Class TimedRegisteredListener


public class TimedRegisteredListener extends RegisteredListener
Extends RegisteredListener to include timing information
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • TimedRegisteredListener Link icon

      public TimedRegisteredListener(@NotNull Listener pluginListener, @NotNull EventExecutor eventExecutor, @NotNull EventPriority eventPriority, @NotNull Plugin registeredPlugin, boolean listenCancelled)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • callEvent Link icon

      public void callEvent(@NotNull Event event) throws EventException
      Description copied from class: RegisteredListener
      Calls the event executor
      callEvent in class RegisteredListener
      event - The event
      EventException - If an event handler throws an exception.
    • reset Link icon

      public void reset()
      Resets the call count and total time for this listener
    • getCount Link icon

      public int getCount()
      Gets the total times this listener has been called
      Times this listener has been called
    • getTotalTime Link icon

      public long getTotalTime()
      Gets the total time calls to this listener have taken
      Total time for all calls of this listener
    • getEventClass Link icon

      @Nullable public Class<? extends Event> getEventClass()
      Gets the class of the events this listener handled. If it handled multiple classes of event, the closest shared superclass will be returned, such that for any event this listener has handled, this.getEventClass().isAssignableFrom(event.getClass()) and no class this.getEventClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz) && this.getEventClass() != clazz && event.getClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz) for all handled events.
      the event class handled by this RegisteredListener
    • hasMultiple Link icon

      public boolean hasMultiple()
      Gets whether this listener has handled multiple events, such that for some two events, eventA.getClass() != eventB.getClass().
      true if this listener has handled multiple events