.. |
0001-POM-Changes.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 4.98 KB | |
0002-Skeleton-API-Implementations.patch | Rebuild patches | 5.52 KB | |
0003-mc-dev-imports.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 74.95 KB | |
0004-Obfuscation-Helpers.patch | Rebuild patches | 973 B | |
0005-Spigot-Configuration.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 13.05 KB | |
0006-Crop-Growth-Rates.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 10.54 KB | |
0007-Merge-tweaks-and-configuration.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 4.68 KB | |
0008-Async-Operation-Catching.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 8.13 KB | |
0009-View-Distance.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 2.47 KB | |
0010-Spigot-Timings.patch | Rebuild patches | 39.87 KB | |
0011-Fix-Mob-Spawning-Relative-to-View-Distance.patch | Rebuild patches | 7.73 KB | |
0012-Handle-Null-Tile-Entities.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 1.02 KB | |
0013-Item-Despawn-Rate.patch | SPIGOT-2724: Improve /give for non default item-despawn-rate | 1.76 KB | |
0014-Entity-Activation-Range.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 22.49 KB | |
0015-Metrics.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 24.39 KB | |
0016-PlayerItemDamageEvent.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 2.36 KB | |
0017-Prevent-NPE-in-CraftSign.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 1.19 KB | |
0018-Entity-Tracking-Ranges.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 4.91 KB | |
0019-Thread-Naming-and-Tweaks.patch | Rebuild patches | 1.35 KB | |
0020-Close-Unloaded-Save-Files.patch | Rebuild patches | 2.41 KB | |
0021-Remove-o-Option.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 868 B | |
0022-Recipe-Deconstruction.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 2.57 KB | |
0023-Implement-Arrow-API.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 946 B | |
0024-Hopper-Customisations.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 6.68 KB | |
0025-Firework-Meta-Crash-Fix.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 1.14 KB | |
0026-Allow-Disabling-of-Command-Logging.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 1.48 KB | |
0027-Allow-Disabling-of-Command-TabComplete.patch | Rebuild patches | 1.80 KB | |
0028-Configurable-Messages.patch | Rebuild patches | 5.60 KB | |
0029-Allow-Disabling-of-Random-Lighting-Updates.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 2.23 KB | |
0030-Properly-Close-Inventories.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 2.30 KB | |
0031-Disallow-Interaction-With-Self.patch | Patch rebuild | 1.06 KB | |
0032-Entity-Mount-and-Dismount-Events.patch | Patch rebuild | 1.49 KB | |
0033-Prevent-Ghost-Players-Caused-by-Plugins.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 1.10 KB | |
0034-Plug-World-Unload-Memory-Leak.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 978 B | |
0035-Player-Collision-API.patch | Full patch rebuild. | 1004 B | |
0036-Fully-Disable-Snooper-When-Not-Required.patch | Rebuild patches | 1.03 KB | |
0037-Add-Getter-for-Entity-Invulnerability.patch | Rebuild patches | 889 B | |
0038-Allow-Disabling-of-1.6.3-Structure-Saving.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.25 KB | |
0039-Don-t-Special-Case-X-Move-Value.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.36 KB | |
0040-Implement-respawn-API.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1014 B | |
0041-Arrow-Despawn-Rate.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.51 KB | |
0042-Watchdog-Thread.patch | SPIGOT-2642: Proper shutdown when restart script non existent | 12.27 KB | |
0043-Fix-some-chunks-not-being-sent-to-the-client.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.26 KB | |
0044-Fix-Broken-Async-Chat.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.41 KB | |
0045-Fire-PreLogin-Events-in-Offline-Mode.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 7.43 KB | |
0046-BungeeCord-Support.patch | Rebuild patches | 8.89 KB | |
0047-Allow-Disabling-Zombie-Villager-Aggression.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.07 KB | |
0048-Configurable-Amount-of-Netty-Threads.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.83 KB | |
0049-Prevent-Mineshaft-Saving.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.01 KB | |
0050-Log-Cause-of-Unexpected-Exceptions.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.06 KB | |
0051-Particle-API.patch | Patch rebuild | 9.78 KB | |
0052-Save-ticks-lived-to-nbttag.patch | Patch rebuild | 1.63 KB | |
0053-Add-Option-to-Nerf-Mobs-from-Spawner-s.patch | SPIGOT-2603: Fix inventory update code that got broken in update | 3.35 KB | |
