
DerFrZocker authored 58534cdf9e3
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872 872 * @param items the slots to change, where the values are the items to which
873 873 * the slot should be changed. null values will set the slot to air
874 874 */
875 875 public void sendEquipmentChange(@NotNull LivingEntity entity, @NotNull Map<EquipmentSlot, ItemStack> items);
876 876
877 877 /**
878 878 * Send a sign change. This fakes a sign change packet for a user at
879 879 * a certain location. This will not actually change the world in any way.
880 880 * This method will use a sign at the location's block or a faked sign
881 881 * sent via
882 - * {@link #sendBlockChange(Location, BlockData)}.
882 + * {@link #sendBlockChange(org.bukkit.Location,}.
883 883 * <p>
884 884 * If the client does not have a sign at the given location it will
885 885 * display an error message to the user.
886 886 * <p>
887 887 * To change all attributes of a sign, including the back Side, use
888 888 * {@link #sendBlockUpdate(org.bukkit.Location, org.bukkit.block.TileState)}.
889 889 *
890 890 * @param loc the location of the sign
891 891 * @param lines the new text on the sign or null to clear it
892 892 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if location is null
893 893 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if lines is non-null and has a length less than 4
894 894 */
895 895 public void sendSignChange(@NotNull Location loc, @Nullable String[] lines) throws IllegalArgumentException;
896 896
897 897 /**
898 898 * Send a sign change. This fakes a sign change packet for a user at
899 899 * a certain location. This will not actually change the world in any way.
900 900 * This method will use a sign at the location's block or a faked sign
901 901 * sent via
902 - * {@link #sendBlockChange(Location, BlockData)}.
902 + * {@link #sendBlockChange(org.bukkit.Location,}.
903 903 * <p>
904 904 * If the client does not have a sign at the given location it will
905 905 * display an error message to the user.
906 906 * <p>
907 907 * To change all attributes of a sign, including the back Side, use
908 908 * {@link #sendBlockUpdate(org.bukkit.Location, org.bukkit.block.TileState)}.
909 909 *
910 910 * @param loc the location of the sign
911 911 * @param lines the new text on the sign or null to clear it
912 912 * @param dyeColor the color of the sign
913 913 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if location is null
914 914 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if dyeColor is null
915 915 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if lines is non-null and has a length less than 4
916 916 */
917 917 public void sendSignChange(@NotNull Location loc, @Nullable String[] lines, @NotNull DyeColor dyeColor) throws IllegalArgumentException;
918 918
919 919 /**
920 920 * Send a sign change. This fakes a sign change packet for a user at
921 921 * a certain location. This will not actually change the world in any way.
922 922 * This method will use a sign at the location's block or a faked sign
923 923 * sent via
924 - * {@link #sendBlockChange(Location, BlockData)}.
924 + * {@link #sendBlockChange(org.bukkit.Location,}.
925 925 * <p>
926 926 * If the client does not have a sign at the given location it will
927 927 * display an error message to the user.
928 928 * <p>
929 929 * To change all attributes of a sign, including the back Side, use
930 930 * {@link #sendBlockUpdate(org.bukkit.Location, org.bukkit.block.TileState)}.
931 931 *
932 932 * @param loc the location of the sign
933 933 * @param lines the new text on the sign or null to clear it
934 934 * @param dyeColor the color of the sign

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