md_5 authored c93ef251316
294 294 | ajp ItemSkull |
295 295 | ajq ItemStep |
296 296 | ajr ItemSnow |
297 297 | ajs ItemSnowball |
298 298 | ajt ItemMonsterEgg |
299 299 | aju ItemSpectralArrow |
300 300 | ajv ItemSplashPotion |
301 301 | ajw ItemSword |
302 302 | ajx ItemWithAuxData |
303 303 | ajy ItemTippedArrow |
304 - | ajz EnumAnimation |
305 304 | ak CriterionTriggerImpossible |
306 - | aka ItemWaterLily |
307 - | akb ItemBookAndQuill |
308 - | akc ItemWrittenBook |
309 - | akd PotionRegistry |
310 - | ake PotionBrewer |
311 - | ake$a PotionBrewer$PredicatedCombination |
312 - | akf PotionUtil |
313 - | akg Potions |
314 - | aki RecipeArmorDye |
315 - | akj RecipesBanner |
316 - | akj$a RecipesBanner$AddRecipe |
317 - | akj$b RecipesBanner$DuplicateRecipe |
318 - | akk RecipeBookClone |
319 - | akl RecipeFireworks |
320 - | akm RecipesFurnace |
321 - | akn RecipeItemStack |
322 - | ako RecipeMapClone |
323 - | akp RecipeMapExtend |
324 - | akq IRecipe |
325 - | akr CraftingManager |
326 - | aks RecipeRepair |
327 - | akt ShapedRecipes |
328 - | aku ShapelessRecipes |
329 - | akv RecipiesShield |
330 - | akv$a RecipiesShield$Decoration |
331 - | akw RecipeShulkerBox |
332 - | akw$a RecipeShulkerBox$Dye |
333 - | akx RecipeTippedArrow |
334 - | akz EnchantmentArrowDamage |
305 + | aka EnumAnimation |
306 + | akb ItemWaterLily |
307 + | akc ItemBookAndQuill |
308 + | akd ItemWrittenBook |
309 + | ake PotionRegistry |
310 + | akf PotionBrewer |
311 + | akf$a PotionBrewer$PredicatedCombination |
312 + | akg PotionUtil |
313 + | akh Potions |
314 + | akj RecipeArmorDye |
315 + | akk RecipesBanner |
316 + | akk$a RecipesBanner$AddRecipe |
317 + | akk$b RecipesBanner$DuplicateRecipe |
318 + | akl RecipeBookClone |
319 + | akm RecipeFireworks |
320 + | akn RecipesFurnace |
321 + | ako RecipeItemStack |
322 + | akp RecipeMapClone |
323 + | akq RecipeMapExtend |
324 + | akr IRecipe |
325 + | aks CraftingManager |
326 + | akt RecipeRepair |
327 + | aku ShapedRecipes |
328 + | akv ShapelessRecipes |
329 + | akw RecipiesShield |
330 + | akw$a RecipiesShield$Decoration |
331 + | akx RecipeShulkerBox |
332 + | akx$a RecipeShulkerBox$Dye |
333 + | aky RecipeTippedArrow |
335 334 | al CriterionTriggerInventoryChanged |
336 - | ala EnchantmentFlameArrows |
337 - | alb EnchantmentInfiniteArrows |
338 - | alc EnchantmentArrowKnockback |
339 - | ald EnchantmentBinding |
340 - | ale EnchantmentWeaponDamage |
341 - | alf EnchantmentDurability |
342 - | alg EnchantmentDigging |
343 - | alh Enchantment |
344 - | alh$a Enchantment$Rarity |
345 - | ali EnchantmentSlotType |
346 - | alj EnchantmentManager |
347 - | alj$a EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierArthropods |
348 - | alj$b EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierThorns |
349 - | alj$c EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifier |
350 - | alj$d EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierDamage |
351 - | alj$e EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierProtection |
352 - | alk WeightedRandomEnchant |
353 - | all Enchantments |
354 - | alm EnchantmentFire |
355 - | aln EnchantmentLure |
356 - | alo EnchantmentFrostWalker |
357 - | alp EnchantmentKnockback |
358 - | alq EnchantmentLootBonus |
359 - | alr EnchantmentMending |
360 - | als EnchantmentOxygen |
361 - | alt EnchantmentProtection |
362 - | alt$a EnchantmentProtection$DamageType |
363 - | alu EnchantmentSweeping |
364 - | alv EnchantmentThorns |
365 - | alw EnchantmentSilkTouch |
366 - | alx EnchantmentVanishing |
367 - | aly EnchantmentDepthStrider |
368 - | alz EnchantmentWaterWorker |
335 + | ala EnchantmentArrowDamage |
336 + | alb EnchantmentFlameArrows |
337 + | alc EnchantmentInfiniteArrows |
338 + | ald EnchantmentArrowKnockback |
339 + | ale EnchantmentBinding |
340 + | alf EnchantmentWeaponDamage |
341 + | alg EnchantmentDurability |
342 + | alh EnchantmentDigging |
343 + | ali Enchantment |
344 + | ali$a Enchantment$Rarity |
345 + | alj EnchantmentSlotType |
346 + | alk EnchantmentManager |
347 + | alk$a EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierArthropods |
348 + | alk$b EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierThorns |
349 + | alk$c EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifier |
350 + | alk$d EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierDamage |
351 + | alk$e EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierProtection |
352 + | all WeightedRandomEnchant |
353 + | alm Enchantments |
354 + | aln EnchantmentFire |
355 + | alo EnchantmentLure |
356 + | alp EnchantmentFrostWalker |
357 + | alq EnchantmentKnockback |
358 + | alr EnchantmentLootBonus |
359 + | als EnchantmentMending |
360 + | alt EnchantmentOxygen |
361 + | alu EnchantmentProtection |
362 + | alu$a EnchantmentProtection$DamageType |
363 + | alv EnchantmentSweeping |
364 + | alw EnchantmentThorns |
365 + | alx EnchantmentSilkTouch |
366 + | aly EnchantmentVanishing |
367 + | alz EnchantmentDepthStrider |
369 368 | am CriterionTriggerItemDurabilityChanged |
370 - | amc IMerchant |
371 - | amd MerchantRecipe |
372 - | ame MerchantRecipeList |
373 - | amg CommandBlockListenerAbstract |
374 - | amh MobSpawnerAbstract |
375 - | ami BlockActionData |
376 - | amk ChunkCoordIntPair |
377 - | amm Explosion |
378 - | amo GameRules |
379 - | amo$a GameRules$GameRuleValue |
380 - | amo$b GameRules$EnumGameRuleType |
381 - | amp EnumGamemode |
382 - | amr World |
383 - | ams ExceptionWorldConflict |
384 - | amt IWorldAccess |
385 - | amu WorldSettings |
386 - | amv IBlockAccess |
387 - | amw WorldType |
388 - | amx EnumSkyBlock |
389 - | amy SpawnerCreature |
390 - | amz PortalTravelAgent |
391 - | amz$a PortalTravelAgent$ChunkCoordinatesPortal |
369 + | ama EnchantmentWaterWorker |
370 + | amd IMerchant |
371 + | ame MerchantRecipe |
372 + | amf MerchantRecipeList |
373 + | amh CommandBlockListenerAbstract |
374 + | ami MobSpawnerAbstract |
375 + | amj BlockActionData |
376 + | aml ChunkCoordIntPair |
377 + | amn Explosion |
378 + | amp GameRules |
379 + | amp$a GameRules$GameRuleValue |
380 + | amp$b GameRules$EnumGameRuleType |
381 + | amq EnumGamemode |
382 + | ams World |
383 + | amt ExceptionWorldConflict |
384 + | amu IWorldAccess |
385 + | amv WorldSettings |
386 + | amw IBlockAccess |
387 + | amx WorldType |
388 + | amy EnumSkyBlock |
389 + | amz SpawnerCreature |
392 390 | an CriterionConditionItem |
393 - | ana ChunkCache |
394 - | anb MobSpawnerData |
395 - | anc NextTickListEntry |
396 - | and BiomeBeach |
397 - | ane BiomeBase |
398 - | ane$b BiomeBase$EnumTemperature |
399 - | ane$c BiomeBase$BiomeMeta |
400 - | anf BiomeCache |
401 - | anh BiomeDecorator |
402 - | ani WorldChunkManager |
403 - | anj Biomes |
404 - | anl BiomeDesert |
405 - | anm BiomeBigHills |
406 - | anm$a BiomeBigHills$Type |
407 - | ann WorldChunkManagerHell |
408 - | ano BiomeForest |
409 - | ano$a BiomeForest$Type |
410 - | anp BiomeHell |
411 - | anq BiomeDecoratorHell |
412 - | anr BiomeIcePlains |
413 - | ans BiomeJungle |
414 - | ant BiomeMesa |
415 - | anu BiomeMushrooms |
416 - | anv BiomeForestMutated |
417 - | anw BiomeSavannaMutated |
418 - | anx BiomeOcean |
419 - | any BiomePlains |
420 - | anz BiomeRiver |
