FearThe1337 authored and md_5 committed 0f0e31b86be
1 + | package org.bukkit.event.player; |
2 + | |
3 + | import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot; |
4 + | import org.bukkit.entity.Player; |
5 + | import org.bukkit.entity.ArmorStand; |
6 + | import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList; |
7 + | import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; |
8 + | |
9 + | /** |
10 + | * Called when a player interacts with an armor stand and will either swap, retrieve or place an item. |
11 + | */ |
12 + | public class PlayerArmorStandManipulateEvent extends PlayerInteractEntityEvent { |
13 + | |
14 + | private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList(); |
15 + | |
16 + | private final ItemStack playerItem; |
17 + | private final ItemStack armorStandItem; |
18 + | private final EquipmentSlot slot; |
19 + | |
20 + | public PlayerArmorStandManipulateEvent(final Player who, final ArmorStand clickedEntity, final ItemStack playerItem, final ItemStack armorStandItem, final EquipmentSlot slot) { |
21 + | super(who, clickedEntity); |
22 + | this.playerItem = playerItem; |
23 + | this.armorStandItem = armorStandItem; |
24 + | this.slot = slot; |
25 + | } |
26 + | |
27 + | /** |
28 + | * Returns the item held by the player. If this Item is null and the armor stand Item is also null, |
29 + | * there will be no transaction between the player and the armor stand. |
30 + | * If the Player's item is null, but the armor stand item is not then the player will obtain the armor stand item. |
31 + | * In the case that the Player's item is not null, but the armor stand item is null, the players item will be placed on the armor stand. |
32 + | * If both items are not null, the items will be swapped. |
33 + | * In the case that the event is cancelled the original items will remain the same. |
34 + | * @return the item held by the player. |
35 + | */ |
36 + | public ItemStack getPlayerItem() { |
37 + | return this.playerItem; |
38 + | } |
39 + | |
40 + | /** |
41 + | * Returns the item held by the armor stand. |
42 + | * If this Item is null and the player's Item is also null, there will be no transaction between the player and the armor stand. |
43 + | * If the Player's item is null, but the armor stand item is not then the player will obtain the armor stand item. |
44 + | * In the case that the Player's item is not null, but the armor stand item is null, the players item will be placed on the armor stand. |
45 + | * If both items are not null, the items will be swapped. |
46 + | * In the case that the event is cancelled the original items will remain the same. |
47 + | * @return the item held by the armor stand. |
48 + | */ |
49 + | public ItemStack getArmorStandItem() { |
50 + | return this.armorStandItem; |
51 + | } |
52 + | |
53 + | /** |
54 + | * Returns the raw item slot of the armor stand in this event. |
55 + | * |
56 + | * @return the index of the item obtained or placed of the armor stand. |
57 + | */ |
58 + | public EquipmentSlot getSlot() { |
59 + | return this.slot; |
60 + | } |
61 + | |
62 + | |
63 + | public ArmorStand getRightClicked() { |
64 + | return (ArmorStand) this.clickedEntity; |
65 + | } |
66 + | |
67 + | |
68 + | public HandlerList getHandlers() { |
69 + | return handlers; |
70 + | } |
71 + | |
72 + | public static HandlerList getHandlerList() { |
73 + | return handlers; |
74 + | } |
75 + | } |