Doc | 64db51267aa | SPIGOT-6959: Make /loot command ignore empty items for spawn | | SPIGOT-6959 |
 Doc | 808cb7ca5c1 | #1023: Improve consistency of tag API | | |
md_5 | 4ed5af5e63d | SPIGOT-6956: Reduce differences caused by setKeepSpawnInMemory(false) | | SPIGOT-6956 |
md_5 | 21fe78aa4f9 | SPIGOT-6957: Bad default value for WorldCreator#generatorSettings | | SPIGOT-6957 |
 Yannick Lamprecht | ce373be660c | #1022: Fix get HighestBlockAt in chunk snapshot | | |
 Parker Hawke | 86292d3e084 | #876: Add CreativeCategory API for Materials | | |
DerFrZocker | 6e755020abb | SPIGOT-6952: Tag#isTagged throws NullPointerException in 1.18.2 | | SPIGOT-6952 |
md_5 | 05a38da1907 | Update to Minecraft 1.18.2 | | |
md_5 | 2c1e49984ef | Remove outdated build delay. | | |
 Doc | 62d976242c2 | SPIGOT-6900, SPIGOT-6330: Make /difficulty command per-world | | 2 Jira issues |
 Doc | d83e9d0812a | SPIGOT-6925: Add minecraft:match_tool in LootContext | | SPIGOT-6925 |
md_5 | 38f204d8cb2 | SPIGOT-6936: Cancelling EntityAirChangeEvent doesn't stop player's bubbles from decreasing client side | | SPIGOT-6936 |
md_5 | 3aabea17fed | SPIGOT-6937: Ramming goat does not throw EntityTargetLivingEntityEvent | | SPIGOT-6937 |
md_5 | af4d848ffd5 | SPIGOT-6934: Bring plugin chunk tickets back in line with forceload tickets | | SPIGOT-6934 |
 Doc | 1e87776acbb | SPIGOT-6935: Make Arrow color nullable | | SPIGOT-6935 |
 Doc | c0326c2840e | #1009: Add Furnace#getRecipesUsed | | |
 DerFrZocker | cc5ddd79365 | #1010: Add PDC to World | | |
 DerFrZocker | 6a54e5d374f | #1012: Always save as skull owner and not as internal data | | |
 Doc | de951355626 | SPIGOT-6927: Fix default value of spawn-limits in Worlds | | SPIGOT-6927 |
 Doc | febaa1c6f5f | SPIGOT-6918: Add SpawnCategory API and configurations for Axolotls | | SPIGOT-6918 |
md_5 | 9dafd1092f1 | Don't send updates over large distances | | |
DerFrZocker | bdac46b07b1 | SPIGOT-6782: EntityPortalEvent should not destroy entity when setTo() uses same world as getFrom() | | SPIGOT-6782 |
 blablubbabc | 8f361ecec0c | #1002: Add Player Profile APISlight changes may occur as this API is stabilized.
This PR is based on work previously done by DerFrZocker in #938. | | |
md_5 | 911875d4f83 | Increase outdated build delay | | |
md_5 | e5f8a7672ea | SPIGOT-6917: Use main scoreboard for /triggerRestores pre-1.13 behaviour. See linked ticket for further discussion. | | SPIGOT-6917 |
md_5 | a672a531519 | Clean up callBlockDamageEvent | | |
 FreeSoccerHDX | 8e1bdeef508 | SPIGOT-6910: Add BlockDamageAbortEvent | | SPIGOT-6910 |
 Gero Cammans | c26a7b54dc3 | #1000: Add PlayerHideEntityEvent and PlayerShowEntityEvent | | |
 DerFrZocker | 507e2f65120 | #1004: Call WorldInitEvent before any chunks are generated | | |
 DerFrZocker | 1eeba6a0ec9 | SPIGOT-6891: Crash when importing 1.16 chunks with entities above the world, when a BlockPopulator is active | | SPIGOT-6891 |
 Christopher Bohn | eb7a2dcc515 | #1003: Fix cancellation of TradeSelectEvent | | |
 Doc | 13670b44266 | SPIGOT-6890: Add repair cost amount in AnvilInventory | | SPIGOT-6890 |
 Doc | 0d109e865c9 | #999: Prevent non-item cooldowns | | |
 DerFrZocker | 30b4043e2a5 | SPIGOT-6907: Oxygen does not restore up to value set by LivingEntity#setMaximumAir() | | SPIGOT-6907 |
 DerFrZocker | 3a8161fe41c | SPIGOT-6639: During an EntityDamageEvent with damage from blocks, damaging any entity throws an error | | SPIGOT-6639 |
 Phoenix616 | 74a5cc8a782 | #994: Fix changing world in portal events not updating used world borderAlso clamp the event's target location to the world border | | |
md_5 | 7c3ac942488 | SPIGOT-6902: (Unsupported) Load server as child of system classloaderThis is an _unsupported_ feature and may be removed at a later date | | SPIGOT-6902 |
 Doc | d10c35ea5bb | SPIGOT-6899: Add Player#getPreviousGameMode | | SPIGOT-6899 |
 Doc | e0a6aa36e8b | SPIGOT-6901: Add Support for Random in methods for LootTable | | SPIGOT-6901 |
 Doc | 2e61a5f8eb8 | SPIGOT-6888: Add SpawnReason for Vex spawned by Evokers | | SPIGOT-6888 |
 DerFrZocker | 3470450418e | #987: Add generateTree method with a predicate | | |
 Gero Cammans | 312d007f039 | #990: Add playSound with Entity as source | | |
 Martoph | f3828bbee61 | #989: Add PDC to Structures | | |
DerFrZocker | cc86ab1886c | SPIGOT-5339, SPIGOT-6252, SPIGOT-6777: Only cancel knockback if the damage event was canceled | | 3 Jira issues |
 DerFrZocker | aeaeb359317 | SPIGOT-6496: /time functions affect entire server, not just the origin world | | SPIGOT-6496 |
md_5 | a1b1dc81a61 | Put Discord rather than IRC in config files | | |
md_5 | fb92f345d94 | SPIGOT-6278: Persistent piglins count towards mob cap | | SPIGOT-6278 |
 Matthew Steglinski | c93fcba47ab | #378: Add API to check and set if horses are grazing hay | | |
 Matthew Steglinski | 752fa511a94 | #374: Add isJohnny / setJohnny for Vindicator | | |
 Matthew Steglinski | 19f2af066e9 | #373: Add trap related methods to SkeletonHorse | | |