Class MerchantRecipe

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MerchantRecipe extends Object implements Recipe
Represents a merchant's trade.

Trades can take one or two ingredients, and provide one result. The ingredients' ItemStack amounts are respected in the trade.

A trade has a maximum number of uses. A Villager may periodically replenish its trades by resetting the uses of its merchant recipes to 0, allowing them to be used again.

A trade may or may not reward experience for being completed.

During trades, the MerchantRecipe dynamically adjusts the amount of its first ingredient based on the following criteria:

  • Demand: This value is periodically updated by the villager that owns this merchant recipe based on how often the recipe has been used since it has been last restocked in relation to its maximum uses. The amount by which the demand influences the amount of the first ingredient is scaled by the recipe's price multiplier, and can never be below zero.
  • Special price: This value is dynamically updated whenever a player starts and stops trading with a villager that owns this merchant recipe. It is based on the player's individual reputation with the villager, and the player's currently active status effects (see PotionEffectType.HERO_OF_THE_VILLAGE). The influence of the player's reputation on the special price is scaled by the recipe's price multiplier.
The adjusted amount of the first ingredient is calculated by adding up the original amount of the first ingredient, the demand scaled by the recipe's price multiplier and truncated to the next lowest integer value greater than or equal to 0, and the special price, and then constraining the resulting value between 1 and the item stack's maximum stack size.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • MerchantRecipe Link icon

      public MerchantRecipe(@NotNull ItemStack result, int maxUses)
    • MerchantRecipe Link icon

      public MerchantRecipe(@NotNull ItemStack result, int uses, int maxUses, boolean experienceReward)
    • MerchantRecipe Link icon

      public MerchantRecipe(@NotNull ItemStack result, int uses, int maxUses, boolean experienceReward, int villagerExperience, float priceMultiplier)
    • MerchantRecipe Link icon

      public MerchantRecipe(@NotNull ItemStack result, int uses, int maxUses, boolean experienceReward, int villagerExperience, float priceMultiplier, int demand, int specialPrice)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getResult Link icon

      @NotNull public ItemStack getResult()
      Description copied from interface: Recipe
      Get the result of this recipe.
      Specified by:
      getResult in interface Recipe
      The result stack
    • addIngredient Link icon

      public void addIngredient(@NotNull ItemStack item)
    • removeIngredient Link icon

      public void removeIngredient(int index)
    • setIngredients Link icon

      public void setIngredients(@NotNull List<ItemStack> ingredients)
    • getIngredients Link icon

      @NotNull public List<ItemStack> getIngredients()
    • getAdjustedIngredient1 Link icon

      @Nullable public ItemStack getAdjustedIngredient1()
      Gets the adjusted first ingredient.
      the adjusted first ingredient, or null if this recipe has no ingredients
      See Also:
    • adjust Link icon

      public void adjust(@Nullable ItemStack itemStack)
      Modifies the amount of the given ItemStack in the same way as MerchantRecipe dynamically adjusts the amount of the first ingredient during trading.
      This is calculated by adding up the original amount of the item, the demand scaled by the recipe's price multiplier and truncated to the next lowest integer value greater than or equal to 0, and the special price, and then constraining the resulting value between 1 and the ItemStack's maximum stack size.
      itemStack - the item to adjust
    • getDemand Link icon

      public int getDemand()
      Get the demand for this trade.
      the demand
    • setDemand Link icon

      public void setDemand(int demand)
      Set the demand for this trade.
      demand - the new demand
    • getSpecialPrice Link icon

      public int getSpecialPrice()
      Get the special price for this trade.
      special price value
    • setSpecialPrice Link icon

      public void setSpecialPrice(int specialPrice)
      Set the special price for this trade.
      specialPrice - special price value
    • getUses Link icon

      public int getUses()
      Get the number of times this trade has been used.
      the number of uses
    • setUses Link icon

      public void setUses(int uses)
      Set the number of times this trade has been used.
      uses - the number of uses
    • getMaxUses Link icon

      public int getMaxUses()
      Get the maximum number of uses this trade has.
      the maximum number of uses
    • setMaxUses Link icon

      public void setMaxUses(int maxUses)
      Set the maximum number of uses this trade has.
      maxUses - the maximum number of time this trade can be used
    • hasExperienceReward Link icon

      public boolean hasExperienceReward()
      Whether to reward experience to the player for the trade.
      whether to reward experience to the player for completing this trade
    • setExperienceReward Link icon

      public void setExperienceReward(boolean flag)
      Set whether to reward experience to the player for the trade.
      flag - whether to reward experience to the player for completing this trade
    • getVillagerExperience Link icon

      public int getVillagerExperience()
      Gets the amount of experience the villager earns from this trade.
      villager experience
    • setVillagerExperience Link icon

      public void setVillagerExperience(int villagerExperience)
      Sets the amount of experience the villager earns from this trade.
      villagerExperience - new experience amount
    • getPriceMultiplier Link icon

      public float getPriceMultiplier()
      Gets the price multiplier for the cost of this trade.
      price multiplier
    • setPriceMultiplier Link icon

      public void setPriceMultiplier(float priceMultiplier)
      Sets the price multiplier for the cost of this trade.
      priceMultiplier - new price multiplier