391 + | ana PortalTravelAgent |
392 + | ana$a PortalTravelAgent$ChunkCoordinatesPortal |
393 + | anb ChunkCache |
394 + | anc MobSpawnerData |
395 + | and NextTickListEntry |
396 + | ane BiomeBeach |
397 + | anf BiomeBase |
398 + | anf$b BiomeBase$EnumTemperature |
399 + | anf$c BiomeBase$BiomeMeta |
400 + | ang BiomeCache |
401 + | ani BiomeDecorator |
402 + | anj WorldChunkManager |
403 + | ank Biomes |
404 + | anm BiomeDesert |
405 + | ann BiomeBigHills |
406 + | ann$a BiomeBigHills$Type |
407 + | ano WorldChunkManagerHell |
408 + | anp BiomeForest |
409 + | anp$a BiomeForest$Type |
410 + | anq BiomeHell |
411 + | anr BiomeDecoratorHell |
412 + | ans BiomeIcePlains |
413 + | ant BiomeJungle |
414 + | anu BiomeMesa |
415 + | anv BiomeMushrooms |
416 + | anw BiomeForestMutated |
417 + | anx BiomeSavannaMutated |
418 + | any BiomeOcean |
419 + | anz BiomePlains |
421 420 | ao CriterionTriggerKilled |
422 - | aoa BiomeSavanna |
423 - | aob BiomeStoneBeach |
424 - | aoc BiomeSwamp |
425 - | aod BiomeTaiga |
426 - | aod$a BiomeTaiga$Type |
427 - | aoe BiomeTheEnd |
428 - | aof BiomeTheEndDecorator |
429 - | aof$a BiomeTheEndDecorator$SpikeCache |
430 - | aog BiomeVoid |
431 - | aoh BiomeVoidDecorator |
432 - | aoj BlockAir |
433 - | aok BlockAnvil |
434 - | aok$a BlockAnvil$TileEntityContainerAnvil |
435 - | aol BlockBanner |
436 - | aol$a BlockBanner$BlockStandingBanner |
437 - | aol$b BlockBanner$BlockWallBanner |
438 - | aom BlockBarrier |
439 - | aon BlockTileEntity |
440 - | aoo BlockPressurePlateAbstract |
441 - | aop BlockMinecartTrackAbstract |
442 - | aop$a BlockMinecartTrackAbstract$MinecartTrackLogic |
443 - | aop$b BlockMinecartTrackAbstract$EnumTrackPosition |
444 - | aoq BlockBeacon |
445 - | aor BlockBed |
446 - | aor$a BlockBed$EnumBedPart |
447 - | aos BlockBeetroot |
448 - | aot Block |
449 - | aot$a Block$EnumRandomOffset |
450 - | aou Blocks |
451 - | aov BlockBone |
452 - | aow IBlockFragilePlantElement |
453 - | aox BlockBookshelf |
454 - | aoy BlockBrewingStand |
455 - | aoz BlockPlant |
421 + | aoa BiomeRiver |
422 + | aob BiomeSavanna |
423 + | aoc BiomeStoneBeach |
424 + | aod BiomeSwamp |
425 + | aoe BiomeTaiga |
426 + | aoe$a BiomeTaiga$Type |
427 + | aof BiomeTheEnd |
428 + | aog BiomeTheEndDecorator |
429 + | aog$a BiomeTheEndDecorator$SpikeCache |
430 + | aoh BiomeVoid |
431 + | aoi BiomeVoidDecorator |
432 + | aok BlockAir |
433 + | aol BlockAnvil |
434 + | aol$a BlockAnvil$TileEntityContainerAnvil |
435 + | aom BlockBanner |
436 + | aom$a BlockBanner$BlockStandingBanner |
437 + | aom$b BlockBanner$BlockWallBanner |
438 + | aon BlockBarrier |
439 + | aoo BlockTileEntity |
440 + | aop BlockPressurePlateAbstract |
441 + | aoq BlockMinecartTrackAbstract |
442 + | aoq$a BlockMinecartTrackAbstract$MinecartTrackLogic |
443 + | aoq$b BlockMinecartTrackAbstract$EnumTrackPosition |
444 + | aor BlockBeacon |
445 + | aos BlockBed |
446 + | aos$a BlockBed$EnumBedPart |
447 + | aot BlockBeetroot |
448 + | aou Block |
449 + | aou$a Block$EnumRandomOffset |
450 + | aov Blocks |
451 + | aow BlockBone |
452 + | aox IBlockFragilePlantElement |
453 + | aoy BlockBookshelf |
454 + | aoz BlockBrewingStand |
456 455 | ap CriterionTriggerLevitation |
457 - | apa BlockButtonAbstract |
458 - | apb BlockCactus |
459 - | apc BlockCake |
460 - | apd BlockCarrots |
461 - | ape BlockCauldron |
462 - | apf BlockChest |
463 - | apf$a BlockChest$Type |
464 - | apg BlockChorusFlower |
465 - | aph BlockChorusFruit |
466 - | api BlockClay |
467 - | apj BlockCocoa |
468 - | apk BlockCloth |
469 - | apl BlockCommand |
470 - | apm BlockRedstoneComparator |
471 - | apm$a BlockRedstoneComparator$EnumComparatorMode |
472 - | apn BlockConcretePowder |
473 - | apo BlockWorkbench |
474 - | apo$a BlockWorkbench$TileEntityContainerWorkbench |
475 - | app BlockCrops |
476 - | apq BlockDaylightDetector |
477 - | apr BlockDeadBush |
478 - | aps BlockMinecartDetector |
479 - | apt BlockDiodeAbstract |
480 - | apu BlockDirectional |
481 - | apv BlockDirt |
482 - | apv$a BlockDirt$EnumDirtVariant |
483 - | apw BlockDispenser |
484 - | apx BlockDoor |
485 - | apx$a BlockDoor$EnumDoorHalf |
486 - | apx$b BlockDoor$EnumDoorHinge |
487 - | apy BlockTallPlant |
488 - | apy$a BlockTallPlant$EnumTallPlantHalf |
489 - | apy$b BlockTallPlant$EnumTallFlowerVariants |
490 - | apz BlockDragonEgg |
456 + | apa BlockPlant |
457 + | apb BlockButtonAbstract |
458 + | apc BlockCactus |
459 + | apd BlockCake |
460 + | ape BlockCarrots |
461 + | apf BlockCauldron |
462 + | apg BlockChest |
463 + | apg$a BlockChest$Type |
464 + | aph BlockChorusFlower |
465 + | api BlockChorusFruit |
466 + | apj BlockClay |
467 + | apk BlockCocoa |
468 + | apl BlockCloth |
469 + | apm BlockCommand |
470 + | apn BlockRedstoneComparator |
471 + | apn$a BlockRedstoneComparator$EnumComparatorMode |
472 + | apo BlockConcretePowder |
473 + | app BlockWorkbench |
474 + | app$a BlockWorkbench$TileEntityContainerWorkbench |
475 + | apq BlockCrops |
476 + | apr BlockDaylightDetector |
477 + | aps BlockDeadBush |
478 + | apt BlockMinecartDetector |
479 + | apu BlockDiodeAbstract |
480 + | apv BlockDirectional |
481 + | apw BlockDirt |
482 + | apw$a BlockDirt$EnumDirtVariant |
483 + | apx BlockDispenser |
484 + | apy BlockDoor |
485 + | apy$a BlockDoor$EnumDoorHalf |
486 + | apy$b BlockDoor$EnumDoorHinge |
487 + | apz BlockTallPlant |
488 + | apz$a BlockTallPlant$EnumTallPlantHalf |
489 + | apz$b BlockTallPlant$EnumTallFlowerVariants |
491 490 | aq CriterionConditionLocation |
492 - | aqa BlockDropper |
493 - | aqb BlockFlowing |
494 - | aqc BlockEnchantmentTable |
495 - | aqd BlockEndGateway |
496 - | aqe BlockEnderPortal |
497 - | aqf BlockEnderPortalFrame |
498 - | aqg BlockEndRod |
499 - | aqh BlockEnderChest |
500 - | aqi ITileEntity |
501 - | aqj BlockFalling |
502 - | aqk BlockSoil |
503 - | aql BlockFence |
504 - | aqm BlockFenceGate |
505 - | aqn BlockFire |
506 - | aqo BlockFlowers |
507 - | aqo$a BlockFlowers$EnumFlowerVarient |
508 - | aqo$b BlockFlowers$EnumFlowerType |
509 - | aqp BlockFlowerPot |
510 - | aqp$a BlockFlowerPot$EnumFlowerPotContents |
511 - | aqq BlockIceFrost |
512 - | aqr BlockDoubleStoneStep2 |
513 - | aqs BlockDoubleStep |
514 - | aqt BlockDoubleWoodStep |
515 - | aqu BlockFurnace |
516 - | aqv BlockGlass |
517 - | aqw BlockGlazedTerracotta |
518 - | aqx BlockLightStone |
519 - | aqy BlockGrass |
520 - | aqz BlockGrassPath |
491 + | aqa BlockDragonEgg |
492 + | aqb BlockDropper |
493 + | aqc BlockFlowing |
494 + | aqd BlockEnchantmentTable |
495 + | aqe BlockEndGateway |
496 + | aqf BlockEnderPortal |
497 + | aqg BlockEnderPortalFrame |
498 + | aqh BlockEndRod |
499 + | aqi BlockEnderChest |
500 + | aqj ITileEntity |
501 + | aqk BlockFalling |
502 + | aql BlockSoil |
503 + | aqm BlockFence |
504 + | aqn BlockFenceGate |
505 + | aqo BlockFire |
506 + | aqp BlockFlowers |
507 + | aqp$a BlockFlowers$EnumFlowerVarient |
508 + | aqp$b BlockFlowers$EnumFlowerType |
509 + | aqq BlockFlowerPot |
510 + | aqq$a BlockFlowerPot$EnumFlowerPotContents |
511 + | aqr BlockIceFrost |
512 + | aqs BlockDoubleStoneStep2 |
513 + | aqt BlockDoubleStep |
514 + | aqu BlockDoubleWoodStep |
515 + | aqv BlockFurnace |
516 + | aqw BlockGlass |
