
md_5 authored c93ef251316
Update to Minecraft 1.12-pre6
No tags


294 294 ajp ItemSkull
295 295 ajq ItemStep
296 296 ajr ItemSnow
297 297 ajs ItemSnowball
298 298 ajt ItemMonsterEgg
299 299 aju ItemSpectralArrow
300 300 ajv ItemSplashPotion
301 301 ajw ItemSword
302 302 ajx ItemWithAuxData
303 303 ajy ItemTippedArrow
304 -ajz EnumAnimation
305 304 ak CriterionTriggerImpossible
306 -aka ItemWaterLily
307 -akb ItemBookAndQuill
308 -akc ItemWrittenBook
309 -akd PotionRegistry
310 -ake PotionBrewer
311 -ake$a PotionBrewer$PredicatedCombination
312 -akf PotionUtil
313 -akg Potions
314 -aki RecipeArmorDye
315 -akj RecipesBanner
316 -akj$a RecipesBanner$AddRecipe
317 -akj$b RecipesBanner$DuplicateRecipe
318 -akk RecipeBookClone
319 -akl RecipeFireworks
320 -akm RecipesFurnace
321 -akn RecipeItemStack
322 -ako RecipeMapClone
323 -akp RecipeMapExtend
324 -akq IRecipe
325 -akr CraftingManager
326 -aks RecipeRepair
327 -akt ShapedRecipes
328 -aku ShapelessRecipes
329 -akv RecipiesShield
330 -akv$a RecipiesShield$Decoration
331 -akw RecipeShulkerBox
332 -akw$a RecipeShulkerBox$Dye
333 -akx RecipeTippedArrow
334 -akz EnchantmentArrowDamage
305 +aka EnumAnimation
306 +akb ItemWaterLily
307 +akc ItemBookAndQuill
308 +akd ItemWrittenBook
309 +ake PotionRegistry
310 +akf PotionBrewer
311 +akf$a PotionBrewer$PredicatedCombination
312 +akg PotionUtil
313 +akh Potions
314 +akj RecipeArmorDye
315 +akk RecipesBanner
316 +akk$a RecipesBanner$AddRecipe
317 +akk$b RecipesBanner$DuplicateRecipe
318 +akl RecipeBookClone
319 +akm RecipeFireworks
320 +akn RecipesFurnace
321 +ako RecipeItemStack
322 +akp RecipeMapClone
323 +akq RecipeMapExtend
324 +akr IRecipe
325 +aks CraftingManager
326 +akt RecipeRepair
327 +aku ShapedRecipes
328 +akv ShapelessRecipes
329 +akw RecipiesShield
330 +akw$a RecipiesShield$Decoration
331 +akx RecipeShulkerBox
332 +akx$a RecipeShulkerBox$Dye
333 +aky RecipeTippedArrow
335 334 al CriterionTriggerInventoryChanged
336 -ala EnchantmentFlameArrows
337 -alb EnchantmentInfiniteArrows
338 -alc EnchantmentArrowKnockback
339 -ald EnchantmentBinding
340 -ale EnchantmentWeaponDamage
341 -alf EnchantmentDurability
342 -alg EnchantmentDigging
343 -alh Enchantment
344 -alh$a Enchantment$Rarity
345 -ali EnchantmentSlotType
346 -alj EnchantmentManager
347 -alj$a EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierArthropods
348 -alj$b EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierThorns
349 -alj$c EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifier
350 -alj$d EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierDamage
351 -alj$e EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierProtection
352 -alk WeightedRandomEnchant
353 -all Enchantments
354 -alm EnchantmentFire
355 -aln EnchantmentLure
356 -alo EnchantmentFrostWalker
357 -alp EnchantmentKnockback
358 -alq EnchantmentLootBonus
359 -alr EnchantmentMending
360 -als EnchantmentOxygen
361 -alt EnchantmentProtection
362 -alt$a EnchantmentProtection$DamageType
363 -alu EnchantmentSweeping
364 -alv EnchantmentThorns
365 -alw EnchantmentSilkTouch
366 -alx EnchantmentVanishing
367 -aly EnchantmentDepthStrider
368 -alz EnchantmentWaterWorker
335 +ala EnchantmentArrowDamage
336 +alb EnchantmentFlameArrows
