md_5 | bcedf28a1b6Update to Minecraft 1.19.4 | Update to Minecraft 1.19.4 | | |
md_5 | bd29f413c1c | Remove outdated build delay. | | |
md_5 | f150cfbd456 | SPIGOT-7220: TNT drop rate isn't 100% | | SPIGOT-7220 |
md_5 | e8010dc93fb | #1136: Add API to allow entities to be invisible by defaultDesigned to make creating per-player entities easier | | |
 James Peters | 2cdd5883b52 | #1119: Add HopperInventorySearchEvent to select the Inventory that the Hopper pulls/pushes into | | |
 Parker Hawke | 20ce9eaffb7 | #1141: Add methods to edit custom chat completions | | |
 Lauriichan | 7b11c7ba0fc | SPIGOT-7261: Add AsyncStructureSpawnEvent | | SPIGOT-7261 |
 jjm_223 | b56426c7aeb | #1142: Calculate explosion damage separately for each affected EntityComplexPartCurrently the Ender Dragon takes roughly 3x the explosion damage when compared to vanilla 1.19.3. This is caused by a single damage value being calculated for the EntityEnderDragon and then being uniformly applied to every EntityComplexPart belonging to that dragon.
This is resolved by restoring the vanilla behavior of calculating explosion damage separately for each EntityComplexPart. | | |
 Parker Hawke | fbe3410afaf | #1140: Add a method to send multiple equipment changes | | |
md_5 | 8434e3633d9 | Add support for Java 20 | | |
md_5 | c998a1d23a4 | Increase outdated build delay | | |
 Doc | 4a929b5d661 | SPIGOT-7267: Fix EntityType#getTranslationKey() and add unit test | | SPIGOT-7267 |
 blablubbabc | 086d8dc8ac9 | SPIGOT-7268: CraftMetaPotion reads ShowParticles and ShowIcon properties incorrectly | | SPIGOT-7268 |
md_5 | 8ba5e399eca | SPIGOT-7262: Improve visibility API | | SPIGOT-7262 |
md_5 | a50301aa51a | Fix issues with fluid tag conversion and fluid #isTagged | | |
 Parker Hawke | 6aeb5e4c353 | SPIGOT-4569: Implement more BlockData API | | SPIGOT-4569 |
 mfnalex | 7dbf862c26e | #1131: Added methods to get translation keys for materials, itemstacks and more | | |
 FreeSoccerHDX | 7167588b14d | #1117: Add new BiomeParameterPoint passed to BiomeProvider#getBiome | | |
 FreeSoccerHDX | 7c44152eba0 | SPIGOT-7224: Add events for brewing stands and campfires starting their actions | | SPIGOT-7224 |
md_5 | 39462a89859 | SPIGOT-7248: Bone mealing grass triggers piston block update detector | | SPIGOT-7248 |
 FreeSoccerHDX | 7cd3244d3d7 | SPIGOT-7239: Getter/setter for player's enchantment seed | | SPIGOT-7239 |
md_5 | 384f31d8189 | SPIGOT-7214: Add CraftChunk and CraftChunkSnapshot contains biome method | | SPIGOT-7214 |
md_5 | 1b706879601 | SPIGOT-7244: Unable to open Shulker Inventory when more than 8 blocks away | | SPIGOT-7244 |
 Gero Cammans | b1059a82ea8 | #1134: Add custom sound parameter option for playSound with entity as source | | |
md_5 | ab8ace68577 | SPIGOT-7236: Bone meal doesn't increase use statistic | | SPIGOT-7236 |
md_5 | 7dcb59b8e27 | Avoid switch on material in previous commitSee 9c7e65d17a4ed6c3d73935027bdbb9ea9d3c2965 for further info | | |
 byquanton | 4768df7366e | SPIGOT-7034: Add methods for set/get instrument in Goat Horn | | SPIGOT-7034 |
 Parker Hawke | 941d7e954fb | SPIGOT-7225: FireworkMeta#getPower() can throw a NullPointerException for items with no power set | | SPIGOT-7225 |
 Shane Bee | 397c5557cac | SPIGOT-7221: Add Enemy (Entity) interface | | SPIGOT-7221 |
 jjm_223 | a0d3dfaf284 | #1129: Fix state corruption while handling explosion damage on EntityComplexPartAn IllegalStateException may occur when an entity is damaged by fire or a potion effect immediately after an EntityComplexPart is damaged by an explosion.
This is fixed by performing the instanceof EntityComplexPart check prior to setting CraftEventFactory.entityDamage. | | |
md_5 | d67777f8baf | SPIGOT-7218: Player's outer layer of skin disappears after respawn | | SPIGOT-7218 |
 Doc | ae8f5fc0259 | #1125: Add support for NoteBlock sounds in Skulls | | |
md_5 | 0a1c89e4b1c | SPIGOT-7212: Allow negative firework power | | SPIGOT-7212 |
md_5 | 909a246afc9 | SPIGOT-7211: generateTree() with Consumer or Predicate is broken | | SPIGOT-7211 |
md_5 | c810c3ed878 | Increase outdated build delay | | |
md_5 | 2ed3e3e6e50 | SPIGOT-7210: Fix structures in custom worlds | | SPIGOT-7210 |
md_5 | 585ab5ba1b5 | SPIGOT-7207: WorldCreator creates world as super flat even when normal is specified | | SPIGOT-7207 |
 FreeSoccerHDX | ab1586c2fb5 | #1123: Add PrepareGrindstoneEvent | | |
md_5 | b402824ea7c | SPIGOT-7204: Add TeleportCause#DISMOUNT | | SPIGOT-7204 |
 Doc | 06a6a10126a | #1121: Add unit test for spawn egg meta | | |
 Doc | c18668be3d7 | SPIGOT-7192: Call PlayerInteractEvent with Action.LEFT_CLICK_AIR if the entity interacted is hidden to the player | | SPIGOT-7192 |
md_5 | 47124f63915 | Increase outdated build delay | | |
md_5 | 645993470fa | SPIGOT-7201: Spawner ItemMeta not working as expected | | SPIGOT-7201 |
md_5 | 4fa7e1c31d8 | SPIGOT-7200: CreatureSpawnEvent is called with incorrect SpawnReason when using spawn eggs | | SPIGOT-7200 |
md_5 | eecb4c0dc06 | SPIGOT-7196: Exception loading alternate worlds | | SPIGOT-7196 |
md_5 | 0ff61e8fab2 | SPIGOT-7198: Add Sittable interface to Camel | | SPIGOT-7198 |
 Doc | 676441aac30 | #1121: Handle additional missing SpawnEggs in MetaSpawnEgg | | |
Doc | e85280e0200 | Handle missing SpawnEggs in MetaSpawnEgg | | |
md_5 | 19e6be0209d | Update to Minecraft 1.19.3 | | |
md_5 | 19df23aa2e8 | Remove outdated build delay. | | |