Class SimplePluginManager

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class SimplePluginManager extends Object implements PluginManager
Handles all plugin management from the Server
  • Constructor Details

    • SimplePluginManager

      public SimplePluginManager(@NotNull Server instance, @NotNull SimpleCommandMap commandMap)
  • Method Details

    • registerInterface

      public void registerInterface(@NotNull Class<? extends PluginLoader> loader) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Registers the specified plugin loader
      Specified by:
      registerInterface in interface PluginManager
      loader - Class name of the PluginLoader to register
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when the given Class is not a valid PluginLoader
    • loadPlugins

      @NotNull public Plugin[] loadPlugins(@NotNull File directory)
      Loads the plugins contained within the specified directory
      Specified by:
      loadPlugins in interface PluginManager
      directory - Directory to check for plugins
      A list of all plugins loaded
    • loadPlugins

      @NotNull public Plugin[] loadPlugins(@NotNull File[] files)
      Loads the plugins in the list of the files
      Specified by:
      loadPlugins in interface PluginManager
      files - List of files containing plugins to load
      A list of all plugins loaded
    • loadPlugin

      @Nullable public Plugin loadPlugin(@NotNull File file) throws InvalidPluginException, UnknownDependencyException
      Loads the plugin in the specified file

      File must be valid according to the current enabled Plugin interfaces

      Specified by:
      loadPlugin in interface PluginManager
      file - File containing the plugin to load
      The Plugin loaded, or null if it was invalid
      InvalidPluginException - Thrown when the specified file is not a valid plugin
      UnknownDependencyException - If a required dependency could not be found
    • getPlugin

      @Nullable public Plugin getPlugin(@NotNull String name)
      Checks if the given plugin is loaded and returns it when applicable

      Please note that the name of the plugin is case-sensitive

      Specified by:
      getPlugin in interface PluginManager
      name - Name of the plugin to check
      Plugin if it exists, otherwise null
    • getPlugins

      @NotNull public Plugin[] getPlugins()
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Gets a list of all currently loaded plugins
      Specified by:
      getPlugins in interface PluginManager
      Array of Plugins
    • isPluginEnabled

      public boolean isPluginEnabled(@NotNull String name)
      Checks if the given plugin is enabled or not

      Please note that the name of the plugin is case-sensitive.

      Specified by:
      isPluginEnabled in interface PluginManager
      name - Name of the plugin to check
      true if the plugin is enabled, otherwise false
    • isPluginEnabled

      public boolean isPluginEnabled(@Nullable Plugin plugin)
      Checks if the given plugin is enabled or not
      Specified by:
      isPluginEnabled in interface PluginManager
      plugin - Plugin to check
      true if the plugin is enabled, otherwise false
    • enablePlugin

      public void enablePlugin(@NotNull Plugin plugin)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Enables the specified plugin

      Attempting to enable a plugin that is already enabled will have no effect

      Specified by:
      enablePlugin in interface PluginManager
      plugin - Plugin to enable
    • disablePlugins

      public void disablePlugins()
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Disables all the loaded plugins
      Specified by:
      disablePlugins in interface PluginManager
    • disablePlugin

      public void disablePlugin(@NotNull Plugin plugin)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Disables the specified plugin

      Attempting to disable a plugin that is not enabled will have no effect

      Specified by:
      disablePlugin in interface PluginManager
      plugin - Plugin to disable
    • clearPlugins

      public void clearPlugins()
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Disables and removes all plugins
      Specified by:
      clearPlugins in interface PluginManager
    • callEvent

      public void callEvent(@NotNull Event event)
      Calls an event with the given details.
      Specified by:
      callEvent in interface PluginManager
      event - Event details
    • registerEvents

      public void registerEvents(@NotNull Listener listener, @NotNull Plugin plugin)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Registers all the events in the given listener class
      Specified by:
      registerEvents in interface PluginManager
      listener - Listener to register
      plugin - Plugin to register
    • registerEvent

      public void registerEvent(@NotNull Class<? extends Event> event, @NotNull Listener listener, @NotNull EventPriority priority, @NotNull EventExecutor executor, @NotNull Plugin plugin)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Registers the specified executor to the given event class
      Specified by:
      registerEvent in interface PluginManager
      event - Event type to register
      listener - Listener to register
      priority - Priority to register this event at
      executor - EventExecutor to register
      plugin - Plugin to register
    • registerEvent

      public void registerEvent(@NotNull Class<? extends Event> event, @NotNull Listener listener, @NotNull EventPriority priority, @NotNull EventExecutor executor, @NotNull Plugin plugin, boolean ignoreCancelled)
      Registers the given event to the specified listener using a directly passed EventExecutor
      Specified by:
      registerEvent in interface PluginManager
      event - Event class to register
      listener - PlayerListener to register
      priority - Priority of this event
      executor - EventExecutor to register
      plugin - Plugin to register
      ignoreCancelled - Do not call executor if event was already cancelled
    • getPermission

      @Nullable public Permission getPermission(@NotNull String name)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Gets a Permission from its fully qualified name
      Specified by:
      getPermission in interface PluginManager
      name - Name of the permission
      Permission, or null if none
    • addPermission

      public void addPermission(@NotNull Permission perm)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Adds a Permission to this plugin manager.

