
Matthew Steglinski authored and md_5 committed 19f2af066e9
#373: Add trap related methods to SkeletonHorse
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1 +--- a/net/minecraft/world/entity/animal/horse/
2 ++++ b/net/minecraft/world/entity/animal/horse/
3 +@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
4 + private final PathfinderGoalHorseTrap skeletonTrapGoal = new PathfinderGoalHorseTrap(this);
5 + private static final int TRAP_MAX_LIFE = 18000;
6 + private boolean isTrap;
7 +- private int trapTime;
8 ++ public int trapTime; // PAIL
9 +
10 + public EntityHorseSkeleton(EntityTypes<? extends EntityHorseSkeleton> entitytypes, World world) {
11 + super(entitytypes, world);

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