Interface SkullMeta

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, ItemMeta, PersistentDataHolder

public interface SkullMeta extends ItemMeta
Represents a skull that can have an owner.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getOwner Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.12.1") @Nullable String getOwner()
      Gets the owner of the skull.
      the owner if the skull
    • hasOwner Link icon

      boolean hasOwner()
      Checks to see if the skull has an owner.
      true if the skull has an owner
    • setOwner Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.12.1") boolean setOwner(@Nullable String owner)
      Sets the owner of the skull.
      owner - the new owner of the skull
      true if the owner was successfully set
    • getOwningPlayer Link icon

      @Nullable OfflinePlayer getOwningPlayer()
      Gets the owner of the skull.
      the owner if the skull
    • setOwningPlayer Link icon

      boolean setOwningPlayer(@Nullable OfflinePlayer owner)
      Sets the owner of the skull.

      Plugins should check that hasOwner() returns true before calling this plugin.

      owner - the new owner of the skull
      true if the owner was successfully set
    • getOwnerProfile Link icon

      @Nullable PlayerProfile getOwnerProfile()
      Gets the profile of the player who owns the skull. This player profile may appear as the texture depending on skull type.
      the profile of the owning player
    • setOwnerProfile Link icon

      void setOwnerProfile(@Nullable PlayerProfile profile)
      Sets the profile of the player who owns the skull. This player profile may appear as the texture depending on skull type.

      The profile must contain both a unique id and a skin texture. If either of these is missing, the profile must contain a name by which the server will then attempt to look up the unique id and skin texture.

      profile - the profile of the owning player
      IllegalArgumentException - if the profile does not contain the necessary information
    • setNoteBlockSound Link icon

      void setNoteBlockSound(@Nullable NamespacedKey noteBlockSound)
      Sets the sound to play if the skull is placed on a note block.
      Note: This only works for player heads. For other heads, see Instrument.
      noteBlockSound - the key of the sound to be played, or null
    • getNoteBlockSound Link icon

      @Nullable NamespacedKey getNoteBlockSound()
      Gets the sound to play if the skull is placed on a note block.
      Note: This only works for player heads. For other heads, see Instrument.
      the key of the sound, or null
    • clone Link icon

      @NotNull SkullMeta clone()
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ItemMeta