337 +alc EnchantmentInfiniteArrows
338 +ald EnchantmentArrowKnockback
339 +ale EnchantmentBinding
340 +alf EnchantmentWeaponDamage
341 +alg EnchantmentDurability
342 +alh EnchantmentDigging
343 +ali Enchantment
344 +ali$a Enchantment$Rarity
345 +alj EnchantmentSlotType
346 +alk EnchantmentManager
347 +alk$a EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierArthropods
348 +alk$b EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierThorns
349 +alk$c EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifier
350 +alk$d EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierDamage
351 +alk$e EnchantmentManager$EnchantmentModifierProtection
352 +all WeightedRandomEnchant
353 +alm Enchantments
354 +aln EnchantmentFire
355 +alo EnchantmentLure
356 +alp EnchantmentFrostWalker
357 +alq EnchantmentKnockback
358 +alr EnchantmentLootBonus
359 +als EnchantmentMending
360 +alt EnchantmentOxygen
361 +alu EnchantmentProtection
362 +alu$a EnchantmentProtection$DamageType
363 +alv EnchantmentSweeping
364 +alw EnchantmentThorns
365 +alx EnchantmentSilkTouch
366 +aly EnchantmentVanishing
367 +alz EnchantmentDepthStrider
369 368 am CriterionTriggerItemDurabilityChanged
370 -amc IMerchant
371 -amd MerchantRecipe
372 -ame MerchantRecipeList
373 -amg CommandBlockListenerAbstract
374 -amh MobSpawnerAbstract
375 -ami BlockActionData
376 -amk ChunkCoordIntPair
377 -amm Explosion
378 -amo GameRules
379 -amo$a GameRules$GameRuleValue
380 -amo$b GameRules$EnumGameRuleType
381 -amp EnumGamemode
382 -amr World
383 -ams ExceptionWorldConflict
384 -amt IWorldAccess
385 -amu WorldSettings
386 -amv IBlockAccess
387 -amw WorldType
388 -amx EnumSkyBlock
389 -amy SpawnerCreature
390 -amz PortalTravelAgent
391 -amz$a PortalTravelAgent$ChunkCoordinatesPortal
369 +ama EnchantmentWaterWorker
370 +amd IMerchant
371 +ame MerchantRecipe
372 +amf MerchantRecipeList
373 +amh CommandBlockListenerAbstract
374 +ami MobSpawnerAbstract
375 +amj BlockActionData
376 +aml ChunkCoordIntPair
377 +amn Explosion
378 +amp GameRules
379 +amp$a GameRules$GameRuleValue
380 +amp$b GameRules$EnumGameRuleType
381 +amq EnumGamemode
382 +ams World
383 +amt ExceptionWorldConflict
384 +amu IWorldAccess
385 +amv WorldSettings
386 +amw IBlockAccess
387 +amx WorldType
388 +amy EnumSkyBlock
389 +amz SpawnerCreature
392 390 an CriterionConditionItem
393 -ana ChunkCache
394 -anb MobSpawnerData
395 -anc NextTickListEntry
396 -and BiomeBeach
397 -ane BiomeBase
398 -ane$b BiomeBase$EnumTemperature
399 -ane$c BiomeBase$BiomeMeta
400 -anf BiomeCache
401 -anh BiomeDecorator
402 -ani WorldChunkManager
403 -anj Biomes
404 -anl BiomeDesert
405 -anm BiomeBigHills
406 -anm$a BiomeBigHills$Type
407 -ann WorldChunkManagerHell
408 -ano BiomeForest
409 -ano$a BiomeForest$Type
410 -anp BiomeHell
411 -anq BiomeDecoratorHell
412 -anr BiomeIcePlains
413 -ans BiomeJungle
414 -ant BiomeMesa
415 -anu BiomeMushrooms
416 -anv BiomeForestMutated
417 -anw BiomeSavannaMutated
418 -anx BiomeOcean
419 -any BiomePlains
420 -anz BiomeRiver
391 +ana PortalTravelAgent
392 +ana$a PortalTravelAgent$ChunkCoordinatesPortal
393 +anb ChunkCache
394 +anc MobSpawnerData
395 +and NextTickListEntry
396 +ane BiomeBeach
397 +anf BiomeBase