517 + | aqx BlockGlazedTerracotta |
518 + | aqy BlockLightStone |
519 + | aqz BlockGrass |
521 520 | ar CriterionTriggerLocation |
522 - | ara BlockGravel |
523 - | arb BlockStoneStep2 |
524 - | arc BlockStepAbstract |
525 - | arc$a BlockStepAbstract$EnumSlabHalf |
526 - | ard BlockStep |
527 - | are BlockHalfTransparent |
528 - | arf BlockWoodStep |
529 - | arg BlockHardenedClay |
530 - | arh BlockHay |
531 - | ari BlockHopper |
532 - | arj BlockFacingHorizontal |
533 - | ark BlockHugeMushroom |
534 - | ark$a BlockHugeMushroom$EnumHugeMushroomVariant |
535 - | arl BlockIce |
536 - | arm BlockJukeBox |
537 - | arm$a BlockJukeBox$TileEntityRecordPlayer |
538 - | arn BlockLadder |
539 - | aro BlockLeaves |
540 - | arq BlockLever |
541 - | arq$a BlockLever$EnumLeverPosition |
542 - | arr BlockFluids |
543 - | ars BlockLogAbstract |
544 - | ars$a BlockLogAbstract$EnumLogRotation |
545 - | art BlockMagma |
546 - | aru BlockMelon |
547 - | arv EnumBlockMirror |
548 - | arw BlockMobSpawner |
549 - | arx BlockMonsterEggs |
550 - | arx$a BlockMonsterEggs$EnumMonsterEggVarient |
551 - | ary BlockMushroom |
552 - | arz BlockMycel |
521 + | ara BlockGrassPath |
522 + | arb BlockGravel |
523 + | arc BlockStoneStep2 |
524 + | ard BlockStepAbstract |
525 + | ard$a BlockStepAbstract$EnumSlabHalf |
526 + | are BlockStep |
527 + | arf BlockHalfTransparent |
528 + | arg BlockWoodStep |
529 + | arh BlockHardenedClay |
530 + | ari BlockHay |
531 + | arj BlockHopper |
532 + | ark BlockFacingHorizontal |
533 + | arl BlockHugeMushroom |
534 + | arl$a BlockHugeMushroom$EnumHugeMushroomVariant |
535 + | arm BlockIce |
536 + | arn BlockJukeBox |
537 + | arn$a BlockJukeBox$TileEntityRecordPlayer |
538 + | aro BlockLadder |
539 + | arp BlockLeaves |
540 + | arr BlockLever |
541 + | arr$a BlockLever$EnumLeverPosition |
542 + | ars BlockFluids |
543 + | art BlockLogAbstract |
544 + | art$a BlockLogAbstract$EnumLogRotation |
545 + | aru BlockMagma |
546 + | arv BlockMelon |
547 + | arw EnumBlockMirror |
548 + | arx BlockMobSpawner |
549 + | ary BlockMonsterEggs |
550 + | ary$a BlockMonsterEggs$EnumMonsterEggVarient |
551 + | arz BlockMushroom |
553 552 | as CriterionConditionValue |
554 - | asa BlockNetherbrick |
555 - | asb BlockNetherWart |
556 - | asc BlockBloodStone |
557 - | asd BlockLeaves2 |
558 - | ase BlockLog2 |
559 - | asf BlockDoubleStoneStepAbstract |
560 - | asf$a BlockDoubleStoneStepAbstract$EnumStoneSlab2Variant |
561 - | asg BlockNoDrop |
562 - | ash BlockNote |
563 - | asi BlockObserver |
564 - | asj BlockObsidian |
565 - | ask BlockLeaves1 |
566 - | asl BlockLog1 |
567 - | asm BlockOre |
568 - | asn BlockPackedIce |
569 - | aso BlockWood |
570 - | aso$a BlockWood$EnumLogVariant |
571 - | asp BlockPortal |
572 - | asp$a BlockPortal$Shape |
573 - | asq BlockPotatoes |
574 - | asr BlockPowered |
575 - | ass BlockPoweredRail |
576 - | ast BlockPressurePlateBinary |
577 - | ast$a BlockPressurePlateBinary$EnumMobType |
578 - | asu BlockPrismarine |
579 - | asu$a BlockPrismarine$EnumPrismarineVariant |
580 - | asv BlockPumpkin |
581 - | asw BlockPurpurSlab |
582 - | asw$a BlockPurpurSlab$Default |
583 - | asw$b BlockPurpurSlab$Half |
584 - | asw$c BlockPurpurSlab$Type |
585 - | asx BlockQuartz |
586 - | asx$a BlockQuartz$EnumQuartzVariant |
587 - | asy BlockMinecartTrack |
588 - | asz BlockRedFlowers |
553 + | asa BlockMycel |
554 + | asb BlockNetherbrick |
555 + | asc BlockNetherWart |
556 + | asd BlockBloodStone |
557 + | ase BlockLeaves2 |
558 + | asf BlockLog2 |
559 + | asg BlockDoubleStoneStepAbstract |
560 + | asg$a BlockDoubleStoneStepAbstract$EnumStoneSlab2Variant |
561 + | ash BlockNoDrop |
562 + | asi BlockNote |
563 + | asj BlockObserver |
564 + | ask BlockObsidian |
565 + | asl BlockLeaves1 |
566 + | asm BlockLog1 |
567 + | asn BlockOre |
568 + | aso BlockPackedIce |
569 + | asp BlockWood |
570 + | asp$a BlockWood$EnumLogVariant |
571 + | asq BlockPortal |
572 + | asq$a BlockPortal$Shape |
573 + | asr BlockPotatoes |
574 + | ass BlockPowered |
575 + | ast BlockPoweredRail |
576 + | asu BlockPressurePlateBinary |
577 + | asu$a BlockPressurePlateBinary$EnumMobType |
578 + | asv BlockPrismarine |
579 + | asv$a BlockPrismarine$EnumPrismarineVariant |
580 + | asw BlockPumpkin |
581 + | asx BlockPurpurSlab |
582 + | asx$a BlockPurpurSlab$Default |
583 + | asx$b BlockPurpurSlab$Half |
584 + | asx$c BlockPurpurSlab$Type |
585 + | asy BlockQuartz |
586 + | asy$a BlockQuartz$EnumQuartzVariant |
587 + | asz BlockMinecartTrack |
589 588 | at CriterionConditionMobEffect |
590 - | ata BlockRedSandstone |
591 - | ata$a BlockRedSandstone$EnumRedSandstoneVariant |
592 - | atb BlockRedstoneOre |
593 - | atc BlockRedstoneWire |
594 - | atc$a BlockRedstoneWire$EnumRedstoneWireConnection |
595 - | atd BlockRedstoneLamp |
596 - | ate BlockRedstoneTorch |
597 - | ate$a BlockRedstoneTorch$RedstoneUpdateInfo |
598 - | atf BlockReed |
599 - | atg EnumRenderType |
600 - | ath BlockRepeater |
601 - | ati BlockRotatable |
602 - | atj EnumBlockRotation |
603 - | atk BlockSand |
604 - | atk$a BlockSand$EnumSandVariant |
605 - | atl BlockSandStone |
606 - | atl$a BlockSandStone$EnumSandstoneVariant |
607 - | atm BlockSapling |
608 - | atn BlockSeaLantern |
609 - | ato BlockShulkerBox |
610 - | atp BlockSign |
611 - | atq BlockSkull |
612 - | atr BlockSlime |
613 - | ats BlockSnowBlock |
614 - | att BlockSnow |
615 - | atu BlockSlowSand |
616 - | atv SoundEffectType |
617 - | atw BlockSponge |
618 - | atx BlockStainedGlass |
619 - | aty BlockStainedGlassPane |
620 - | atz BlockStainedHardenedClay |
589 + | ata BlockRedFlowers |
590 + | atb BlockRedSandstone |
591 + | atb$a BlockRedSandstone$EnumRedSandstoneVariant |
592 + | atc BlockRedstoneOre |
593 + | atd BlockRedstoneWire |
594 + | atd$a BlockRedstoneWire$EnumRedstoneWireConnection |
595 + | ate BlockRedstoneLamp |
596 + | atf BlockRedstoneTorch |
597 + | atf$a BlockRedstoneTorch$RedstoneUpdateInfo |
598 + | atg BlockReed |
599 + | ath EnumRenderType |
600 + | ati BlockRepeater |
601 + | atj BlockRotatable |
602 + | atk EnumBlockRotation |
603 + | atl BlockSand |
604 + | atl$a BlockSand$EnumSandVariant |
605 + | atm BlockSandStone |
606 + | atm$a BlockSandStone$EnumSandstoneVariant |
607 + | atn BlockSapling |
608 + | ato BlockSeaLantern |
609 + | atp BlockShulkerBox |
610 + | atq BlockSign |
611 + | atr BlockSkull |
612 + | ats BlockSlime |
613 + | att BlockSnowBlock |
614 + | atu BlockSnow |
615 + | atv BlockSlowSand |
616 + | atw SoundEffectType |
617 + | atx BlockSponge |
618 + | aty BlockStainedGlass |
619 + | atz BlockStainedGlassPane |
621 620 | au CriterionConditionNBT |
622 - | aua BlockStairs |
623 - | aua$a BlockStairs$EnumHalf |
624 - | aua$b BlockStairs$EnumStairShape |
625 - | aub BlockFloorSign |
626 - | auc BlockStationary |
627 - | aud BlockStem |
628 - | aue BlockStone |
629 - | aue$a BlockStone$EnumStoneVariant |
630 - | auf BlockSmoothBrick |
631 - | auf$a BlockSmoothBrick$EnumStonebrickType |
632 - | aug BlockStoneButton |
633 - | auh BlockDoubleStepAbstract |
634 - | auh$a BlockDoubleStepAbstract$EnumStoneSlabVariant |
635 - | aui BlockStructure |
636 - | auj BlockStructureVoid |
637 - | auk BlockLongGrass |
638 - | auk$a BlockLongGrass$EnumTallGrassType |
639 - | aul BlockThin |
