
Ginger Geek authored and md_5 committed f1d0f25ae71
Don't lie about compiling Spigot.

Prevents the message "Compiling Spigot & Spigot-API" from showing even with --skip-compile flag.
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381 381 }
382 382
383 383 System.out.println( "Compiling CraftBukkit" );
384 384 runProcess( craftBukkit, "sh", mvn, "clean", "install" );
385 385 }
386 386
387 387 try
388 388 {
389 389 runProcess( spigot, "bash", "" );
390 390 System.out.println( "*** Spigot patches applied!" );
391 - System.out.println( "Compiling Spigot & Spigot-API" );
392 391
393 392 if ( !skipCompile )
394 393 {
394 + System.out.println( "Compiling Spigot & Spigot-API" );
395 395 runProcess( spigot, "sh", mvn, "clean", "install" );
396 396 }
397 397 } catch ( Exception ex )
398 398 {
399 399 System.err.println( "Error compiling Spigot, are you running this jar via msysgit?" );
400 400 ex.printStackTrace();
401 401 System.exit( 1 );
402 402 }
403 403
404 404 for ( int i = 0; i < 35; i++ )

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