DerFrZocker authored and md_5 committed dd0a2183007
1162 1162 | - return CompletableFuture.completedFuture((Object) null); |
1163 1163 | + return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); // CraftBukkit - decompile error |
1164 1164 | } |
1165 1165 | } |
1166 1166 | |
1167 1167 | - return CompletableFuture.completedFuture((Object) null); |
1168 1168 | + return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); // CraftBukkit - decompile error |
1169 1169 | } |
1170 1170 | } |
1171 1171 | |
1172 - | |
1172 + | |
1173 1173 | @Override |
1174 1174 | public void handleAnimate(PacketPlayInArmAnimation packetplayinarmanimation) { |
1175 1175 | PlayerConnectionUtils.ensureRunningOnSameThread(packetplayinarmanimation, this, this.player.getLevel()); |
1176 1176 | + if (this.player.isImmobile()) return; // CraftBukkit |
1177 1177 | this.player.resetLastActionTime(); |
1178 1178 | + // CraftBukkit start - Raytrace to look for 'rogue armswings' |
1179 1179 | + float f1 = this.player.getXRot(); |
1180 1180 | + float f2 = this.player.getYRot(); |
1181 1181 | + double d0 = this.player.getX(); |
1182 1182 | + double d1 = this.player.getY() + (double) this.player.getEyeHeight(); |
1183 1183 | + double d2 = this.player.getZ(); |
1184 - | + Vec3D vec3d = new Vec3D(d0, d1, d2); |
1185 - | + |
1186 - | + float f3 = MathHelper.cos(-f2 * 0.017453292F - 3.1415927F); |
1187 - | + float f4 = MathHelper.sin(-f2 * 0.017453292F - 3.1415927F); |
1188 - | + float f5 = -MathHelper.cos(-f1 * 0.017453292F); |
1189 - | + float f6 = MathHelper.sin(-f1 * 0.017453292F); |
1190 - | + float f7 = f4 * f5; |
1191 - | + float f8 = f3 * f5; |
1192 - | + double d3 = player.gameMode.getGameModeForPlayer()== EnumGamemode.CREATIVE ? 5.0D : 4.5D; |
1193 - | + Vec3D vec3d1 = vec3d.add((double) f7 * d3, (double) f6 * d3, (double) f8 * d3); |
1194 - | + MovingObjectPosition movingobjectposition = this.player.level.clip(new RayTrace(vec3d, vec3d1, RayTrace.BlockCollisionOption.OUTLINE, RayTrace.FluidCollisionOption.NONE, player)); |
1195 - | + |
1196 - | + if (movingobjectposition == null || movingobjectposition.getType() != MovingObjectPosition.EnumMovingObjectType.BLOCK) { |
1184 + | + Location origin = new Location(this.player.level.getWorld(), d0, d1, d2, f2, f1); |
1185 + | + |
1186 + | + double d3 = player.gameMode.getGameModeForPlayer() == EnumGamemode.CREATIVE ? 5.0D : 4.5D; |
1187 + | + // SPIGOT-5607: Only call interact event if no block or entity is being clicked. Use bukkit ray trace method, because it handles blocks and entities at the same time |
1188 + | + org.bukkit.util.RayTraceResult result = this.player.level.getWorld().rayTrace(origin, origin.getDirection(), d3, org.bukkit.FluidCollisionMode.NEVER, false, 0.1, entity -> entity != this.player.getBukkitEntity()); |
1189 + | + |
1190 + | + if (result == null) { |
1197 1191 | + CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(this.player, Action.LEFT_CLICK_AIR, this.player.getInventory().getSelected(), EnumHand.MAIN_HAND); |
1198 1192 | + } |
1199 1193 | + |
1200 1194 | + // Arm swing animation |
1201 1195 | + PlayerAnimationEvent event = new PlayerAnimationEvent(this.getCraftPlayer(), (packetplayinarmanimation.getHand() == EnumHand.MAIN_HAND) ? PlayerAnimationType.ARM_SWING : PlayerAnimationType.OFF_ARM_SWING); |
1202 1196 | + this.cserver.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); |
1203 1197 | + |
1204 1198 | + if (event.isCancelled()) return; |
1205 1199 | + // CraftBukkit end |
1206 1200 | this.player.swing(packetplayinarmanimation.getHand()); |
1228 1222 | + |
1229 1223 | + if (e2.isCancelled()) { |
1230 1224 | + return; |
1231 1225 | + } |
1232 1226 | + break; |
1233 1227 | + } |
1234 1228 | + // CraftBukkit end |
1235 1229 | this.player.resetLastActionTime(); |
1236 1230 | IJumpable ijumpable; |
1237 1231 | |
1238 - | |
1232 + | |
1239 1233 | @Override |