640 - | aum BlockTNT |
641 - | aun BlockTorch |
642 - | auo BlockTrapdoor |
643 - | auo$a BlockTrapdoor$EnumTrapdoorHalf |
644 - | aup BlockTripwire |
645 - | auq BlockTripwireHook |
646 - | aur BlockVine |
647 - | aus BlockCobbleWall |
648 - | aus$a BlockCobbleWall$EnumCobbleVariant |
649 - | aut BlockWallSign |
650 - | auu BlockWaterLily |
651 - | auv BlockWeb |
652 - | auw BlockPressurePlateWeighted |
653 - | auy BlockWoodButton |
654 - | auz BlockWoodenStep |
621 + | aua BlockStainedHardenedClay |
622 + | aub BlockStairs |
623 + | aub$a BlockStairs$EnumHalf |
624 + | aub$b BlockStairs$EnumStairShape |
625 + | auc BlockFloorSign |
626 + | aud BlockStationary |
627 + | aue BlockStem |
628 + | auf BlockStone |
629 + | auf$a BlockStone$EnumStoneVariant |
630 + | aug BlockSmoothBrick |
631 + | aug$a BlockSmoothBrick$EnumStonebrickType |
632 + | auh BlockStoneButton |
633 + | aui BlockDoubleStepAbstract |
634 + | aui$a BlockDoubleStepAbstract$EnumStoneSlabVariant |
635 + | auj BlockStructure |
636 + | auk BlockStructureVoid |
637 + | aul BlockLongGrass |
638 + | aul$a BlockLongGrass$EnumTallGrassType |
639 + | aum BlockThin |
640 + | aun BlockTNT |
641 + | auo BlockTorch |
642 + | aup BlockTrapdoor |
643 + | aup$a BlockTrapdoor$EnumTrapdoorHalf |
644 + | auq BlockTripwire |
645 + | aur BlockTripwireHook |
646 + | aus BlockVine |
647 + | aut BlockCobbleWall |
648 + | aut$a BlockCobbleWall$EnumCobbleVariant |
649 + | auu BlockWallSign |
650 + | auv BlockWaterLily |
651 + | auw BlockWeb |
652 + | auy BlockPressurePlateWeighted |
653 + | auz BlockWoodButton |
655 654 | av CriterionTriggerNetherTravel |
656 - | ava BlockCarpet |
657 - | avb BlockYellowFlowers |
658 - | avc TileEntityBanner |
659 - | avd EnumBannerPatternType |
660 - | ave TileEntityBeacon |
661 - | ave$a TileEntityBeacon$BeaconColorTracker |
662 - | avf TileEntityBed |
663 - | avg TileEntity |
664 - | avh TileEntityBrewingStand |
665 - | avi TileEntityChest |
666 - | avj TileEntityCommand |
667 - | avj$a TileEntityCommand$Type |
668 - | avk TileEntityComparator |
669 - | avl TileEntityLightDetector |
670 - | avm TileEntityDispenser |
671 - | avn TileEntityDropper |
672 - | avo TileEntityEnchantTable |
673 - | avp TileEntityEnderChest |
674 - | avq TileEntityFlowerPot |
675 - | avr TileEntityFurnace |
676 - | avs IHopper |
677 - | avt TileEntityHopper |
678 - | avu TileEntityContainer |
679 - | avv TileEntityMobSpawner |
680 - | avw TileEntityNote |
681 - | avx TileEntityLootable |
682 - | avy TileEntityShulkerBox |
683 - | avy$a TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase |
684 - | avz TileEntitySign |
655 + | ava BlockWoodenStep |
656 + | avb BlockCarpet |
657 + | avc BlockYellowFlowers |
658 + | avd TileEntityBanner |
659 + | ave EnumBannerPatternType |
660 + | avf TileEntityBeacon |
661 + | avf$a TileEntityBeacon$BeaconColorTracker |
662 + | avg TileEntityBed |
663 + | avh TileEntity |
664 + | avi TileEntityBrewingStand |
665 + | avj TileEntityChest |
666 + | avk TileEntityCommand |
667 + | avk$a TileEntityCommand$Type |
668 + | avl TileEntityComparator |
669 + | avm TileEntityLightDetector |
670 + | avn TileEntityDispenser |
671 + | avo TileEntityDropper |
672 + | avp TileEntityEnchantTable |
673 + | avq TileEntityEnderChest |
674 + | avr TileEntityFlowerPot |
675 + | avs TileEntityFurnace |
676 + | avt IHopper |
677 + | avu TileEntityHopper |
678 + | avv TileEntityContainer |
679 + | avw TileEntityMobSpawner |
680 + | avx TileEntityNote |
681 + | avy TileEntityLootable |
682 + | avz TileEntityShulkerBox |
683 + | avz$a TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase |
685 684 | aw CriterionTriggerPlacedBlock |
686 - | awa TileEntitySkull |
687 - | awb TileEntityStructure |
688 - | awb$a TileEntityStructure$UsageMode |
689 - | awc TileEntityEndGateway |
690 - | awd TileEntityEnderPortal |
691 - | awg BlockPiston |
692 - | awh BlockPistonExtension |
693 - | awh$a BlockPistonExtension$EnumPistonType |
694 - | awi BlockPistonMoving |
695 - | awj TileEntityPiston |
696 - | awk PistonExtendsChecker |
697 - | awm BlockDataAbstract |
698 - | awn IBlockPhysics |
699 - | awo EnumBlockFaceShape |
700 - | awp IBlockProperties |
701 - | awq IBlockData |
702 - | awr BlockStateList |
703 - | awr$a BlockStateList$BlockData |
704 - | awt ShapeDetectorBlock |
705 - | awu ShapeDetector |
706 - | awu$a ShapeDetector$BlockLoader |
707 - | awu$b ShapeDetector$ShapeDetectorCollection |
708 - | awv ShapeDetectorBuilder |
709 - | awx MaterialPredicate |
710 - | awy BlockPredicate |
711 - | awz BlockStatePredicate |
685 + | awa TileEntitySign |
686 + | awb TileEntitySkull |
687 + | awc TileEntityStructure |
688 + | awc$a TileEntityStructure$UsageMode |
689 + | awd TileEntityEndGateway |
690 + | awe TileEntityEnderPortal |
691 + | awh BlockPiston |
692 + | awi BlockPistonExtension |
693 + | awi$a BlockPistonExtension$EnumPistonType |
694 + | awj BlockPistonMoving |
695 + | awk TileEntityPiston |
696 + | awl PistonExtendsChecker |
697 + | awn BlockDataAbstract |
698 + | awo IBlockPhysics |
699 + | awp EnumBlockFaceShape |
700 + | awq IBlockProperties |
701 + | awr IBlockData |
702 + | aws BlockStateList |
703 + | aws$a BlockStateList$BlockData |
704 + | awu ShapeDetectorBlock |
705 + | awv ShapeDetector |
706 + | awv$a ShapeDetector$BlockLoader |
707 + | awv$b ShapeDetector$ShapeDetectorCollection |
708 + | aww ShapeDetectorBuilder |
709 + | awy MaterialPredicate |
710 + | awz BlockPredicate |
712 711 | ax CriterionTriggerPlayerHurtEntity |
713 - | axb BlockState |
714 - | axc BlockStateBoolean |
715 - | axd BlockStateDirection |
716 - | axe BlockStateEnum |
717 - | axf BlockStateInteger |
718 - | axg IBlockState |
719 - | axi IWorldBorderListener |
720 - | axj EnumWorldBorderState |
721 - | axk WorldBorder |
722 - | axm DataPaletteBlock |
723 - | axn ChunkGenerator |
724 - | axo IChunkProvider |
725 - | axp NibbleArray |
726 - | axr DataPaletteGlobal |
727 - | axs DataPaletteHash |
728 - | axt Chunk |
729 - | axt$a Chunk$EnumTileEntityState |
730 - | axu ChunkSection |
731 - | axv DataPaletteLinear |
732 - | axw OldNibbleArray |
733 - | axx DataPalette |
734 - | axy DataPaletteExpandable |
712 + | axa BlockStatePredicate |
713 + | axc BlockState |
714 + | axd BlockStateBoolean |
715 + | axe BlockStateDirection |
716 + | axf BlockStateEnum |
717 + | axg BlockStateInteger |
718 + | axh IBlockState |
719 + | axj IWorldBorderListener |
720 + | axk EnumWorldBorderState |
721 + | axl WorldBorder |
722 + | axn DataPaletteBlock |
723 + | axo ChunkGenerator |
724 + | axp IChunkProvider |
725 + | axq NibbleArray |
726 + | axs DataPaletteGlobal |
727 + | axt DataPaletteHash |
728 + | axu Chunk |
729 + | axu$a Chunk$EnumTileEntityState |
730 + | axv ChunkSection |
731 + | axw DataPaletteLinear |
732 + | axx OldNibbleArray |
733 + | axy DataPalette |
734 + | axz DataPaletteExpandable |
735 735 | ay CriterionTriggerRecipeUnlocked |
736 - | ayb ChunkRegionLoader |
737 - | ayc IChunkLoader |
738 - | ayf OldChunkLoader |
739 - | ayf$a OldChunkLoader$OldChunk |
740 - | ayg RegionFile |
741 - | ayg$a RegionFile$ChunkBuffer |
742 - | ayh RegionFileCache |
743 - | ayj WorldProvider |
744 - | ayk DimensionManager |
745 - | ayl WorldProviderHell |
