Interface LootTable

All Superinterfaces:

public interface LootTable extends Keyed
LootTables are technical files that represent what items should be in naturally generated containers, what items should be dropped when killing a mob, or what items can be fished.
See the Minecraft Wiki for more information.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • populateLoot Link icon

      @NotNull Collection<ItemStack> populateLoot(@Nullable Random random, @NotNull LootContext context)
      Returns a mutable list of loot generated by this LootTable.
      random - the random instance to use to generate loot
      context - context within to populate loot
      a list of ItemStacks
    • fillInventory Link icon

      void fillInventory(@NotNull Inventory inventory, @Nullable Random random, @NotNull LootContext context)
      Attempt to fill an inventory with this LootTable's loot.
      inventory - the inventory to fill
      random - the random instance to use to generate loot
      context - context within to populate loot