1240 1234 | public void handleInteract(PacketPlayInUseEntity packetplayinuseentity) { |
1241 1235 | PlayerConnectionUtils.ensureRunningOnSameThread(packetplayinuseentity, this, this.player.getLevel()); |
1242 1236 | + if (this.player.isImmobile()) return; // CraftBukkit |
1243 1237 | WorldServer worldserver = this.player.getLevel(); |
1244 1238 | final Entity entity = packetplayinuseentity.getTarget(worldserver); |
1245 1239 | |
1246 - | |
1240 + | |
1247 1241 | |
1248 1242 | if (entity.distanceToSqr(this.player.getEyePosition()) < PlayerConnection.MAX_INTERACTION_DISTANCE) { |
1249 1243 | packetplayinuseentity.dispatch(new PacketPlayInUseEntity.c() { |
1250 1244 | - private void performInteraction(EnumHand enumhand, PlayerConnection.a playerconnection_a) { |
1251 1245 | + private void performInteraction(EnumHand enumhand, PlayerConnection.a playerconnection_a, PlayerInteractEntityEvent event) { // CraftBukkit |
1252 1246 | ItemStack itemstack = PlayerConnection.this.player.getItemInHand(enumhand).copy(); |
1253 1247 | + // CraftBukkit start |
1254 1248 | + ItemStack itemInHand = PlayerConnection.this.player.getItemInHand(enumhand); |
1255 1249 | + boolean triggerLeashUpdate = itemInHand != null && itemInHand.getItem() == Items.LEAD && entity instanceof EntityInsentient; |
1256 1250 | + Item origItem = player.getInventory().getSelected() == null ? null : player.getInventory().getSelected().getItem(); |
1287 1281 | |
1288 1282 | + // CraftBukkit start |
1289 1283 | + if (!itemInHand.isEmpty() && itemInHand.getCount() <= -1) { |
1290 1284 | + player.containerMenu.sendAllDataToRemote(); |
1291 1285 | + } |
1292 1286 | + // CraftBukkit end |
1293 1287 | + |
1294 1288 | if (enuminteractionresult.consumesAction()) { |
1295 1289 | CriterionTriggers.PLAYER_INTERACTED_WITH_ENTITY.trigger(PlayerConnection.this.player, itemstack, entity); |
1296 1290 | if (enuminteractionresult.shouldSwing()) { |
1297 - | |
1291 + | |
1298 1292 | |
1299 1293 | @Override |
1300 1294 | public void onInteraction(EnumHand enumhand) { |
1301 1295 | - this.performInteraction(enumhand, EntityHuman::interactOn); |
1302 1296 | + this.performInteraction(enumhand, EntityHuman::interactOn, new PlayerInteractEntityEvent(getCraftPlayer(), entity.getBukkitEntity(), (enumhand == EnumHand.OFF_HAND) ? EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND : EquipmentSlot.HAND)); |
1303 1297 | } |
1304 1298 | |
1305 1299 | @Override |
1306 1300 | public void onInteraction(EnumHand enumhand, Vec3D vec3d) { |
1307 1301 | this.performInteraction(enumhand, (entityplayer, entity1, enumhand1) -> { |
1318 1312 | + ItemStack itemInHand = PlayerConnection.this.player.getMainHandItem(); |
1319 1313 | PlayerConnection.this.player.attack(entity); |
1320 1314 | + |
1321 1315 | + if (!itemInHand.isEmpty() && itemInHand.getCount() <= -1) { |
1322 1316 | + player.containerMenu.sendAllDataToRemote(); |
1323 1317 | + } |
1324 1318 | + // CraftBukkit end |
1325 1319 | } else { |
1326 1320 | PlayerConnection.this.disconnect(IChatBaseComponent.translatable("multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_entity_attacked")); |
1327 1321 | PlayerConnection.LOGGER.warn("Player {} tried to attack an invalid entity", PlayerConnection.this.player.getName().getString()); |
1328 - | |
1322 + | |
1329 1323 | @Override |
1330 1324 | public void handleContainerClose(PacketPlayInCloseWindow packetplayinclosewindow) { |
1331 1325 | PlayerConnectionUtils.ensureRunningOnSameThread(packetplayinclosewindow, this, this.player.getLevel()); |
1332 1326 | + |
1333 1327 | + if (this.player.isImmobile()) return; // CraftBukkit |
1334 1328 | + CraftEventFactory.handleInventoryCloseEvent(this.player); // CraftBukkit |
1335 1329 | + |
1336 1330 | this.player.doCloseContainer(); |
1337 1331 | } |
1338 1332 | |
1342 1336 | + if (this.player.isImmobile()) return; // CraftBukkit |
1343 1337 | this.player.resetLastActionTime(); |