746 - | aym WorldProviderNormal |
747 - | ayn EnumDragonRespawn |
748 - | ayo EnderDragonBattle |
749 - | ayp WorldProviderTheEnd |
750 - | ays WorldGenCanyon |
751 - | ayt ChunkSnapshot |
752 - | ayu CustomWorldSettingsFinal |
753 - | ayu$a CustomWorldSettingsFinal$CustomWorldSettings |
754 - | ayu$b CustomWorldSettingsFinal$CustomWorldSettingsSerializer |
755 - | ayv ChunkProviderDebug |
756 - | ayw ChunkProviderFlat |
757 - | ayx WorldGenCaves |
758 - | ayy WorldGenBase |
759 - | ayz WorldGenCavesHell |
736 + | ayc ChunkRegionLoader |
737 + | ayd IChunkLoader |
738 + | ayg OldChunkLoader |
739 + | ayg$a OldChunkLoader$OldChunk |
740 + | ayh RegionFile |
741 + | ayh$a RegionFile$ChunkBuffer |
742 + | ayi RegionFileCache |
743 + | ayk WorldProvider |
744 + | ayl DimensionManager |
745 + | aym WorldProviderHell |
746 + | ayn WorldProviderNormal |
747 + | ayo EnumDragonRespawn |
748 + | ayp EnderDragonBattle |
749 + | ayq WorldProviderTheEnd |
750 + | ayt WorldGenCanyon |
751 + | ayu ChunkSnapshot |
752 + | ayv CustomWorldSettingsFinal |
753 + | ayv$a CustomWorldSettingsFinal$CustomWorldSettings |
754 + | ayv$b CustomWorldSettingsFinal$CustomWorldSettingsSerializer |
755 + | ayw ChunkProviderDebug |
756 + | ayx ChunkProviderFlat |
757 + | ayy WorldGenCaves |
758 + | ayz WorldGenBase |
760 759 | az CriterionTriggerSummonedEntity |
761 - | aza ChunkProviderHell |
762 - | azb ChunkProviderGenerate |
763 - | azc ChunkProviderTheEnd |
764 - | azd WorldGenTreeAbstract |
765 - | aze WorldGenBigTree |
766 - | aze$a WorldGenBigTree$Position |
767 - | azf WorldGenForest |
768 - | azg WorldGenTaigaStructure |
769 - | azh WorldGenBonusChest |
770 - | azi WorldGenMushrooms |
771 - | azj WorldGenCactus |
772 - | azk WorldGenClay |
773 - | azl WorldGenDeadBush |
774 - | azm WorldGenDesertWell |
775 - | azn WorldGenTallPlant |
776 - | azo WorldGenEndGateway |
777 - | azp WorldGenEndIsland |
778 - | azq WorldGenEndTrophy |
779 - | azr WorldGenerator |
780 - | azs WorldGenFlowers |
781 - | azt WorldGenFossils |
782 - | azu WorldGenGroundBush |
783 - | azv WorldGenFire |
784 - | azw WorldGenLightStone2 |
785 - | azx WorldGenHellLava |
786 - | azy WorldGenHugeMushroom |
787 - | azz WorldGenPackedIce1 |
760 + | aza WorldGenCavesHell |
761 + | azb ChunkProviderHell |
762 + | azc ChunkProviderGenerate |
763 + | azd ChunkProviderTheEnd |
764 + | aze WorldGenTreeAbstract |
765 + | azf WorldGenBigTree |
766 + | azf$a WorldGenBigTree$Position |
767 + | azg WorldGenForest |
768 + | azh WorldGenTaigaStructure |
769 + | azi WorldGenBonusChest |
770 + | azj WorldGenMushrooms |
771 + | azk WorldGenCactus |
772 + | azl WorldGenClay |
773 + | azm WorldGenDeadBush |
774 + | azn WorldGenDesertWell |
775 + | azo WorldGenTallPlant |
776 + | azp WorldGenEndGateway |
777 + | azq WorldGenEndIsland |
778 + | azr WorldGenEndTrophy |
779 + | azs WorldGenerator |
780 + | azt WorldGenFlowers |
781 + | azu WorldGenFossils |
782 + | azv WorldGenGroundBush |
783 + | azw WorldGenFire |
784 + | azx WorldGenLightStone2 |
785 + | azy WorldGenHellLava |
786 + | azz WorldGenHugeMushroom |
788 787 | b CrashReport |
789 788 | ba CriterionTriggerTamedAnimal |
790 - | baa WorldGenPackedIce2 |
791 - | bab WorldGenLakes |
792 - | bac WorldGenLightStone1 |
793 - | bad WorldGenJungleTree |
794 - | bae WorldGenMegaTree |
795 - | baf WorldGenMegaTreeAbstract |
796 - | bag WorldGenMelon |
797 - | bah WorldGenDungeons |
798 - | bai WorldGenMinable |
799 - | baj WorldGenTaiga1 |
800 - | bak WorldGenPumpkin |
801 - | bal WorldGenReed |
802 - | bam WorldGenForestTree |
803 - | ban WorldGenSand |
804 - | bao WorldGenAcaciaTree |
805 - | bap WorldGenEnder |
806 - | bap$a WorldGenEnder$Spike |
807 - | baq WorldGenLiquids |
808 - | bar WorldGenTaiga2 |
809 - | bas WorldGenSwampTree |
810 - | bat WorldGenGrass |
811 - | bau WorldGenTrees |
812 - | bav WorldGenVines |
813 - | baw WorldGenWaterLily |
814 - | bay WorldGenFlatInfo |
815 - | baz WorldGenFlatLayerInfo |
789 + | baa WorldGenPackedIce1 |
790 + | bab WorldGenPackedIce2 |
791 + | bac WorldGenLakes |
792 + | bad WorldGenLightStone1 |
793 + | bae WorldGenJungleTree |
794 + | baf WorldGenMegaTree |
795 + | bag WorldGenMegaTreeAbstract |
796 + | bah WorldGenMelon |
797 + | bai WorldGenDungeons |
798 + | baj WorldGenMinable |
799 + | bak WorldGenTaiga1 |
800 + | bal WorldGenPumpkin |
801 + | bam WorldGenReed |
802 + | ban WorldGenForestTree |
803 + | bao WorldGenSand |
804 + | bap WorldGenAcaciaTree |
805 + | baq WorldGenEnder |
806 + | baq$a WorldGenEnder$Spike |
807 + | bar WorldGenLiquids |
808 + | bas WorldGenTaiga2 |
809 + | bat WorldGenSwampTree |
810 + | bau WorldGenGrass |
811 + | bav WorldGenTrees |
812 + | baw WorldGenVines |
813 + | bax WorldGenWaterLily |
814 + | baz WorldGenFlatInfo |
816 815 | bb CriterionTriggerTick |
817 - | bbd StructureBoundingBox |
818 - | bbe WorldGenEndCity |
819 - | bbe$a WorldGenEndCity$Start |
820 - | bbf WorldGenEndCityPieces |
821 - | bbf$a WorldGenEndCityPieces$Piece |
822 - | bbf$b WorldGenEndCityPieces$PieceGenerator |
823 - | bbg WorldGenMineshaft |
824 - | bbg$a WorldGenMineshaft$Type |
825 - | bbh WorldGenMineshaftPieces |
826 - | bbh$a WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftCorridor |
827 - | bbh$b WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftCross |
828 - | bbh$d WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftRoom |
829 - | bbh$e WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftStairs |
830 - | bbi WorldGenMineshaftStart |
831 - | bbj WorldGenNether |
832 - | bbj$a WorldGenNether$WorldGenNetherStart |
833 - | bbk WorldGenNetherPieces |
834 - | bbk$a WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece1 |
835 - | bbk$b WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece2 |
836 - | bbk$c WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece3 |
837 - | bbk$d WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece4 |
838 - | bbk$e WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece5 |
839 - | bbk$f WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece6 |
840 - | bbk$g WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece7 |
841 - | bbk$h WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece8 |
842 - | bbk$i WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece9 |
843 - | bbk$j WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece10 |
844 - | bbk$k WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece11 |
845 - | bbk$l WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece12 |
846 - | bbk$m WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece |
847 - | bbk$n WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPieceWeight |
848 - | bbk$o WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece13 |
849 - | bbk$p WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece14 |
850 - | bbk$q WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece15 |
851 - | bbl WorldGenMonument |
852 - | bbl$a WorldGenMonument$WorldGenMonumentStart |
853 - | bbm WorldGenMonumentPieces |
854 - | bbm$a WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector7 |
855 - | bbm$b WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector6 |
856 - | bbm$c WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector5 |
