
thommy101 authored and md_5 committed 10c10b31240
SPIGOT-2366:  Fix a missed diff PortalTravelAgent.patch
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172 172 - return true;
173 173 + // CraftBukkit start
174 174 + double d6 = velocity.getX();
175 175 + double d7 = velocity.getZ();
176 176 + // CraftBukkit end
177 177 +
178 178 + // CraftBukkit start - Adjust position and velocity instances instead of entity
179 179 + velocity.setX(d6 * (double) f1 + d7 * (double) f4);
180 180 + velocity.setZ(d6 * (double) f3 + d7 * (double) f2);
181 181 + f = f - (float) (entity.getPortalDirection().opposite().get2DRotationValue() * 90) + (float) (shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.getFacing().get2DRotationValue() * 90);
182 -+ // entity.setPositionRotation(d2, d3, d4, entity.yaw, entity.pitch);
182 ++ // entity.setPositionRotation(d2, d5, d3, entity.yaw, entity.pitch);
183 183 + position.setX(d2);
184 -+ position.setY(d3);
185 -+ position.setZ(d4);
184 ++ position.setY(d5);
185 ++ position.setZ(d3);
186 186 + position.setYaw(f);
187 187 + }
188 188 + EntityPortalExitEvent event = new EntityPortalExitEvent(entity.getBukkitEntity(), from, position, before, velocity);
189 189 +;
190 190 + Location to = event.getTo();
191 191 + if (event.isCancelled() || to == null || !entity.isAlive()) {
192 192 + position.setX(from.getX());
193 193 + position.setY(from.getY());
194 194 + position.setZ(from.getZ());
195 195 + position.setYaw(from.getYaw());

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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