[SPIGOT-3874] Entities stay activated. Created: 28/Mar/18  Updated: 30/Mar/18  Resolved: 29/Mar/18

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: Miklos Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None

SuSE leap 42.3

openjdk version "1.8.0_161"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.7.0) (build 1.8.0_161-b12 suse-21.1-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.161-b12, mixed mode)

Attachments: PNG File minecraft_skyblock_chunks-month.png     PNG File minecraft_survival_mobs-month.png    


since commit, 7e94e65a1ca (SPIGOT-3845) more entities remain activaded  on a empty server.  

With players online, there is also a above normal increase of active entities, which results in a decline of server preformance
When switching back to a older build (commit 3a482bdd400) everthing is running fine again.

Tested with spigot commit 3aT482bdd400 (27-FEB) agains 7e94e65a1ca (7-MRT) and later (using only plugin essentials OR clearlag to check entities !! )

It would be nice if someone can confirm this strange behavor.


Comment by PseudoKnight [ 30/Mar/18 ]

On my server we have about 1800-2000 extra entities and around 570 extra chunks loaded at any given time due to this, even if they're slow ticked. It looks like Miklos has around 1000 extra entities and 300 extra chunks, but about 3000 extra hoppers.

The config option will allow me to continue using the latest builds, thanks.

Comment by PseudoKnight [ 30/Mar/18 ]

The severity seems to depend on how many persistent villages you have in your worlds defined in villages.dat, not directly the number of villagers. Even on a fresh start with no players on, village chunks are loaded up and now kept loaded somehow due to this change. It just so happens that these chunks can have a lot of villagers, hoppers and iron golems. With large worlds with tons of villages, this can get bad. My server survives, but it does stress it. To reproduce you probably need to have had villages generated and populated in villages.dat.

Comment by md_5 [ 29/Mar/18 ]

An config option to change this has been added, but it is not enabled by default obviously because it causes bugs and breaks Vanilla behaviour. I would suggest your server has serious issues if the amount of villagers present causes it to crash.

Comment by Miklos [ 29/Mar/18 ]

Your right,

I have just build the latest spigot version without fix SPIGOT-3846: Still tick villager functions when inactive and no more decline of server preformance

For a small server, who allow more mobs/hoppers/enz its just a  NO NO.
As you can see, it also  have a impact on hoppers.
And even as a semi-ticked entities ,in our case, it gave us extreme decline of server preformance (tps 10) witch evenually lead to a crash.

Comment by md_5 [ 28/Mar/18 ]

The only change that has been made between the two dates you have listed is that villagers are still semi-ticked to fix SPIGOT-3846.
There have been no changes to the amount of "active entities", and the commit you linked simply changes respawn logic.
You can review the change to villagers here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/stash/projects/SPIGOT/repos/spigot/commits/c3093efafc5eab1ea62a8a57aa47f28f5ea85d03 but it's not a bug.

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