
DemonWav authored and md_5 committed c74e2a73016
SPIGOT-215: Implement infrastructure for Location tab completes
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561 561 public List<String> tabCompleteCommand(ICommandListener icommandlistener, String s, @Nullable BlockPosition blockposition, boolean flag) {
562 562 + /* CraftBukkit start - Allow tab-completion of Bukkit commands
563 563 ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList();
564 564 boolean flag1 = s.startsWith("/");
565 565
566 566 @@ -809,10 +1027,13 @@
567 567
568 568 return arraylist;
569 569 }
570 570 + */
571 -+ return server.tabComplete(icommandlistener, s); // PAIL : todo args
571 ++ return server.tabComplete(icommandlistener, s, blockposition);
572 572 + // CraftBukkit end
573 573 }
574 574
575 575 public boolean M() {
576 576 - return this.universe != null;
577 577 + return true; // CraftBukkit
578 578 }
579 579
580 580 public String getName() {
581 581 @@ -868,11 +1089,13 @@

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