1344 1338 | - if (this.player.containerMenu.containerId == packetplayinwindowclick.getContainerId()) { |
1345 1339 | - if (this.player.isSpectator()) { |
1346 1340 | + if (this.player.containerMenu.containerId == packetplayinwindowclick.getContainerId() && this.player.containerMenu.stillValid(this.player)) { // CraftBukkit |
1347 1341 | + boolean cancelled = this.player.isSpectator(); // CraftBukkit - see below if |
1348 1342 | + if (false/*this.player.isSpectator()*/) { // CraftBukkit |
1349 1343 | this.player.containerMenu.sendAllDataToRemote(); |
1350 1344 | } else if (!this.player.containerMenu.stillValid(this.player)) { |
1351 1345 | PlayerConnection.LOGGER.debug("Player {} interacted with invalid menu {}", this.player, this.player.containerMenu); |
1352 - | |
1346 + | |
1353 1347 | boolean flag = packetplayinwindowclick.getStateId() != this.player.containerMenu.getStateId(); |
1354 1348 | |
1355 1349 | this.player.containerMenu.suppressRemoteUpdates(); |
1356 1350 | - this.player.containerMenu.clicked(i, packetplayinwindowclick.getButtonNum(), packetplayinwindowclick.getClickType(), this.player); |
1357 1351 | + // CraftBukkit start - Call InventoryClickEvent |
1358 1352 | + if (packetplayinwindowclick.getSlotNum() < -1 && packetplayinwindowclick.getSlotNum() != -999) { |
1359 1353 | + return; |
1360 1354 | + } |
1361 1355 | + |
1362 1356 | + InventoryView inventory = this.player.containerMenu.getBukkitView(); |
1628 1622 | + if (event instanceof CraftItemEvent || event instanceof SmithItemEvent) { |
1629 1623 | + // Need to update the inventory on crafting to |
1630 1624 | + // correctly support custom recipes |
1631 1625 | + player.containerMenu.sendAllDataToRemote(); |
1632 1626 | + } |
1633 1627 | + } |
1634 1628 | + // CraftBukkit end |
1635 1629 | ObjectIterator objectiterator = Int2ObjectMaps.fastIterable(packetplayinwindowclick.getChangedSlots()).iterator(); |
1636 1630 | |
1637 1631 | while (objectiterator.hasNext()) { |
1638 - | |
1632 + | |
1639 1633 | @Override |
1640 1634 | public void handleContainerButtonClick(PacketPlayInEnchantItem packetplayinenchantitem) { |
1641 1635 | PlayerConnectionUtils.ensureRunningOnSameThread(packetplayinenchantitem, this, this.player.getLevel()); |
1642 1636 | + if (this.player.isImmobile()) return; // CraftBukkit |
1643 1637 | this.player.resetLastActionTime(); |
1644 1638 | if (this.player.containerMenu.containerId == packetplayinenchantitem.getContainerId() && !this.player.isSpectator()) { |
1645 1639 | if (!this.player.containerMenu.stillValid(this.player)) { |
1646 - | |
1640 + | |
1647 1641 | |
1648 1642 | boolean flag1 = packetplayinsetcreativeslot.getSlotNum() >= 1 && packetplayinsetcreativeslot.getSlotNum() <= 45; |
1649 1643 | boolean flag2 = itemstack.isEmpty() || itemstack.getDamageValue() >= 0 && itemstack.getCount() <= 64 && !itemstack.isEmpty(); |
1650 1644 | + if (flag || (flag1 && !ItemStack.matches(this.player.inventoryMenu.getSlot(packetplayinsetcreativeslot.getSlotNum()).getItem(), packetplayinsetcreativeslot.getItem()))) { // Insist on valid slot |
1651 1645 | + // CraftBukkit start - Call click event |
1652 1646 | + InventoryView inventory = this.player.inventoryMenu.getBukkitView(); |
1653 1647 | + org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(packetplayinsetcreativeslot.getItem()); |
1654 1648 | + |
1655 1649 | + SlotType type = SlotType.QUICKBAR; |
1656 1650 | + if (flag) { |
1680 1674 | + this.player.connection.send(new PacketPlayOutSetSlot(this.player.inventoryMenu.containerId, this.player.inventoryMenu.incrementStateId(), packetplayinsetcreativeslot.getSlotNum(), this.player.inventoryMenu.getSlot(packetplayinsetcreativeslot.getSlotNum()).getItem())); |
1681 1675 | + this.player.connection.send(new PacketPlayOutSetSlot(-1, this.player.inventoryMenu.incrementStateId(), -1, ItemStack.EMPTY)); |
1682 1676 | + } |
1683 1677 | + return; |
1684 1678 | + } |
1685 1679 | + } |