0054-Warn-if-PermGen-may-be-insufficient.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.76 KB | |
0055-Disable-Connected-Check-on-setScoreboard.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.09 KB | |
0056-Add-Late-Bind-Option.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.87 KB | |
0057-Allow-statistics-to-be-disabled-forced.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 3.76 KB | |
0058-Fix-ItemStack-Unbreakable-Code.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 955 B | |
0059-Try-and-Debug-Crash-Reports-Crashing.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.94 KB | |
0060-Improve-AutoSave-Mechanism.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 3.98 KB | |
0061-Catch-stalling-on-corrupted-map-data-NBT-arrays.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.50 KB | |
0062-Allow-toggling-of-ZombiePigmen-spawning-in-portal-bl.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.91 KB | |
0063-Highly-Optimized-Tick-Loop.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 6.67 KB | |
0064-Configurable-Ping-Sample-Size.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.90 KB | |
0065-Add-Optional-Tick-Shuffling.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.78 KB | |
0066-Implement-Locale-Getter-for-Players.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.54 KB | |
0067-Cap-Entity-Collisions.patch | SPIGOT-2603: Fix inventory update code that got broken in update | 2.59 KB | |
0068-Fix-dispensing-bone-meal-not-having-the-correct-data.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.19 KB | |
0069-Spam-Filter-Exclusions.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.42 KB | |
0070-Add-Option-to-Silence-CommandBlock-Console.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.52 KB | |
0071-Add-support-for-fetching-hidden-players.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.03 KB | |
0072-Allow-Disabling-Creative-Item-Filter.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.01 KB | |
0073-Cap-Channel-Registrations.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 909 B | |
0074-Allow-vanilla-commands-to-be-the-main-version-of-a-c.patch | Rebuild patches | 3.28 KB | |
0075-Implement-Silenceable-Lightning-API.patch | Patch rebuild | 3.49 KB | |
0076-Use-one-PermissibleBase-for-all-Command-Blocks.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.24 KB | |
0077-Prevent-hoppers-from-loading-chunks.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 927 B | |
0078-Guard-Entity-List.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 2.83 KB | |
0079-Fix-ConcurrentModificationException-while-being-idle.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 1.13 KB | |
0080-Cancellable-WitherSkull-potion-effect.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.98 KB | |
0081-Descriptive-kick-reasons-instead-of-Nope.patch | SPIGOT-2603: Fix inventory update code that got broken in update | 2.38 KB | |
0082-Configurable-dragon-death-and-wither-spawn-sounds.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 4.06 KB | |
0083-Display-Spigot-in-client-crashes-server-lists-and-Mo.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 891 B | |
0084-Treat-Bungee-as-Online-Mode.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.66 KB | |
0085-Add-Conversion-Message.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 798 B | |
0086-Properly-cancel-fishing-event.-Fixes-BUKKIT-5396.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.23 KB | |
0087-Print-Stack-on-InternalException.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 860 B | |
0088-Use-Offline-Player-Data-Once-if-Required.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.01 KB | |
0089-Use-Provided-Case-for-Non-Existent-Offline-Players.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 917 B | |
0090-Check-for-blank-OfflinePlayer-Names.patch | Rebuild patches | 995 B | |
0091-Fix-Player-Banning.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.89 KB | |
0092-Fix-ban-expire-dates.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 864 B | |
0093-Correct-Ban-Expiration.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 980 B | |
0094-Convert-Horses-owner-to-UUID.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.15 KB | |
0095-Add-Score.isScoreSet-Z-API.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 996 B | |
0096-Log-null-TileEntity-Owner.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.34 KB | |
0097-Don-t-special-case-invalid-usernames-for-UUIDs.patch | Rebuild patches | 1.14 KB | |
0098-Convert-player-skulls-async.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 9.81 KB | |
0099-Prevent-NoClassDefError-crash-and-notify-on-crash.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 2.79 KB | |
