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  1. Spigot
  2. SPIGOT-7224

Make Brewing and Campfire API better


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • None
    • None

    • None
    • Yes

      Hello, I have recently made a Plugin on Spigot to speed up Furnaces, now I got a Message Request to create the same thing for Brewing Stands.

      I have realized that the Brewing API (same for Campfire API) in Spigot is not really that good, for example:

      • There is no BrewingStartEvent (where a Furnace has a FurnaceStartSmeltEvent) to modify the burn time. This event seems like a must to modify brewing time, as i have tried variations to modify brewing time, but none really worked so you must access NMS.
      • There is no CampfireStartEvent (where a Furnace has FurnaceStartSmeltEvent) to modify the burn time. As above mentioned, the event seems like a must to access the campfire burn time. Where again you would have to use NMS to modify Campfire Burn time.

      (The same behaviour can be counted for Campfires, as there is no Start Event/ There is not even one Event, just the Block States/Data Type and their Recipes){}

            Unassigned Unassigned
            moricexy morice
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