Class Command

Direct Known Subclasses:
BukkitCommand, FormattedCommandAlias, MultipleCommandAlias, PluginCommand

public abstract class Command extends Object
Represents a Command, which executes various tasks upon user input
  • Field Details Link icon

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • Command Link icon

      protected Command(@NotNull String name)
    • Command Link icon

      protected Command(@NotNull String name, @NotNull String description, @NotNull String usageMessage, @NotNull List<String> aliases)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • execute Link icon

      public abstract boolean execute(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull String commandLabel, @NotNull String[] args)
      Executes the command, returning its success
      sender - Source object which is executing this command
      commandLabel - The alias of the command used
      args - All arguments passed to the command, split via ' '
      true if the command was successful, otherwise false
    • tabComplete Link icon

      @NotNull public List<String> tabComplete(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull String alias, @NotNull String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Executed on tab completion for this command, returning a list of options the player can tab through.
      sender - Source object which is executing this command
      alias - the alias being used
      args - All arguments passed to the command, split via ' '
      a list of tab-completions for the specified arguments. This will never be null. List may be immutable.
      IllegalArgumentException - if sender, alias, or args is null
    • tabComplete Link icon

      @NotNull public List<String> tabComplete(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull String alias, @NotNull String[] args, @Nullable Location location) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Executed on tab completion for this command, returning a list of options the player can tab through.
      sender - Source object which is executing this command
      alias - the alias being used
      args - All arguments passed to the command, split via ' '
      location - The position looked at by the sender, or null if none
      a list of tab-completions for the specified arguments. This will never be null. List may be immutable.
      IllegalArgumentException - if sender, alias, or args is null
    • getName Link icon

      @NotNull public String getName()
      Returns the name of this command
      Name of this command
    • setName Link icon

      public boolean setName(@NotNull String name)
      Sets the name of this command.

      May only be used before registering the command. Will return true if the new name is set, and false if the command has already been registered.

      name - New command name
      returns true if the name change happened instantly or false if the command was already registered
    • getPermission Link icon

      @Nullable public String getPermission()
      Gets the permission required by users to be able to perform this command
      Permission name, or null if none
    • setPermission Link icon

      public void setPermission(@Nullable String permission)
      Sets the permission required by users to be able to perform this command
      permission - Permission name or null
    • testPermission Link icon

      public boolean testPermission(@NotNull CommandSender target)
      Tests the given CommandSender to see if they can perform this command.

      If they do not have permission, they will be informed that they cannot do this.

      target - User to test
      true if they can use it, otherwise false
    • testPermissionSilent Link icon

      public boolean testPermissionSilent(@NotNull CommandSender target)
      Tests the given CommandSender to see if they can perform this command.

      No error is sent to the sender.

      target - User to test
      true if they can use it, otherwise false
    • getLabel Link icon

      @NotNull public String getLabel()
      Returns the label for this command
      Label of this command
    • setLabel Link icon

      public boolean setLabel(@NotNull String name)
      Sets the label of this command.

      May only be used before registering the command. Will return true if the new name is set, and false if the command has already been registered.

      name - The command's name
      returns true if the name change happened instantly or false if the command was already registered
    • register Link icon

      public boolean register(@NotNull CommandMap commandMap)
      Registers this command to a CommandMap. Once called it only allows changes the registered CommandMap
      commandMap - the CommandMap to register this command to
      true if the registration was successful (the current registered CommandMap was the passed CommandMap or null) false otherwise
    • unregister Link icon

      public boolean unregister(@NotNull CommandMap commandMap)
      Unregisters this command from the passed CommandMap applying any outstanding changes
      commandMap - the CommandMap to unregister
      true if the unregistration was successful (the current registered CommandMap was the passed CommandMap or null) false otherwise
    • isRegistered Link icon

      public boolean isRegistered()
      Returns the current registered state of this command
      true if this command is currently registered false otherwise
    • getAliases Link icon

      @NotNull public List<String> getAliases()
      Returns a list of active aliases of this command
      List of aliases
    • getPermissionMessage Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.20.4") @Nullable public String getPermissionMessage()
      permission messages have not worked for player-executed commands since 1.13 as clients without permission to execute a command are unaware of its existence and therefore will not send an unknown command execution to the server. This message will only ever be shown to consoles or when this command is executed with Bukkit.dispatchCommand(CommandSender, String).
      Returns a message to be displayed on a failed permission check for this command
      Permission check failed message
    • getDescription Link icon

      @NotNull public String getDescription()
      Gets a brief description of this command
      Description of this command
    • getUsage Link icon

      @NotNull public String getUsage()
      Gets an example usage of this command
      One or more example usages
    • setAliases Link icon

      @NotNull public Command setAliases(@NotNull List<String> aliases)
      Sets the list of aliases to request on registration for this command. This is not effective outside of defining aliases in the PluginDescriptionFile.getCommands() (under the `aliases' node) is equivalent to this method.
      aliases - aliases to register to this command
      this command object, for chaining
    • setDescription Link icon

      @NotNull public Command setDescription(@NotNull String description)
      Sets a brief description of this command. Defining a description in the PluginDescriptionFile.getCommands() (under the `description' node) is equivalent to this method.
      description - new command description
      this command object, for chaining
    • setPermissionMessage Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.20.4") @NotNull public Command setPermissionMessage(@Nullable String permissionMessage)
      permission messages have not worked for player-executed commands since 1.13 as clients without permission to execute a command are unaware of its existence and therefore will not send an unknown command execution to the server. This message will only ever be shown to consoles or when this command is executed with Bukkit.dispatchCommand(CommandSender, String).
      Sets the message sent when a permission check fails
      permissionMessage - new permission message, null to indicate default message, or an empty string to indicate no message
      this command object, for chaining
    • setUsage Link icon

      @NotNull public Command setUsage(@NotNull String usage)
      Sets the example usage of this command
      usage - new example usage
      this command object, for chaining
    • broadcastCommandMessage Link icon

      public static void broadcastCommandMessage(@NotNull CommandSender source, @NotNull String message)
    • broadcastCommandMessage Link icon

      public static void broadcastCommandMessage(@NotNull CommandSender source, @NotNull String message, boolean sendToSource)
    • toString Link icon

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object