Class ItemStack

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, Translatable

public class ItemStack extends Object implements Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, Translatable
Represents a stack of items.

IMPORTANT: An ItemStack is only designed to contain items. Do not use this class to encapsulate Materials for which Material.isItem() returns false.

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ItemStack Link icon

      protected ItemStack()
    • ItemStack Link icon

      public ItemStack(@NotNull Material type)
      Defaults stack size to 1, with no extra data.

      IMPORTANT: An ItemStack is only designed to contain items. Do not use this class to encapsulate Materials for which Material.isItem() returns false.

      type - item material
    • ItemStack Link icon

      public ItemStack(@NotNull Material type, int amount)
      An item stack with no extra data.

      IMPORTANT: An ItemStack is only designed to contain items. Do not use this class to encapsulate Materials for which Material.isItem() returns false.

      type - item material
      amount - stack size
    • ItemStack Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.20.5") public ItemStack(@NotNull Material type, int amount, short damage)
      An item stack with the specified damage / durability
      type - item material
      amount - stack size
      damage - durability / damage
    • ItemStack Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.4.5") public ItemStack(@NotNull Material type, int amount, short damage, @Nullable Byte data)
      this method uses an ambiguous data byte object
      type - the type
      amount - the amount in the stack
      damage - the damage value of the item
      data - the data value or null
    • ItemStack Link icon

      public ItemStack(@NotNull ItemStack stack) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a new item stack derived from the specified stack
      stack - the stack to copy
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified stack is null or returns an item meta not created by the item factory
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getType Link icon

      @NotNull public Material getType()
      Gets the type of this item
      Type of the items in this stack
    • setType Link icon

      public void setType(@NotNull Material type)
      Sets the type of this item

      Note that in doing so you will reset the MaterialData for this stack.

      IMPORTANT: An ItemStack is only designed to contain items. Do not use this class to encapsulate Materials for which Material.isItem() returns false.

      type - New type to set the items in this stack to
    • getAmount Link icon

      public int getAmount()
      Gets the amount of items in this stack
      Amount of items in this stack
    • setAmount Link icon

      public void setAmount(int amount)
      Sets the amount of items in this stack
      amount - New amount of items in this stack
    • getData Link icon

      @Nullable public MaterialData getData()
      Gets the MaterialData for this stack of items
      MaterialData for this item
    • setData Link icon

      public void setData(@Nullable MaterialData data)
      Sets the MaterialData for this stack of items
      data - New MaterialData for this item
    • setDurability Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.13") public void setDurability(short durability)
      durability is now part of ItemMeta. To avoid confusion and misuse, getItemMeta(), setItemMeta(ItemMeta) and Damageable.setDamage(int) should be used instead. This is because any call to this method will be overwritten by subsequent setting of ItemMeta which was created before this call.
      Sets the durability of this item
      durability - Durability of this item
    • getDurability Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.13") public short getDurability()
      Gets the durability of this item
      Durability of this item
    • getMaxStackSize Link icon

      public int getMaxStackSize()
      Get the maximum stack size for this item. If this item has a max stack size component (ItemMeta.hasMaxStackSize()), the value of that component will be returned. Otherwise, this item's Material's default maximum stack size will be returned instead.
      The maximum you can stack this item to.
    • toString Link icon

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals Link icon

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • isSimilar Link icon

      public boolean isSimilar(@Nullable ItemStack stack)
      This method is the same as equals, but does not consider stack size (amount).
      stack - the item stack to compare to
      true if the two stacks are equal, ignoring the amount
    • clone Link icon

      @NotNull public ItemStack clone()
      clone in class Object
    • hashCode Link icon

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • containsEnchantment Link icon

      public boolean containsEnchantment(@NotNull Enchantment ench)
      Checks if this ItemStack contains the given Enchantment
      ench - Enchantment to test
      True if this has the given enchantment
    • getEnchantmentLevel Link icon

      public int getEnchantmentLevel(@NotNull Enchantment ench)
      Gets the level of the specified enchantment on this item stack
      ench - Enchantment to check
      Level of the enchantment, or 0
    • getEnchantments Link icon

      @NotNull public Map<Enchantment,Integer> getEnchantments()
      Gets a map containing all enchantments and their levels on this item.
      Map of enchantments.
    • addEnchantments Link icon

      public void addEnchantments(@NotNull Map<Enchantment,Integer> enchantments)
      Adds the specified enchantments to this item stack.

      This method is the same as calling addEnchantment(org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment, int) for each element of the map.

      enchantments - Enchantments to add
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified enchantments is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if any specific enchantment or level is null. Warning: Some enchantments may be added before this exception is thrown.
    • addEnchantment Link icon

      public void addEnchantment(@NotNull Enchantment ench, int level)
      Adds the specified Enchantment to this item stack.

      If this item stack already contained the given enchantment (at any level), it will be replaced.

      ench - Enchantment to add
      level - Level of the enchantment
      IllegalArgumentException - if enchantment null, or enchantment is not applicable
    • addUnsafeEnchantments Link icon

      public void addUnsafeEnchantments(@NotNull Map<Enchantment,Integer> enchantments)
      Adds the specified enchantments to this item stack in an unsafe manner.

      This method is the same as calling addUnsafeEnchantment(org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment, int) for each element of the map.

      enchantments - Enchantments to add
    • addUnsafeEnchantment Link icon

      public void addUnsafeEnchantment(@NotNull Enchantment ench, int level)
      Adds the specified Enchantment to this item stack.

      If this item stack already contained the given enchantment (at any level), it will be replaced.

      This method is unsafe and will ignore level restrictions or item type. Use at your own discretion.

      ench - Enchantment to add
      level - Level of the enchantment
    • removeEnchantment Link icon

      public int removeEnchantment(@NotNull Enchantment ench)
      Removes the specified Enchantment if it exists on this ItemStack
      ench - Enchantment to remove
      Previous level, or 0
    • removeEnchantments Link icon

      public void removeEnchantments()
      Removes all enchantments on this ItemStack.
    • serialize Link icon

      @NotNull public Map<String,Object> serialize()
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationSerializable
      Creates a Map representation of this class.

      This class must provide a method to restore this class, as defined in the ConfigurationSerializable interface javadocs.

      Specified by:
      serialize in interface ConfigurationSerializable
      Map containing the current state of this class
    • deserialize Link icon

      @NotNull public static ItemStack deserialize(@NotNull Map<String,Object> args)
      Required method for configuration serialization
      args - map to deserialize
      deserialized item stack
      See Also:
    • getItemMeta Link icon

      @Nullable public ItemMeta getItemMeta()
      Get a copy of this ItemStack's ItemMeta.
      a copy of the current ItemStack's ItemData
    • hasItemMeta Link icon

      public boolean hasItemMeta()
      Checks to see if any meta data has been defined.
      Returns true if some meta data has been set for this item
    • setItemMeta Link icon

      public boolean setItemMeta(@Nullable ItemMeta itemMeta)
      Set the ItemMeta of this ItemStack.
      itemMeta - new ItemMeta, or null to indicate meta data be cleared.
      True if successfully applied ItemMeta, see ItemFactory.isApplicable(ItemMeta, ItemStack)
      IllegalArgumentException - if the item meta was not created by the ItemFactory
    • getTranslationKey Link icon

      @NotNull public String getTranslationKey()
      Description copied from interface: Translatable
      Get the translation key, suitable for use in a translation component.
      Specified by:
      getTranslationKey in interface Translatable
      the translation key