857 - | bbm$d WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector4 |
858 - | bbm$e WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector3 |
859 - | bbm$f WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector2 |
860 - | bbm$g WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector1 |
861 - | bbm$h WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece1 |
862 - | bbm$i WorldGenMonumentPieces$IWorldGenMonumentPieceSelector |
863 - | bbm$j WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece2 |
864 - | bbm$k WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece3 |
865 - | bbm$l WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece4 |
866 - | bbm$m WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece5 |
867 - | bbm$n WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece6 |
868 - | bbm$o WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece7 |
869 - | bbm$p WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceEntry |
870 - | bbm$q WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiecePenthouse |
871 - | bbm$r WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece |
872 - | bbm$s WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSimple |
873 - | bbm$t WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSimpleT |
874 - | bbm$u WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece8 |
875 - | bbm$v WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentStateTracker |
876 - | bbn WorldGenLargeFeature |
877 - | bbn$a WorldGenLargeFeature$WorldGenLargeFeatureStart |
878 - | bbo WorldGenRegistration |
879 - | bbo$a WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenPyramidPiece |
880 - | bbo$c WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenJungleTemple |
881 - | bbo$c$a WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenJungleTemple$WorldGenJungleTemplePiece |
882 - | bbo$d WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenScatteredPiece |
883 - | bbo$e WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenWitchHut |
884 - | bbp WorldGenStronghold |
885 - | bbp$a WorldGenStronghold$WorldGenStronghold2Start |
886 - | bbq WorldGenStrongholdPieces |
887 - | bbq$a WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdChestCorridor |
888 - | bbq$b WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdCorridor |
889 - | bbq$c WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdCrossing |
890 - | bbq$d WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdLeftTurn |
891 - | bbq$e WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdLibrary |
892 - | bbq$f WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPieceWeight |
893 - | bbq$g WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPortalRoom |
894 - | bbq$h WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPrison |
895 - | bbq$i WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdRightTurn |
896 - | bbq$j WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdRoomCrossing |
897 - | bbq$k WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStones |
898 - | bbq$l WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairs2 |
899 - | bbq$m WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStart |
900 - | bbq$n WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairs |
901 - | bbq$o WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairsStraight |
902 - | bbq$p WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece |
903 - | bbq$p$a WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType |
904 - | bbr StructureGenerator |
905 - | bbs WorldGenFactory |
906 - | bbt PersistentStructure |
907 - | bbu StructurePiece |
908 - | bbu$a StructurePiece$StructurePieceBlockSelector |
909 - | bbv StructureStart |
910 - | bbw DefinedStructurePiece |
911 - | bbx WorldGenVillage |
912 - | bbx$a WorldGenVillage$WorldGenVillageStart |
913 - | bby WorldGenVillagePieces |
914 - | bby$a WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageLibrary |
915 - | bby$b WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageFarm2 |
916 - | bby$c WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageFarm |
917 - | bby$d WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageLight |
918 - | bby$e WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillagePieceWeight |
919 - | bby$f WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageButcher |
920 - | bby$g WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHouse |
921 - | bby$h WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHut |
922 - | bby$i WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageTemple |
923 - | bby$j WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageBlacksmith |
924 - | bby$k WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageStartPiece |
925 - | bby$l WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageRoad |
926 - | bby$m WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHouse2 |
927 - | bby$n WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillagePiece |
928 - | bby$o WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageRoadPiece |
929 - | bby$p WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageWell |
930 - | bbz WorldGenWoodlandMansion |
816 + | bba WorldGenFlatLayerInfo |
817 + | bbe StructureBoundingBox |
818 + | bbf WorldGenEndCity |
819 + | bbf$a WorldGenEndCity$Start |
820 + | bbg WorldGenEndCityPieces |
821 + | bbg$a WorldGenEndCityPieces$Piece |
822 + | bbg$b WorldGenEndCityPieces$PieceGenerator |
823 + | bbh WorldGenMineshaft |
824 + | bbh$a WorldGenMineshaft$Type |
825 + | bbi WorldGenMineshaftPieces |
826 + | bbi$a WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftCorridor |
827 + | bbi$b WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftCross |
828 + | bbi$d WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftRoom |
829 + | bbi$e WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftStairs |
830 + | bbj WorldGenMineshaftStart |
831 + | bbk WorldGenNether |
832 + | bbk$a WorldGenNether$WorldGenNetherStart |
833 + | bbl WorldGenNetherPieces |
834 + | bbl$a WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece1 |
835 + | bbl$b WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece2 |
836 + | bbl$c WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece3 |
837 + | bbl$d WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece4 |
838 + | bbl$e WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece5 |
839 + | bbl$f WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece6 |
840 + | bbl$g WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece7 |
841 + | bbl$h WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece8 |
842 + | bbl$i WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece9 |
843 + | bbl$j WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece10 |
844 + | bbl$k WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece11 |
845 + | bbl$l WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece12 |
846 + | bbl$m WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece |
847 + | bbl$n WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPieceWeight |
848 + | bbl$o WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece13 |
