called when a player swap items between main hand and off hand using the hotkey.class
This event is called when a player clicks the button to take a book of a Lectern.class
Holds information for player teleport eventsclass
Called when a player toggles their flying stateclass
Called when a player toggles their sneaking stateclass
Called when a player toggles their sprinting stateclass
Called prior to an entity being unleashed due to a player's action.class
This is called immediately after a player unregisters for a plugin channel.class
Called when the velocity of a player changes. -
Uses of Event in
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.raidModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Represents events related to raids.class
This event is called when aRaid
was complete with a clear result.class
Called when a raid wave spawns.class
Called when aRaid
is stopped.class
Called when aRaid
is triggered (e.g: a player with Bad Omen effect enters a village). -
Uses of Event in org.bukkit.event.server
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.serverModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Event triggered for server broadcast messages such as fromServer.broadcast(String, String)
Called when a map is initialized.class
Called when a plugin is disabled.class
Called when a plugin is enabled.class
Used for plugin enable and disable eventsclass
This event is called when a command is received over RCON.class
This event is called when a command is run by a non-player.class
Miscellaneous server eventsclass
Called when a server list ping is coming in.class
This event is called when either the server startup or reload has completed.class
An event relating to a registered service.class
This event is called when a service is registered.class
This event is called when a service is unregistered.class
Called when aCommandSender
of any description (ie: player or console) attempts to tab complete. -
Uses of Event in org.bukkit.event.vehicle
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.vehicleModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Raised when a vehicle collides with a block.class
Raised when a vehicle collides.class
Raised when a vehicle is created.class
Raised when a vehicle receives damage.class
Raised when a vehicle is destroyed, which could be caused by either a player or the environment.class
Raised when an entity enters a vehicle.class
Raised when a vehicle collides with an entity.class
Represents a vehicle-related event.class
Raised when a living entity exits a vehicle.class
Raised when a vehicle moves.class
Called when a vehicle updates -
Uses of Event in
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.weatherModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Stores data for lightning strikingclass
Stores data for thunder state changing in a worldclass
Stores data for weather changing in a worldclass
Represents a Weather-related event -
Uses of Event in
Subclasses of Event in org.bukkit.event.worldModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This event will sometimes fire synchronously, depending on how it was triggered.class
Called when aStructure
is naturally generated in the world.class
Represents a Chunk related eventclass
Called when a chunk is loadedclass
Thrown when a newly generated chunk has finished being populated.class
Called when a chunk is unloadedclass
Called when entities are loaded.class
Called when entities are unloaded.class
Represents a generic Mojang game event.class
Called when aLootTable
is generated in the world for anInventoryHolder
Called when a portal is createdclass
An event that is called when a world's spawn changes.class
Event that is called when an organic structure attempts to grow (Sapling -> Tree), (Mushroom -> Huge Mushroom), naturally or using bonemeal.class
Called when the time skips in a world.class
Represents events within a worldclass
Called when a World is initializing.class
Called when a World is loadedclass
Called when a World is saved.class
Called when a World is unloaded -
Uses of Event in org.bukkit.plugin
Methods in org.bukkit.plugin that return types with arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMap
<Class<? extends Event>, Set<RegisteredListener>> PluginLoader.createRegisteredListeners
(Listener listener, Plugin plugin) Creates and returns registered listeners for the event classes used in this listenerTimedRegisteredListener.getEventClass()
Gets the class of the events this listener handled.Methods in org.bukkit.plugin with parameters of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Calls an event with the given detailsvoid
Calls the event executorvoid
Calls an event with the given details.void
Method parameters in org.bukkit.plugin with type arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Class<? extends Event> event, Listener listener, EventPriority priority, EventExecutor executor, Plugin plugin) Registers the specified executor to the given event classvoid
(Class<? extends Event> event, Listener listener, EventPriority priority, EventExecutor executor, Plugin plugin, boolean ignoreCancelled) Registers the specified executor to the given event classvoid
(Class<? extends Event> event, Listener listener, EventPriority priority, EventExecutor executor, Plugin plugin) void
(Class<? extends Event> event, Listener listener, EventPriority priority, EventExecutor executor, Plugin plugin, boolean ignoreCancelled) Registers the given event to the specified listener using a directly passed EventExecutor -
Uses of Event in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMap
<Class<? extends Event>, Set<RegisteredListener>> JavaPluginLoader.createRegisteredListeners
(Listener listener, Plugin plugin) -
Uses of Event in org.spigotmc.event.player
Subclasses of Event in org.spigotmc.event.playerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when player is about to spawn in a world after joining the server.