Interface Tameable

All Superinterfaces:
Ageable, Animals, Attributable, Breedable, CommandSender, Creature, Damageable, Entity, LivingEntity, Lootable, Metadatable, Mob, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, ProjectileSource, ServerOperator
All Known Subinterfaces:
AbstractHorse, Camel, Cat, ChestedHorse, Donkey, Horse, Llama, Mule, Parrot, SkeletonHorse, TraderLlama, Wolf, ZombieHorse

public interface Tameable extends Animals
  • Method Details Link icon

    • isTamed Link icon

      boolean isTamed()
      Check if this is tamed

      If something is tamed then a player can not tame it through normal methods, even if it does not belong to anyone in particular.

      true if this has been tamed
    • setTamed Link icon

      void setTamed(boolean tame)
      Sets if this has been tamed. Not necessary if the method setOwner has been used, as it tames automatically.

      If something is tamed then a player can not tame it through normal methods, even if it does not belong to anyone in particular.

      tame - true if tame
    • getOwner Link icon

      @Nullable AnimalTamer getOwner()
      Gets the current owning AnimalTamer
      the owning AnimalTamer, or null if not owned
    • setOwner Link icon

      void setOwner(@Nullable AnimalTamer tamer)
      Set this to be owned by given AnimalTamer.

      If the owner is not null, this will be tamed and will have any current path it is following removed. If the owner is set to null, this will be untamed, and the current owner removed.

      tamer - the AnimalTamer who should own this