
Senmori authored and md_5 committed d9006fb04c3
Expand EnderSignal API
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1 1 package org.bukkit.entity;
2 2
3 +import org.bukkit.Location;
4 +
3 5 /**
4 - * Represents an Ender Signal, which is often created upon throwing an ender
5 - * eye
6 + * Represents an EnderSignal, which is created upon throwing an ender eye.
6 7 */
7 8 public interface EnderSignal extends Entity {
8 9
10 + /**
11 + * Get the location this EnderSignal is moving towards.
12 + *
13 + * @return the {@link Location} this EnderSignal is moving towards.
14 + */
15 + public Location getTargetLocation();
16 +
17 + /**
18 + * Set the {@link Location} this EnderSignal is moving towards.
19 + * <br>
20 + * When setting a new target location, the {@link #getDropItem()} resets to
21 + * a random value and the despawn timer gets set back to 0.
22 + *
23 + * @param location the new target location
24 + */
25 + public void setTargetLocation(Location location);
26 +
27 + /**
28 + * Gets if the EnderSignal should drop an item on death.<br>
29 + * If {@code true}, it will drop an item. If {@code false}, it will shatter.
30 + *
31 + * @return true if the EnderSignal will drop an item on death, or false if
32 + * it will shatter
33 + */
34 + public boolean getDropItem();
35 +
36 + /**
37 + * Sets if the EnderSignal should drop an item on death; or if it should
38 + * shatter.
39 + *
40 + * @param drop true if the EnderSignal should drop an item on death, or
41 + * false if it should shatter.
42 + */
43 + public void setDropItem(boolean drop);
44 +
45 + /**
46 + * Gets the amount of time this entity has been alive (in ticks).
47 + * <br>
48 + * When this number is greater than 80, it will despawn on the next tick.
49 + *
50 + * @return the number of ticks this EnderSignal has been alive.
51 + */
52 + public int getDespawnTimer();
53 +
54 + /**
55 + * Set how long this entity has been alive (in ticks).
56 + * <br>
57 + * When this number is greater than 80, it will despawn on the next tick.
58 + *
59 + * @param timer how long (in ticks) this EnderSignal has been alive.
60 + */
61 + public void setDespawnTimer(int timer);
9 62 }

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