849 + | bbl$p WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece14 |
850 + | bbl$q WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece15 |
851 + | bbm WorldGenMonument |
852 + | bbm$a WorldGenMonument$WorldGenMonumentStart |
853 + | bbn WorldGenMonumentPieces |
854 + | bbn$a WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector7 |
855 + | bbn$b WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector6 |
856 + | bbn$c WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector5 |
857 + | bbn$d WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector4 |
858 + | bbn$e WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector3 |
859 + | bbn$f WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector2 |
860 + | bbn$g WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector1 |
861 + | bbn$h WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece1 |
862 + | bbn$i WorldGenMonumentPieces$IWorldGenMonumentPieceSelector |
863 + | bbn$j WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece2 |
864 + | bbn$k WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece3 |
865 + | bbn$l WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece4 |
866 + | bbn$m WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece5 |
867 + | bbn$n WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece6 |
868 + | bbn$o WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece7 |
869 + | bbn$p WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceEntry |
870 + | bbn$q WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiecePenthouse |
871 + | bbn$r WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece |
872 + | bbn$s WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSimple |
873 + | bbn$t WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSimpleT |
874 + | bbn$u WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece8 |
875 + | bbn$v WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentStateTracker |
876 + | bbo WorldGenLargeFeature |
877 + | bbo$a WorldGenLargeFeature$WorldGenLargeFeatureStart |
878 + | bbp WorldGenRegistration |
879 + | bbp$a WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenPyramidPiece |
880 + | bbp$c WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenJungleTemple |
881 + | bbp$c$a WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenJungleTemple$WorldGenJungleTemplePiece |
882 + | bbp$d WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenScatteredPiece |
883 + | bbp$e WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenWitchHut |
884 + | bbq WorldGenStronghold |
885 + | bbq$a WorldGenStronghold$WorldGenStronghold2Start |
886 + | bbr WorldGenStrongholdPieces |
887 + | bbr$a WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdChestCorridor |
888 + | bbr$b WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdCorridor |
889 + | bbr$c WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdCrossing |
890 + | bbr$d WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdLeftTurn |
891 + | bbr$e WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdLibrary |
892 + | bbr$f WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPieceWeight |
893 + | bbr$g WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPortalRoom |
894 + | bbr$h WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPrison |
895 + | bbr$i WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdRightTurn |
896 + | bbr$j WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdRoomCrossing |
897 + | bbr$k WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStones |
898 + | bbr$l WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairs2 |
899 + | bbr$m WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStart |
900 + | bbr$n WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairs |
901 + | bbr$o WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairsStraight |
902 + | bbr$p WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece |
903 + | bbr$p$a WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType |
904 + | bbs StructureGenerator |
905 + | bbt WorldGenFactory |
906 + | bbu PersistentStructure |
907 + | bbv StructurePiece |
908 + | bbv$a StructurePiece$StructurePieceBlockSelector |
909 + | bbw StructureStart |
910 + | bbx DefinedStructurePiece |
911 + | bby WorldGenVillage |
912 + | bby$a WorldGenVillage$WorldGenVillageStart |
913 + | bbz WorldGenVillagePieces |
914 + | bbz$a WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageLibrary |
915 + | bbz$b WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageFarm2 |
916 + | bbz$c WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageFarm |
917 + | bbz$d WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageLight |
918 + | bbz$e WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillagePieceWeight |
919 + | bbz$f WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageButcher |
920 + | bbz$g WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHouse |
921 + | bbz$h WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHut |
922 + | bbz$i WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageTemple |
923 + | bbz$j WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageBlacksmith |
924 + | bbz$k WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageStartPiece |
925 + | bbz$l WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageRoad |
926 + | bbz$m WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHouse2 |
927 + | bbz$n WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillagePiece |
928 + | bbz$o WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageRoadPiece |
929 + | bbz$p WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageWell |
931 930 | bc CriterionTriggerVillagerTrade |
932 - | bca WorldGenWoodlandMansionPieces |
933 - | bcc DefinedStructureProcessorRotation |
934 - | bcd DefinedStructureManager |
935 - | bce DefinedStructureInfo |
936 - | bcf DefinedStructureProcessor |
937 - | bcg DefinedStructure |
938 - | bcg$b DefinedStructure$BlockInfo |
939 - | bcg$c DefinedStructure$EntityInfo |
940 - | bcl NoiseGeneratorPerlin |
941 - | bcm NoiseGeneratorOctaves |
942 - | bcn NoiseGenerator3 |
943 - | bcq NoiseGenerator3Handler |
944 - | bcr NoiseGenerator |
945 - | bct MaterialDecoration |
946 - | bcu MaterialGas |
947 - | bcv MaterialLiquid |
948 - | bcw Material |
949 - | bcx MaterialMapColor |
950 - | bcy MaterialPortal |
951 - | bcz EnumPistonReaction |
931 + | bca WorldGenWoodlandMansion |
932 + | bcb WorldGenWoodlandMansionPieces |
933 + | bcd DefinedStructureProcessorRotation |
934 + | bce DefinedStructureManager |
935 + | bcf DefinedStructureInfo |
936 + | bcg DefinedStructureProcessor |
937 + | bch DefinedStructure |
938 + | bch$b DefinedStructure$BlockInfo |
939 + | bch$c DefinedStructure$EntityInfo |
940 + | bcm NoiseGeneratorPerlin |
941 + | bcn NoiseGeneratorOctaves |
942 + | bco NoiseGenerator3 |
943 + | bcr NoiseGenerator3Handler |
944 + | bcs NoiseGenerator |
945 + | bcu MaterialDecoration |
946 + | bcv MaterialGas |
947 + | bcw MaterialLiquid |
948 + | bcx Material |
949 + | bcy MaterialMapColor |
950 + | bcz MaterialPortal |
952 951 | bd CriterionTriggerUsedEnderEye |
953 - | bdb GenLayerDeepOcean |
954 - | bdc GenLayerSpecial |
955 - | bdc$a GenLayerSpecial$EnumGenLayerSpecial |