1686 1680 | + // CraftBukkit end |
1687 1681 | |
1688 1682 | if (flag1 && flag2) { |
1689 1683 | this.player.inventoryMenu.getSlot(packetplayinsetcreativeslot.getSlotNum()).set(itemstack); |
1690 - | |
1684 + | |
1691 1685 | } |
1692 1686 | |
1693 1687 | private void updateSignText(PacketPlayInUpdateSign packetplayinupdatesign, List<FilteredText> list) { |
1694 1688 | + if (this.player.isImmobile()) return; // CraftBukkit |
1695 1689 | this.player.resetLastActionTime(); |
1696 1690 | WorldServer worldserver = this.player.getLevel(); |
1697 1691 | BlockPosition blockposition = packetplayinupdatesign.getPos(); |
1698 - | |
1692 + | |
1699 1693 | |
1700 1694 | if (!tileentitysign.isEditable() || !this.player.getUUID().equals(tileentitysign.getPlayerWhoMayEdit())) { |
1701 1695 | PlayerConnection.LOGGER.warn("Player {} just tried to change non-editable sign", this.player.getName().getString()); |
1702 1696 | + this.send(tileentity.getUpdatePacket()); // CraftBukkit |
1703 1697 | return; |
1704 1698 | } |
1705 1699 | |
1706 1700 | + // CraftBukkit start |
1707 1701 | + Player player = this.player.getBukkitEntity(); |
1708 1702 | + int x = packetplayinupdatesign.getPos().getX(); |
1728 1722 | + IChatBaseComponent[] components = org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftSign.sanitizeLines(event.getLines()); |
1729 1723 | + for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { |
1730 1724 | + tileentitysign.setMessage(i, components[i]); |
1731 1725 | } |
1732 1726 | + tileentitysign.isEditable = false; |
1733 1727 | } |
1734 1728 | + // CraftBukkit end |
1735 1729 | |
1736 1730 | tileentitysign.setChanged(); |
1737 1731 | worldserver.sendBlockUpdated(blockposition, iblockdata, iblockdata, 3); |
1738 - | |
1732 + | |
1739 1733 | |
1740 1734 | @Override |
1741 1735 | public void handleKeepAlive(PacketPlayInKeepAlive packetplayinkeepalive) { |
1742 1736 | + PlayerConnectionUtils.ensureRunningOnSameThread(packetplayinkeepalive, this, this.player.getLevel()); // CraftBukkit |
1743 1737 | if (this.keepAlivePending && packetplayinkeepalive.getId() == this.keepAliveChallenge) { |
1744 1738 | int i = (int) (SystemUtils.getMillis() - this.keepAliveTime); |
1745 1739 | |
1746 - | |
1740 + | |
1747 1741 | @Override |
1748 1742 | public void handlePlayerAbilities(PacketPlayInAbilities packetplayinabilities) { |
1749 1743 | PlayerConnectionUtils.ensureRunningOnSameThread(packetplayinabilities, this, this.player.getLevel()); |
1750 1744 | - this.player.getAbilities().flying = packetplayinabilities.isFlying() && this.player.getAbilities().mayfly; |
1751 1745 | + // CraftBukkit start |
1752 1746 | + if (this.player.getAbilities().mayfly && this.player.getAbilities().flying != packetplayinabilities.isFlying()) { |
1753 1747 | + PlayerToggleFlightEvent event = new PlayerToggleFlightEvent(this.player.getBukkitEntity(), packetplayinabilities.isFlying()); |
1754 1748 | + this.cserver.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); |
1755 1749 | + if (!event.isCancelled()) { |
1756 1750 | + this.player.getAbilities().flying = packetplayinabilities.isFlying(); // Actually set the player's flying status |
1757 1751 | + } else { |
1758 1752 | + this.player.onUpdateAbilities(); // Tell the player their ability was reverted |
1759 1753 | + } |
1760 1754 | + } |
1761 1755 | + // CraftBukkit end |
1762 1756 | } |
1763 1757 | |
1764 1758 | @Override |
1765 - | |
1759 + | |
1766 1760 | this.player.updateOptions(packetplayinsettings); |
1767 1761 | } |
1768 1762 | |
1769 1763 | - @Override |
1770 1764 | - public void handleCustomPayload(PacketPlayInCustomPayload packetplayincustompayload) {} |
1771 1765 | + // CraftBukkit start |
1772 1766 | + private static final MinecraftKey CUSTOM_REGISTER = new MinecraftKey("register"); |
1773 1767 | + private static final MinecraftKey CUSTOM_UNREGISTER = new MinecraftKey("unregister"); |
1774 1768 | + |
1775 1769 | + @Override |