0100-Check-Skull-canPlace.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.02 KB | |
0101-Fix-race-condition-that-could-kill-connections-befor.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.86 KB | |
0102-Configurable-UserCache-cap.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.35 KB | |
0103-Implement-PlayerSpawnLocationEvent.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.90 KB | |
0104-Cap-Objective-Score-Length.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.04 KB | |
0105-Process-conversation-input-on-the-main-thread.-Fixes.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.51 KB | |
0106-Configurable-save-on-stop-only-for-UserCache.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.36 KB | |
0107-Prevent-Unbounded-IntCache-Growth.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.61 KB | |
0108-Cross-World-Entity-Teleportation.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.42 KB | |
0109-Limit-block-placement-interaction-packets.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 3.97 KB | |
0110-Better-item-validation.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 4.44 KB | |
0111-Further-Seed-Customisation.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.22 KB | |
0112-Disable-ResourceLeakDetector.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.25 KB | |
0113-Add-More-Information-to-session.lock-Errors.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.92 KB | |
0114-Safer-JSON-Loading.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.10 KB | |
0115-Add-CommandLine-EULA-Flag.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.00 KB | |
0116-Fix-for-enchanting-table-wiping-meta-when-placing-st.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.19 KB | |
0117-Don-t-spawn-bonus-ocelots-when-plugins-spawn-ocelots.patch | Patch rebuild | 2.07 KB | |
0118-Prevent-a-crash-involving-attributes.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.44 KB | |
0119-Make-moved-wrongly-limit-configurable.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.38 KB | |
0120-Fix-Null-Tile-Entity-Worlds.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 760 B | |
0121-Make-moved-too-quickly-limit-configurable.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 3.17 KB | |
0122-Apply-NBTReadLimiter-to-more-things.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.08 KB | |
0123-Allow-Attribute-Capping.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 4.73 KB | |
0124-Only-fetch-an-online-UUID-in-online-mode.patch | Rebuild patches | 1.72 KB | |
0125-Filter-attribute-modifiers-which-cause-the-attribute.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 6.69 KB | |
0126-Plug-WorldMap-Memory-Leak.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 2.79 KB | |
0127-Fix-Corrupted-Trapped-Chest.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.12 KB | |
0128-Remove-uneeded-validation.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.72 KB | |
0129-Add-Hunger-Config-Values.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 3.22 KB | |
0130-Make-debug-logging-togglable.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.52 KB | |
0131-Skip-invalid-enchants-in-CraftMetaItem.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.29 KB | |
0132-Limit-TNT-Detonations-per-tick.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.22 KB | |
0133-Added-isUnbreakable-and-setUnbreakable-to-ItemMeta.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 5.36 KB | |
0134-Configurable-Hanging-Tick.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.52 KB | |
0135-Refactor-ItemDoor-Place.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 1.62 KB | |
0136-BungeeCord-Chat-API.patch | Rebuild patches | 4.39 KB | |
0137-Use-Standard-List-for-EntitySlices.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 4.16 KB | |
0138-Allow-Capping-Tile-Entity-Tick-Time.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 6.21 KB | |
0139-Use-FastMatches-for-ItemStack-Dirty-Check.patch | SPIGOT-2603: Fix inventory update code that got broken in update | 3.71 KB | |
0140-Use-CLQ-for-main-thread-tasks.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.18 KB | |
0141-map-decoration-fix.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 6.84 KB | |
0142-Use-Map-for-getPlayer-String-lookup.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 4.94 KB | |
0143-Clear-Packet-Queue-on-Disconnect.patch | Add limits to item interactions as well | 1.46 KB | |
0144-Implement-SpawnerSpawnEvent.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.37 KB | |
0145-Don-t-tick-blocks-if-neighbor-chunks-aren-t-loaded.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 893 B | |
0146-Branchless-NibbleArray.patch | SPIGOT-2587: No need to cap player speed | 2.09 KB | |