- SPIGOT-6406Gravitity-Constant in EntityLiving
- SPIGOT-5658Allow multiple api-versions to be listed in plugin.yml
- SPIGOT-6401FurnaceExtractEvent does not fire after player right clicks furnace output
- SPIGOT-6386No simple method to get server TPS
- SPIGOT-6383Chunk Memory Leak
- SPIGOT-6382Falling block in an end portal dissapears
- SPIGOT-6262Offline player persistent data storage
- SPIGOT-6375Provide static factory from PermissibleBase
- SPIGOT-6336Different player location in PlayerLoginEvent and PlayerSpawnLocationEvent
- SPIGOT-6355#setItemOnCursor duplication / not updating inventory
- SPIGOT-6353Allow plugins to modify the server's max health during runtime
- SPIGOT-6351Placing fluids out of reach
- SPIGOT-6346InventoryClickEvent setCancelled(true) results in duping the item
- SPIGOT-6348World#isChunkGenerated false positives
- SPIGOT-6340AreaEffectCloud getSource() returns null if shooter is dispenser
- SPIGOT-6337Endermen lose retaliation AI when attacked with universalAnger gamerule set
- SPIGOT-6333CraftItemMeta comparing bad
- SPIGOT-6328PlayerRiptideEvent not fired when switching trident slot
- SPIGOT-6329More lenient deserialization of values for the PersistentDataContainer
- SPIGOT-6323Plugin Identifiable Brigadier Commands
- SPIGOT-6325Mob Sound Event and other Sounds
- SPIGOT-6321Throwing items disappear | Destroyed blocks disappear | Abnormal water status
- SPIGOT-6314Player getGameMode() can return null but is defined as @NotNull
- SPIGOT-6272Allow for custom RecipeChoice predicates
- SPIGOT-6298Plugin objects are constructed out of order prior to dependency resolution
- SPIGOT-6310Entity#setCustomName limit cutting off colors
- SPIGOT-6265permissions for plugin/version commands
- SPIGOT-6302Can spawnEntity() return a null? JavaDoc vs @NotNull
- SPIGOT-6263Vanilla world migrator moves end and nether for world in subdirectory to the wrong folder
- SPIGOT-6285ChatPaginator#wordWrap throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
- SPIGOT-6258No way to associate Projectile and ItemStack from dispenser
- SPIGOT-6279Ability to listen to org.bukkit.event.Event (so all events) with a Listener
- SPIGOT-6081Fetch the current Bed/respawn anchor location of a player.
- SPIGOT-6248Create world without writing any files
- SPIGOT-6243SmithingRecipe ignores ItemMeta
- SPIGOT-6140ScoreChangedEvent
- SPIGOT-6232Doubly efficient iron golem farm due to jet lags in worlds
- SPIGOT-3974EntityTeleportEvent must fire when any entity passes through End GateWay block; Add cause to the EntityTeleportEvent
- SPIGOT-6221Missing API: Splash Water Bottles do not throw PotionSplashEvent.
- SPIGOT-620913 plugins break the softdepend load order.
- SPIGOT-6199LootContext#build() still non-functional
- SPIGOT-6195"/execute run" allows for vanilla commands that aren't supposed to work in commands blocks to work
- SPIGOT-6191Server Crash caused by LightEngine in 1.16.3
- SPIGOT-2560PlayerBucketEmptyEvent's setItemStack() method has no effect
- SPIGOT-6187Teleporting a Vehicle then adding Passengers
- SPIGOT-6174Add jukebox interact event
- SPIGOT-5219Server should respond to SIGTERM by gracefully shutting down.
- SPIGOT-6181Dimension NBT is not Updated Correctly
- SPIGOT-5964ItemStacks created pre Spigot 1.16 don't match ItemStacks created in Spigot 1.16
- SPIGOT-6045Mushroom Blocks ignore cancellation of physics update when redstone is involved
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