Class PlayerLoginEvent

public class PlayerLoginEvent extends PlayerEvent
Stores details for players attempting to log in.
Note that this event is called early in the player initialization process. It is recommended that most options involving the Player entity be postponed to the PlayerJoinEvent instead.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • PlayerLoginEvent Link icon

      public PlayerLoginEvent(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String hostname, @NotNull InetAddress address, @NotNull InetAddress realAddress)
      This constructor defaults message to an empty string, and result to ALLOWED
      player - The Player for this event
      hostname - The hostname that was used to connect to the server
      address - The address the player used to connect, provided for timing issues
      realAddress - the actual, unspoofed connecting address
    • PlayerLoginEvent Link icon

      public PlayerLoginEvent(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String hostname, @NotNull InetAddress address)
      This constructor defaults message to an empty string, and result to ALLOWED
      player - The Player for this event
      hostname - The hostname that was used to connect to the server
      address - The address the player used to connect, provided for timing issues
    • PlayerLoginEvent Link icon

      public PlayerLoginEvent(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String hostname, @NotNull InetAddress address, @NotNull PlayerLoginEvent.Result result, @NotNull String message, @NotNull InetAddress realAddress)
      This constructor pre-configures the event with a result and message
      player - The Player for this event
      hostname - The hostname that was used to connect to the server
      address - The address the player used to connect, provided for timing issues
      result - The result status for this event
      message - The message to be displayed if result denies login
      realAddress - the actual, unspoofed connecting address
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getResult Link icon

      @NotNull public PlayerLoginEvent.Result getResult()
      Gets the current result of the login, as an enum
      Current Result of the login
    • setResult Link icon

      public void setResult(@NotNull PlayerLoginEvent.Result result)
      Sets the new result of the login, as an enum
      result - New result to set
    • getKickMessage Link icon

      @NotNull public String getKickMessage()
      Gets the current kick message that will be used if getResult() != Result.ALLOWED
      Current kick message
    • setKickMessage Link icon

      public void setKickMessage(@NotNull String message)
      Sets the kick message to display if getResult() != Result.ALLOWED
      message - New kick message
    • getHostname Link icon

      @NotNull public String getHostname()
      Gets the hostname that the player used to connect to the server, or blank if unknown
      The hostname
    • allow Link icon

      public void allow()
      Allows the player to log in
    • disallow Link icon

      public void disallow(@NotNull PlayerLoginEvent.Result result, @NotNull String message)
      Disallows the player from logging in, with the given reason
      result - New result for disallowing the player
      message - Kick message to display to the user
    • getAddress Link icon

      @NotNull public InetAddress getAddress()
      Gets the InetAddress for the Player associated with this event. This method is provided as a workaround for player.getAddress() returning null during PlayerLoginEvent.
      The address for this player. For legacy compatibility, this may be null.
    • getRealAddress Link icon

      @NotNull public InetAddress getRealAddress()
      Gets the connection address of this player, regardless of whether it has been spoofed or not.
      the player's connection address
      See Also:
    • getHandlers Link icon

      @NotNull public HandlerList getHandlers()
      Specified by:
      getHandlers in class Event
    • getHandlerList Link icon

      @NotNull public static HandlerList getHandlerList()