Interface MapMeta

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, ItemMeta, PersistentDataHolder

public interface MapMeta extends ItemMeta
Represents a map that can be scalable.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • hasMapId Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.13.2") boolean hasMapId()
      These methods are poor API: They rely on the caller to pass in an only an integer property, and have poorly defined implementation behavior if that integer is not a valid map (the current implementation for example will generate a new map with a different ID). The xxxMapView family of methods should be used instead.
      Checks for existence of a map ID number.
      true if this has a map ID number.
      See Also:
    • getMapId Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.13.2") int getMapId()
      These methods are poor API: They rely on the caller to pass in an only an integer property, and have poorly defined implementation behavior if that integer is not a valid map (the current implementation for example will generate a new map with a different ID). The xxxMapView family of methods should be used instead.
      Gets the map ID that is set. This is used to determine what map is displayed.

      Plugins should check that hasMapId() returns true before calling this method.

      the map ID that is set
      See Also:
    • setMapId Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.13.2") void setMapId(int id)
      These methods are poor API: They rely on the caller to pass in an only an integer property, and have poorly defined implementation behavior if that integer is not a valid map (the current implementation for example will generate a new map with a different ID). The xxxMapView family of methods should be used instead.
      Sets the map ID. This is used to determine what map is displayed.
      id - the map id to set
      See Also:
    • hasMapView Link icon

      boolean hasMapView()
      Checks for existence of an associated map.
      true if this item has an associated map
    • getMapView Link icon

      @Nullable MapView getMapView()
      Gets the map view that is associated with this map item.

      Plugins should check that hasMapView() returns true before calling this method.

      the map view, or null if the item hasMapView(), but this map does not exist on the server
    • setMapView Link icon

      void setMapView(MapView map)
      Sets the associated map. This is used to determine what map is displayed.

      The implementation may allow null to clear the associated map, but this is not required and is liable to generate a new (undefined) map when the item is first used.

      map - the map to set
    • isScaling Link icon

      boolean isScaling()
      Checks to see if this map is scaling.
      true if this map is scaling
    • setScaling Link icon

      void setScaling(boolean value)
      Sets if this map is scaling or not.
      value - true to scale
    • hasLocationName Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.19.4") boolean hasLocationName()
      This method does not have the expected effect and is actually an alias for ItemMeta.hasLocalizedName().
      Checks for existence of a location name.
      true if this has a location name
    • getLocationName Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.19.4") @Nullable String getLocationName()
      This method does not have the expected effect and is actually an alias for ItemMeta.getLocalizedName().
      Gets the location name that is set.

      Plugins should check that hasLocationName() returns true before calling this method.

      the location name that is set
    • setLocationName Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="1.19.4") void setLocationName(@Nullable String name)
      This method does not have the expected effect and is actually an alias for ItemMeta.setLocalizedName(String).
      Sets the location name.
      name - the name to set
    • hasColor Link icon

      boolean hasColor()
      Checks for existence of a map color.
      true if this has a custom map color
    • getColor Link icon

      @Nullable Color getColor()
      Gets the map color that is set. A custom map color will alter the display of the map in an inventory slot.

      Plugins should check that hasColor() returns true before calling this method.

      the map color that is set
    • setColor Link icon

      void setColor(@Nullable Color color)
      Sets the map color. A custom map color will alter the display of the map in an inventory slot.
      color - the color to set
    • clone Link icon

      @NotNull MapMeta clone()
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ItemMeta