
md_5 authored c175d4f6121
SPIGOT-8007: InventoryClickEvent.setCancelled(true) crashes client when in creative mode
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1601 1601 if (containerrecipebook_a == ContainerRecipeBook.a.PLACE_GHOST_RECIPE) {
1602 1602 this.player.connection.send(new PacketPlayOutAutoRecipe(this.player.containerMenu.containerId, craftingmanager_d.display().display()));
1603 1603 @@ -1917,6 +2954,7 @@
1604 1604 @Override
1605 1605 public void handleContainerButtonClick(PacketPlayInEnchantItem packetplayinenchantitem) {
1606 1606 PlayerConnectionUtils.ensureRunningOnSameThread(packetplayinenchantitem, this, this.player.serverLevel());
1607 1607 + if (this.player.isImmobile()) return; // CraftBukkit
1608 1608 this.player.resetLastActionTime();
1609 1609 if (this.player.containerMenu.containerId == packetplayinenchantitem.containerId() && !this.player.isSpectator()) {
1610 1610 if (!this.player.containerMenu.stillValid(this.player)) {
1611 -@@ -1945,6 +2983,43 @@
1611 +@@ -1945,6 +2983,42 @@
1612 1612
1613 1613 boolean flag1 = packetplayinsetcreativeslot.slotNum() >= 1 && packetplayinsetcreativeslot.slotNum() <= 45;
1614 1614 boolean flag2 = itemstack.isEmpty() || itemstack.getCount() <= itemstack.getMaxStackSize();
1615 1615 + if (flag || (flag1 && !ItemStack.matches(this.player.inventoryMenu.getSlot(packetplayinsetcreativeslot.slotNum()).getItem(), packetplayinsetcreativeslot.itemStack()))) { // Insist on valid slot
1616 1616 + // CraftBukkit start - Call click event
1617 1617 + InventoryView inventory = this.player.inventoryMenu.getBukkitView();
1618 1618 + org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(packetplayinsetcreativeslot.itemStack());
1619 1619 +
1620 1620 + SlotType type = SlotType.QUICKBAR;
1621 1621 + if (flag) {
1635 1635 + switch (event.getResult()) {
1636 1636 + case ALLOW:
1637 1637 + // Plugin cleared the id / stacksize checks
1638 1638 + flag2 = true;
1639 1639 + break;
1640 1640 + case DEFAULT:
1641 1641 + break;
1642 1642 + case DENY:
1643 1643 + // Reset the slot
1644 1644 + if (packetplayinsetcreativeslot.slotNum() >= 0) {
1645 -+ this.player.connection.send(new PacketPlayOutSetSlot(this.player.inventoryMenu.containerId, this.player.inventoryMenu.incrementStateId(), packetplayinsetcreativeslot.slotNum(), this.player.inventoryMenu.getSlot(packetplayinsetcreativeslot.slotNum()).getItem()));
1646 -+ this.player.connection.send(new PacketPlayOutSetSlot(-1, this.player.inventoryMenu.incrementStateId(), -1, ItemStack.EMPTY));
1645 ++ this.player.inventoryMenu.sendAllDataToRemote();
1647 1646 + }
1648 1647 + return;
1649 1648 + }
1650 1649 + }
1651 1650 + // CraftBukkit end
1652 1651
1653 1652 if (flag1 && flag2) {
1654 1653 this.player.inventoryMenu.getSlot(packetplayinsetcreativeslot.slotNum()).setByPlayer(itemstack);
1655 -@@ -1972,6 +3047,7 @@
1654 +@@ -1972,6 +3046,7 @@
1656 1655 }
1657 1656
1658 1657 private void updateSignText(PacketPlayInUpdateSign packetplayinupdatesign, List<FilteredText> list) {
1659 1658 + if (this.player.isImmobile()) return; // CraftBukkit
1660 1659 this.player.resetLastActionTime();
1661 1660 WorldServer worldserver = this.player.serverLevel();
1662 1661 BlockPosition blockposition = packetplayinupdatesign.getPos();
1663 -@@ -1993,7 +3069,17 @@
1662 +@@ -1993,7 +3068,17 @@
1664 1663 @Override
1665 1664 public void handlePlayerAbilities(PacketPlayInAbilities packetplayinabilities) {
1666 1665 PlayerConnectionUtils.ensureRunningOnSameThread(packetplayinabilities, this, this.player.serverLevel());
1667 1666 - this.player.getAbilities().flying = packetplayinabilities.isFlying() && this.player.getAbilities().mayfly;
1668 1667 + // CraftBukkit start
1669 1668 + if (this.player.getAbilities().mayfly && this.player.getAbilities().flying != packetplayinabilities.isFlying()) {
1670 1669 + PlayerToggleFlightEvent event = new PlayerToggleFlightEvent(this.player.getBukkitEntity(), packetplayinabilities.isFlying());
1671 1670 + this.cserver.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
1672 1671 + if (!event.isCancelled()) {
1673 1672 + this.player.getAbilities().flying = packetplayinabilities.isFlying(); // Actually set the player's flying status
1674 1673 + } else {
1675 1674 + this.player.onUpdateAbilities(); // Tell the player their ability was reverted
1676 1675 + }
1677 1676 + }
1678 1677 + // CraftBukkit end
1679 1678 }
1680 1679
1681 1680 @Override
1682 -@@ -2058,7 +3144,7 @@
1681 +@@ -2058,7 +3143,7 @@
1683 1682 if (!this.waitingForSwitchToConfig) {
1684 1683 throw new IllegalStateException("Client acknowledged config, but none was requested");
1685 1684 } else {
1686 1685 - this.connection.setupInboundProtocol(ConfigurationProtocols.SERVERBOUND, new ServerConfigurationPacketListenerImpl(this.server, this.connection, this.createCookie(this.player.clientInformation())));
1687 1686 + this.connection.setupInboundProtocol(ConfigurationProtocols.SERVERBOUND, new ServerConfigurationPacketListenerImpl(this.server, this.connection, this.createCookie(this.player.clientInformation()), this.player)); // CraftBukkit
1688 1687 }
1689 1688 }
1690 1689
1691 -@@ -2083,8 +3169,10 @@
1690 +@@ -2083,8 +3168,10 @@
1692 1691 });
1693 1692 }
1694 1693
1695 1694 - @Override
1696 1695 - public void handleCustomPayload(ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket serverboundcustompayloadpacket) {}
1697 1696 + // CraftBukkit start - handled in super
1698 1697 + // @Override
1699 1698 + // public void handleCustomPayload(ServerboundCustomPayloadPacket serverboundcustompayloadpacket) {}
1700 1699 + // CraftBukkit end
1701 1700

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