
Doc authored and md_5 committed c16b696e414
SPIGOT-7967, #887: Call explode events for EXPLODE effect (enchantments) and non block changes (mobGriefing false)
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1 +--- a/net/minecraft/world/item/enchantment/effects/
2 ++++ b/net/minecraft/world/item/enchantment/effects/
3 +@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
4 +
5 + @Nullable
6 + private DamageSource getDamageSource(Entity entity, Vec3D vec3d) {
7 +- return this.damageType.isEmpty() ? null : (this.attributeToUser ? new DamageSource((Holder) this.damageType.get(), entity) : new DamageSource((Holder) this.damageType.get(), vec3d));
8 ++ return this.damageType.isEmpty() ? (entity == null ? null : entity.level().damageSources().explosion(null).customCausingEntityDamager(entity)) : (this.attributeToUser ? new DamageSource((Holder) this.damageType.get(), entity) : new DamageSource((Holder) this.damageType.get(), vec3d)); // CraftBukkit - copy from explosion default damagesource to allow tracking entity behind the effect
9 + }
10 +
11 + @Override

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