Interface Vex

All Superinterfaces:
Attributable, CommandSender, Creature, Damageable, Enemy, Entity, LivingEntity, Lootable, Metadatable, Mob, Monster, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, ProjectileSource, ServerOperator

public interface Vex extends Monster
Represents a Vex.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • isCharging Link icon

      boolean isCharging()
      Gets the charging state of this entity. When this entity is charging it will having a glowing red texture.
      charging state
    • setCharging Link icon

      void setCharging(boolean charging)
      Sets the charging state of this entity. When this entity is charging it will having a glowing red texture.
      charging - new state
    • getBound Link icon

      @Nullable Location getBound()
      Gets the bound of this entity. An idle vex will navigate a 15x11x15 area centered around its bound location. When summoned by an Evoker, this location will be set to that of the summoner.
      Location of the bound or null if not set
    • setBound Link icon

      void setBound(@Nullable Location location)
      Sets the bound of this entity. An idle vex will navigate a 15x11x15 area centered around its bound location. When summoned by an Evoker, this location will be set to that of the summoner.
      location - Location of the bound or null to clear
    • getLifeTicks Link icon

      int getLifeTicks()
      Gets the remaining lifespan of this entity.
      life in ticks
    • setLifeTicks Link icon

      void setLifeTicks(int lifeTicks)
      Sets the remaining lifespan of this entity.
      lifeTicks - life in ticks, or negative for unlimited lifepan
    • hasLimitedLife Link icon

      boolean hasLimitedLife()
      Gets if the entity has a limited life.
      true if the entity has limited life