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  1. Spigot
  2. SPIGOT-6346

InventoryClickEvent setCancelled(true) results in duping the item


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • None
    • Windows 10 Pro

      Java 8

      CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-138d451-e5cb519 (MC: 1.16.5) (Implementing API version 1.16.5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

    • 1.16.x
    • Yes

      I'm creating a custom potions plugin.

      I have a potion with custom model data that if you consume, it sends a packet to all players (PacketPlayOutEntityEquipment, helmet to dragon head).

      First, if you take it off, it should disappear, because it's not supposed to be in the inventory, it's just a packet. However, the player is able to take it off, it doesn't disappear (probably an NMS bug).

      The Spigot bug is: when the InventoryClickEvent gets canceled, it dupes the item (stays in the slot, but gets added to the cursor). This only happens in creative mode.

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            NooTChhYT NooTChhYT
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