Interface FireworkMeta

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, ItemMeta, PersistentDataHolder

public interface FireworkMeta extends ItemMeta
Represents a Material.FIREWORK_ROCKET and its effects.
  • Method Details

    • addEffect

      void addEffect(@NotNull FireworkEffect effect) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Add another effect to this firework.
      effect - The firework effect to add
      IllegalArgumentException - If effect is null
    • addEffects

      void addEffects(@NotNull FireworkEffect... effects) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Add several effects to this firework.
      effects - The firework effects to add
      IllegalArgumentException - If effects is null
      IllegalArgumentException - If any effect is null (may be thrown after changes have occurred)
    • addEffects

      void addEffects(@NotNull Iterable<FireworkEffect> effects) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Add several firework effects to this firework.
      effects - An iterable object whose iterator yields the desired firework effects
      IllegalArgumentException - If effects is null
      IllegalArgumentException - If any effect is null (may be thrown after changes have occurred)
    • getEffects

      @NotNull List<FireworkEffect> getEffects()
      Get the effects in this firework.
      An immutable list of the firework effects
    • getEffectsSize

      int getEffectsSize()
      Get the number of effects in this firework.
      The number of effects
    • removeEffect

      void removeEffect(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Remove an effect from this firework.
      index - The index of the effect to remove
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If index < 0 or index > getEffectsSize()
    • clearEffects

      void clearEffects()
      Remove all effects from this firework.
    • hasEffects

      boolean hasEffects()
      Get whether this firework has any effects.
      true if it has effects, false if there are no effects
    • hasPower

      boolean hasPower()
      Get whether this firework has power set by component.
      true if it has power set, false if there are no power set
    • getPower

      int getPower()
      Gets the approximate height the firework will fly.
      Plugins should check that hasPower() returns true before calling this method.
      approximate flight height of the firework.
      See Also:
    • setPower

      void setPower(int power) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Sets the approximate power of the firework. Each level of power is half a second of flight time.
      power - the power of the firework, from 0-255
      IllegalArgumentException - if power<0 or power>255
    • clone

      @NotNull FireworkMeta clone()
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ItemMeta