md_5 | bf43ca62a65SPIGOT-1816: Rework drop capture. | SPIGOT-1816: Rework drop capture. | | SPIGOT-1816 |
md_5 | ab83272e2a0 | SPIGOT-1820: Fix custom travel agent search radius. | | SPIGOT-1820 |
md_5 | 20d9f644a67 | SPIGOT-1823: Use fast chunk lookup in CraftWorld also | | SPIGOT-1823 |
Thinkofname | 0cd67110859 | Fix regenerating chunks not updating visually | | |
Thinkofname | a06e5cf8e82 | SPIGOT-1788: Correctly teleport the player back to their old location | | SPIGOT-1788 |
Thinkofname | 8ad0cd08950 | SPIGOT-1611: Make vehicles use the same speed checks as players | | SPIGOT-1611 |
md_5 | 935349e3a39 | Fix issue with last patch. | | |
 Black Hole | be0bbbabef3 | SPIGOT-1762: Call EntityChangeBlockEvent for boats destroying lily pads | | SPIGOT-1762 |
md_5 | 55b0def5d9b | SPIGOT-1790: Fix bucket behaviour | | SPIGOT-1790 |
md_5 | 23a94053b04 | Remove redundant syncInventory on world change | | |
md_5 | dd745e8842f | SPIGOT-1727: Fix ShulkerBullet.setTarget | | SPIGOT-1727 |
md_5 | 972d33dd446 | SPIGOT-1573: Fix command blocks after respawning | | SPIGOT-1573 |
md_5 | dd39fae8615 | SPIGOT-1775: Pass in unshifted block for PlayerBucketEmptyEvent | | SPIGOT-1775 |
md_5 | 50b4cb8e723 | SPIGOT-1749 / MC-99075: Call updateInventory as a temporary workaround for cancelled BlockPlaceEvent | | 2 Jira issues |
 blablubbabc | 92494d7dba6 | Added a playSound method to World which accepts a String parameter.Similar to the respective method in Player. | | |
md_5 | 3c1ec8a54e7 | SPIGOT-1663: Fix WorldBorder displaying in secondary worlds. | | SPIGOT-1663 |
md_5 | b6bb6beb63c | SPIGOT-1768: Fix Eye of Ender with custom world generators. | | SPIGOT-1768 |
md_5 | 97f00118550 | SPIGOT-1764: Perform drops regardless of loot table | | SPIGOT-1764 |
md_5 | 9e8c3772871 | Update chorus fruit tele event destination. | | |
md_5 | d6a61e3e5d9 | SPIGOT-1776: Replace BossBar.hide/show with visibility. | | SPIGOT-1776 |
md_5 | 249c5f0680e | SPIGOT-1773: Chorus fruit teleport reason | | SPIGOT-1773 |
md_5 | ac251f0cf97 | SPIGOT-1613: Fix missed use of scaled health | | SPIGOT-1613 |
 Black Hole | 45171f08641 | SPIGOT-1772: Use correct statistics for entities | | SPIGOT-1772 |
 Oliver Dunk | 73eff0d75df | SPIGOT-1755: CommandBlock doesn't run on empty world | | SPIGOT-1755 |
 Oliver Dunk | e7537646f63 | Fix typo in | | |
md_5 | 60f01ef304b | SPIGOT-1626 / MC-98994: Fix slow chunk performancePlease see for full explanation. | | 2 Jira issues |
md_5 | 94ba8243026 | SPIGOT-1758: Apply correct ItemMeta to new CommandBlock types | | SPIGOT-1758 |
md_5 | dcc45717b98 | SPIGOT-1751: Add missed PlayerFishEvent for FAILED_ATTEMPT | | SPIGOT-1751 |
 blablubbabc | ef13ca4444c | SPIGOT-1549: Fix custom String sounds. | | SPIGOT-1549 |
md_5 | 7863085a62b | SPIGOT-1721: Handle Enderman.getCarriedMaterial when not carrying. | | SPIGOT-1721 |
md_5 | 6742811d697 | SPIGOT-1666: Expand Team option API | | SPIGOT-1666 |
md_5 | 5a3813d7fe4 | SPIGOT-1608: Add a way to get the hand used in PlayerInteract*Events | | SPIGOT-1608 |
md_5 | 3e3516e3b29 | Treat ShulkerBullet as Projectile | | |
 Melair | 9056e665549 | Enable support of PotionMeta on SPLASH_POTION, LINGERING_POTION and TIPPED_ARROW. | | |
Thinkofname | 31caee5a947 | SPIGOT-1646: Capture the previous location earlier | | SPIGOT-1646 |
md_5 | 23ad72b4c8b | SPIGOT-1683: Arrows are not projectiles | | SPIGOT-1683 |
md_5 | e2c5473e078 | SPIGOT-1679: Shulker bullets are not projectiles. | | SPIGOT-1679 |
md_5 | f5f09ffcbfb | SPIGOT-1634: Fix cancelling ServerCommandEvent | | SPIGOT-1634 |
md_5 | 78578ca517b | SPIGOT-1676: Launch projectiles with velocity | | SPIGOT-1676 |
md_5 | 4d3af9c19bf | SPIGOT-1677: Fix attributes with only single underscore. | | SPIGOT-1677 |
md_5 | 92439bb2317 | SPIGOT-1674: Enable crafting of tipped arrows. | | SPIGOT-1674 |
Thinkofname | ed8cef0edb8 | SPIGOT-1646: Don't move the player until after the PlayerMoveEvent completes | | SPIGOT-1646 |
Thinkofname | 189652175c4 | SPIGOT-1632: Save secondary data for nether/end | | SPIGOT-1632 |
Thinkofname | 978ceb7a3e8 | SPIGOT-1632: Fix a bug in EnderDragonBattle which prevented respawning the dragon in some cases | | SPIGOT-1632 |
Thinkofname | 8447e4f3edb | SPIGOT-1659: Fix a mistake in ChunkProviderServer that sometimes caused recursive chunk loads | | SPIGOT-1659 |
Thinkofname | 6f032cdc8ab | Fix a mistake in EntityEnderPearl causing a double teleport | | |
Thinkofname | 3f534696a32 | SPIGOT-1644: Fire PlayerTeleportEvent with reason END_GATEWAY for end gateways | | SPIGOT-1644 |
Thinkofname | bad994e7243 | Don't round the location of playSound to the center of a block | | |
Thinkofname | 09b4549a29b | SPIGOT-1640: Fix spawning particles that use MaterialData | | SPIGOT-1640 |
md_5 | a5d4a933bce | SPIGOT-1583: Fix scoreboard crash.Might not function 100%, but doesn't crash! | | SPIGOT-1583 |