956 - | bdd GenLayerIsland |
957 - | bde GenLayerMushroomIsland |
958 - | bdf GenLayerTopSoil |
959 - | bdg GenLayerDesert |
960 - | bdh GenLayerBiome |
961 - | bdj GenLayerZoomFuzzy |
962 - | bdl IntCache |
963 - | bdm LayerIsland |
964 - | bdn GenLayer |
965 - | bdo GenLayerPlains |
966 - | bdp GenLayerRegionHills |
967 - | bdq GenLayerIcePlains |
968 - | bdr GenLayerCleaner |
969 - | bds GenLayerRiver |
970 - | bdt GenLayerRiverMix |
971 - | bdu GenLayerMushroomShore |
972 - | bdv GenLayerSmooth |
973 - | bdz GenLayerZoomVoronoi |
952 + | bda EnumPistonReaction |
953 + | bdc GenLayerDeepOcean |
954 + | bdd GenLayerSpecial |
955 + | bdd$a GenLayerSpecial$EnumGenLayerSpecial |
956 + | bde GenLayerIsland |
957 + | bdf GenLayerMushroomIsland |
958 + | bdg GenLayerTopSoil |
959 + | bdh GenLayerDesert |
960 + | bdi GenLayerBiome |
961 + | bdk GenLayerZoomFuzzy |
962 + | bdm IntCache |
963 + | bdn LayerIsland |
964 + | bdo GenLayer |
965 + | bdp GenLayerPlains |
966 + | bdq GenLayerRegionHills |
967 + | bdr GenLayerIcePlains |
968 + | bds GenLayerCleaner |
969 + | bdt GenLayerRiver |
970 + | bdu GenLayerRiverMix |
971 + | bdv GenLayerMushroomShore |
972 + | bdw GenLayerSmooth |
974 973 | be CriterionTriggerUsedTotem |
975 - | bea GenLayerZoom |
976 - | bed Path |
977 - | bee PathType |
978 - | bef PathfinderFlying |
979 - | beg PathPoint |
980 - | beh PathfinderAbstract |
981 - | bei PathEntity |
982 - | bej Pathfinder |
983 - | bek PathfinderWater |
984 - | bel PathfinderNormal |
985 - | bep RunnableSaveScoreboard |
986 - | beq PersistentBase |
987 - | ber MapIcon |
988 - | ber$a MapIcon$Type |
989 - | bes WorldMap |
990 - | bes$a WorldMap$WorldMapHumanTracker |
991 - | bev ServerNBTManager |
992 - | bew WorldLoaderServer |
993 - | bex SecondaryWorldData |
994 - | bey WorldNBTStorage |
995 - | bez WorldLoader |
996 - | bfa WorldData |
997 - | bfb IDataManager |
998 - | bfd Convertable |
999 - | bfh IPlayerFileData |
1000 - | bfj PersistentCollection |
1001 - | bfk LootTables |
1002 - | bfl LootSelectorEmpty |
1003 - | bfm LootItem |
1004 - | bfn LootSelector |
1005 - | bfo LotoSelectorEntry |
1006 - | bfp LootTable |
1007 - | bfq LootTableInfo |
1008 - | bfq$b LootTableInfo$EntityTarget |
1009 - | bfr LootSelectorLootTable |
1010 - | bfs LootTableRegistry |
1011 - | bft LootValueBounds |
1012 - | bfu LootItemFunctionEnchant |
1013 - | bfv LootEnchantLevel |
1014 - | bfw LootItemFunction |
1015 - | bfx LootItemFunctions |
1016 - | bfy LootEnchantFunction |
1017 - | bfz LootItemFunctionSetAttribute |
1018 - | bga LootItemFunctionSetCount |
1019 - | bgb LootItemFunctionSetDamage |
1020 - | bgc LootItemFunctionSetData |
1021 - | bgd LootItemFunctionSetTag |
1022 - | bge LootItemFunctionSmelt |
1023 - | bgh LootItemConditionEntityScore |
1024 - | bgi LootItemCondition |
1025 - | bgj LootItemConditions |
1026 - | bgk LootItemConditionEntityProperty |
1027 - | bgl LootItemConditionKilledByPlayer |
1028 - | bgm LootItemConditionRandomChance |
1029 - | bgn LootItemConditionRandomChanceWithLooting |
1030 - | bgp LootEntityProperties |
1031 - | bgq LootEntityProperty |
1032 - | bgr LootEntityPropertyOnFire |
1033 - | bgu FileIOThread |
1034 - | bgv IAsyncChunkSaver |
1035 - | bgy AxisAlignedBB |
1036 - | bgz MovingObjectPosition |
1037 - | bgz$a MovingObjectPosition$EnumMovingObjectType |
974 + | bea GenLayerZoomVoronoi |
975 + | beb GenLayerZoom |
976 + | bee Path |
977 + | bef PathType |
978 + | beg PathfinderFlying |
979 + | beh PathPoint |
980 + | bei PathfinderAbstract |
981 + | bej PathEntity |
982 + | bek Pathfinder |
983 + | bel PathfinderWater |
984 + | bem PathfinderNormal |
985 + | beq RunnableSaveScoreboard |
986 + | ber PersistentBase |
987 + | bes MapIcon |
988 + | bes$a MapIcon$Type |
989 + | bet WorldMap |
990 + | bet$a WorldMap$WorldMapHumanTracker |
991 + | bew ServerNBTManager |
992 + | bex WorldLoaderServer |
993 + | bey SecondaryWorldData |
994 + | bez WorldNBTStorage |
995 + | bfa WorldLoader |
996 + | bfb WorldData |
997 + | bfc IDataManager |
998 + | bfe Convertable |
999 + | bfi IPlayerFileData |
1000 + | bfk PersistentCollection |
1001 + | bfl LootTables |
1002 + | bfm LootSelectorEmpty |
1003 + | bfn LootItem |
1004 + | bfo LootSelector |
1005 + | bfp LotoSelectorEntry |
1006 + | bfq LootTable |
1007 + | bfr LootTableInfo |
1008 + | bfr$b LootTableInfo$EntityTarget |
1009 + | bfs LootSelectorLootTable |
1010 + | bft LootTableRegistry |
1011 + | bfu LootValueBounds |
1012 + | bfv LootItemFunctionEnchant |
1013 + | bfw LootEnchantLevel |
1014 + | bfx LootItemFunction |
1015 + | bfy LootItemFunctions |
1016 + | bfz LootEnchantFunction |
1017 + | bga LootItemFunctionSetAttribute |
1018 + | bgb LootItemFunctionSetCount |
1019 + | bgc LootItemFunctionSetDamage |
1020 + | bgd LootItemFunctionSetData |
1021 + | bge LootItemFunctionSetTag |
1022 + | bgf LootItemFunctionSmelt |
1023 + | bgi LootItemConditionEntityScore |
1024 + | bgj LootItemCondition |
1025 + | bgk LootItemConditions |
1026 + | bgl LootItemConditionEntityProperty |
1027 + | bgm LootItemConditionKilledByPlayer |
1028 + | bgn LootItemConditionRandomChance |
1029 + | bgo LootItemConditionRandomChanceWithLooting |
1030 + | bgq LootEntityProperties |
1031 + | bgr LootEntityProperty |
1032 + | bgs LootEntityPropertyOnFire |
1033 + | bgv FileIOThread |
1034 + | bgw IAsyncChunkSaver |
1035 + | bgz AxisAlignedBB |
1038 1036 | bh ICommandDispatcher |
1039 - | bhb Vec3D |
1040 - | bhd ScoreboardObjective |
1041 - | bhe ScoreboardTeam |
1042 - | bhf ScoreboardScore |
1043 - | bhh Scoreboard |
1044 - | bhi PersistentScoreboard |
1045 - | bhj ScoreboardTeamBase |
1046 - | bhj$a ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush |
1047 - | bhj$b ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility |
1048 - | bhk ScoreboardCriteriaInteger |
1049 - | bhl ScoreboardBaseCriteria |
1050 - | bhm ScoreboardHealthCriteria |
1051 - | bhn IScoreboardCriteria |
1052 - | bhn$a IScoreboardCriteria$EnumScoreboardHealthDisplay |
1053 - | bho ScoreboardReadOnlyCriteria |
1054 - | bhp ScoreboardStatisticCriteria |
1037 + | bha MovingObjectPosition |
1038 + | bha$a MovingObjectPosition$EnumMovingObjectType |
1039 + | bhc Vec3D |
1040 + | bhe ScoreboardObjective |
1041 + | bhf ScoreboardTeam |
1042 + | bhg ScoreboardScore |
1043 + | bhi Scoreboard |
1044 + | bhj PersistentScoreboard |
1045 + | bhk ScoreboardTeamBase |
1046 + | bhk$a ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush |
1047 + | bhk$b ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility |
1048 + | bhl ScoreboardCriteriaInteger |
1049 + | bhm ScoreboardBaseCriteria |
1050 + | bhn ScoreboardHealthCriteria |
1051 + | bho IScoreboardCriteria |
1052 + | bho$a IScoreboardCriteria$EnumScoreboardHealthDisplay |
1053 + | bhp ScoreboardReadOnlyCriteria |
1054 + | bhq ScoreboardStatisticCriteria |
1055 1055 | bi CommandAbstract |
1056 1056 | bi$a CommandAbstract$CommandNumber |
1057 1057 | bj CommandHandler |
1058 1058 | bk ICommand |
1059 1059 | bl ICommandHandler |
1060 1060 | bm CustomFunction |
1061 1061 | bn ICommandListener |
1062 1062 | bo CommandListenerWrapper |
1063 1063 | bp CommandObjectiveExecutor |
1064 1064 | bp$a CommandObjectiveExecutor$EnumCommandResult |