Class BlockBreakEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BlockBreakEvent extends BlockExpEvent implements Cancellable
Called when a block is broken by a player.

If you wish to have the block drop experience, you must set the experience value above 0. By default, experience will be set in the event if:

  1. The player is not in creative or adventure mode
  2. The player can loot the block (ie: does not destroy it completely, by using the correct tool)
  3. The player does not have silk touch
  4. The block drops experience in vanilla Minecraft

Note: Plugins wanting to simulate a traditional block drop should set the block to air and utilize their own methods for determining what the default drop for the block being broken is and what to do about it, if anything.

If a Block Break event is cancelled, the block will not break and experience will not drop.

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • BlockBreakEvent Link icon

      public BlockBreakEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock, @NotNull Player player)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getPlayer Link icon

      @NotNull public Player getPlayer()
      Gets the Player that is breaking the block involved in this event.
      The Player that is breaking the block involved in this event
    • setDropItems Link icon

      public void setDropItems(boolean dropItems)
      Sets whether or not the block will attempt to drop items as it normally would. If and only if this is false then BlockDropItemEvent will not be called after this event.
      dropItems - Whether or not the block will attempt to drop items
    • isDropItems Link icon

      public boolean isDropItems()
      Gets whether or not the block will attempt to drop items. If and only if this is false then BlockDropItemEvent will not be called after this event.
      Whether or not the block will attempt to drop items
    • isCancelled Link icon

      public boolean isCancelled()
      Description copied from interface: Cancellable
      Gets the cancellation state of this event. A cancelled event will not be executed in the server, but will still pass to other plugins
      Specified by:
      isCancelled in interface Cancellable
      true if this event is cancelled
    • setCancelled Link icon

      public void setCancelled(boolean cancel)
      Description copied from interface: Cancellable
      Sets the cancellation state of this event. A cancelled event will not be executed in the server, but will still pass to other plugins.
      Specified by:
      setCancelled in interface Cancellable
      cancel - true if you wish to cancel this event