      If a permission is already defined with the given name of the new permission, an exception will be thrown.

      Specified by:
      addPermission in interface PluginManager
      perm - Permission to add
    • addPermission

      @Deprecated(since="1.12") public void addPermission(@NotNull Permission perm, boolean dirty)
    • getDefaultPermissions

      @NotNull public Set<Permission> getDefaultPermissions(boolean op)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Gets the default permissions for the given op status
      Specified by:
      getDefaultPermissions in interface PluginManager
      op - Which set of default permissions to get
      The default permissions
    • removePermission

      public void removePermission(@NotNull Permission perm)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Removes a Permission registration from this plugin manager.

      If the specified permission does not exist in this plugin manager, nothing will happen.

      Removing a permission registration will not remove the permission from any Permissibles that have it.

      Specified by:
      removePermission in interface PluginManager
      perm - Permission to remove
    • removePermission

      public void removePermission(@NotNull String name)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Removes a Permission registration from this plugin manager.

      If the specified permission does not exist in this plugin manager, nothing will happen.

      Removing a permission registration will not remove the permission from any Permissibles that have it.

      Specified by:
      removePermission in interface PluginManager
      name - Permission to remove
    • recalculatePermissionDefaults

      public void recalculatePermissionDefaults(@NotNull Permission perm)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Recalculates the defaults for the given Permission.

      This will have no effect if the specified permission is not registered here.

      Specified by:
      recalculatePermissionDefaults in interface PluginManager
      perm - Permission to recalculate
    • dirtyPermissibles

      @Deprecated(since="1.12") public void dirtyPermissibles()
    • subscribeToPermission

      public void subscribeToPermission(@NotNull String permission, @NotNull Permissible permissible)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Subscribes the given Permissible for information about the requested Permission, by name.

      If the specified Permission changes in any form, the Permissible will be asked to recalculate.

      Specified by:
      subscribeToPermission in interface PluginManager
      permission - Permission to subscribe to
      permissible - Permissible subscribing
    • unsubscribeFromPermission

      public void unsubscribeFromPermission(@NotNull String permission, @NotNull Permissible permissible)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Unsubscribes the given Permissible for information about the requested Permission, by name.
      Specified by:
      unsubscribeFromPermission in interface PluginManager
      permission - Permission to unsubscribe from
      permissible - Permissible subscribing
    • getPermissionSubscriptions

      @NotNull public Set<Permissible> getPermissionSubscriptions(@NotNull String permission)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Gets a set containing all subscribed Permissibles to the given permission, by name
      Specified by:
      getPermissionSubscriptions in interface PluginManager
      permission - Permission to query for
      Set containing all subscribed permissions
    • subscribeToDefaultPerms

      public void subscribeToDefaultPerms(boolean op, @NotNull Permissible permissible)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Subscribes to the given Default permissions by operator status

      If the specified defaults change in any form, the Permissible will be asked to recalculate.

      Specified by:
      subscribeToDefaultPerms in interface PluginManager
      op - Default list to subscribe to
      permissible - Permissible subscribing
    • unsubscribeFromDefaultPerms

      public void unsubscribeFromDefaultPerms(boolean op, @NotNull Permissible permissible)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Unsubscribes from the given Default permissions by operator status
      Specified by:
      unsubscribeFromDefaultPerms in interface PluginManager
      op - Default list to unsubscribe from
      permissible - Permissible subscribing
    • getDefaultPermSubscriptions

      @NotNull public Set<Permissible> getDefaultPermSubscriptions(boolean op)
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Gets a set containing all subscribed Permissibles to the given default list, by op status
      Specified by:
      getDefaultPermSubscriptions in interface PluginManager
      op - Default list to query for
      Set containing all subscribed permissions
    • getPermissions

      @NotNull public Set<Permission> getPermissions()
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Gets a set of all registered permissions.

      This set is a copy and will not be modified live.

      Specified by:
      getPermissions in interface PluginManager
      Set containing all current registered permissions
    • isTransitiveDepend

      public boolean isTransitiveDepend(@NotNull PluginDescriptionFile plugin, @NotNull PluginDescriptionFile depend)
    • useTimings

      public boolean useTimings()
      Description copied from interface: PluginManager
      Returns whether or not timing code should be used for event calls
      Specified by:
      useTimings in interface PluginManager
      True if event timings are to be used
    • useTimings

      public void useTimings(boolean use)
      Sets whether or not per event timing code should be used
      use - True if per event timing code should be used