398 +anf$b BiomeBase$EnumTemperature
399 +anf$c BiomeBase$BiomeMeta
400 +ang BiomeCache
401 +ani BiomeDecorator
402 +anj WorldChunkManager
403 +ank Biomes
404 +anm BiomeDesert
405 +ann BiomeBigHills
406 +ann$a BiomeBigHills$Type
407 +ano WorldChunkManagerHell
408 +anp BiomeForest
409 +anp$a BiomeForest$Type
410 +anq BiomeHell
411 +anr BiomeDecoratorHell
412 +ans BiomeIcePlains
413 +ant BiomeJungle
414 +anu BiomeMesa
415 +anv BiomeMushrooms
416 +anw BiomeForestMutated
417 +anx BiomeSavannaMutated
418 +any BiomeOcean
419 +anz BiomePlains
421 420 ao CriterionTriggerKilled
422 -aoa BiomeSavanna
423 -aob BiomeStoneBeach
424 -aoc BiomeSwamp
425 -aod BiomeTaiga
426 -aod$a BiomeTaiga$Type
427 -aoe BiomeTheEnd
428 -aof BiomeTheEndDecorator
429 -aof$a BiomeTheEndDecorator$SpikeCache
430 -aog BiomeVoid
431 -aoh BiomeVoidDecorator
432 -aoj BlockAir
433 -aok BlockAnvil
434 -aok$a BlockAnvil$TileEntityContainerAnvil
435 -aol BlockBanner
436 -aol$a BlockBanner$BlockStandingBanner
437 -aol$b BlockBanner$BlockWallBanner
438 -aom BlockBarrier
439 -aon BlockTileEntity
440 -aoo BlockPressurePlateAbstract
441 -aop BlockMinecartTrackAbstract
442 -aop$a BlockMinecartTrackAbstract$MinecartTrackLogic
443 -aop$b BlockMinecartTrackAbstract$EnumTrackPosition
444 -aoq BlockBeacon
445 -aor BlockBed
446 -aor$a BlockBed$EnumBedPart
447 -aos BlockBeetroot
448 -aot Block
449 -aot$a Block$EnumRandomOffset
450 -aou Blocks
451 -aov BlockBone
452 -aow IBlockFragilePlantElement
453 -aox BlockBookshelf
454 -aoy BlockBrewingStand
455 -aoz BlockPlant
421 +aoa BiomeRiver
422 +aob BiomeSavanna
423 +aoc BiomeStoneBeach
424 +aod BiomeSwamp
425 +aoe BiomeTaiga
426 +aoe$a BiomeTaiga$Type
427 +aof BiomeTheEnd
428 +aog BiomeTheEndDecorator
429 +aog$a BiomeTheEndDecorator$SpikeCache
430 +aoh BiomeVoid
431 +aoi BiomeVoidDecorator
432 +aok BlockAir
433 +aol BlockAnvil
434 +aol$a BlockAnvil$TileEntityContainerAnvil
435 +aom BlockBanner
436 +aom$a BlockBanner$BlockStandingBanner
437 +aom$b BlockBanner$BlockWallBanner
438 +aon BlockBarrier
439 +aoo BlockTileEntity
440 +aop BlockPressurePlateAbstract
441 +aoq BlockMinecartTrackAbstract
442 +aoq$a BlockMinecartTrackAbstract$MinecartTrackLogic
443 +aoq$b BlockMinecartTrackAbstract$EnumTrackPosition
444 +aor BlockBeacon
445 +aos BlockBed
446 +aos$a BlockBed$EnumBedPart
447 +aot BlockBeetroot
448 +aou Block
449 +aou$a Block$EnumRandomOffset
450 +aov Blocks
451 +aow BlockBone
452 +aox IBlockFragilePlantElement
453 +aoy BlockBookshelf
454 +aoz BlockBrewingStand
456 455 ap CriterionTriggerLevitation
457 -apa BlockButtonAbstract
458 -apb BlockCactus
459 -apc BlockCake
460 -apd BlockCarrots
461 -ape BlockCauldron
462 -apf BlockChest
463 -apf$a BlockChest$Type
464 -apg BlockChorusFlower
465 -aph BlockChorusFruit
466 -api BlockClay
467 -apj BlockCocoa
468 -apk BlockCloth
469 -apl BlockCommand
470 -apm BlockRedstoneComparator
471 -apm$a BlockRedstoneComparator$EnumComparatorMode
472 -apn BlockConcretePowder
473 -apo BlockWorkbench
474 -apo$a BlockWorkbench$TileEntityContainerWorkbench
475 -app BlockCrops
476 -apq BlockDaylightDetector
477 -apr BlockDeadBush
478 -aps BlockMinecartDetector
479 -apt BlockDiodeAbstract
480 -apu BlockDirectional
481 -apv BlockDirt
482 -apv$a BlockDirt$EnumDirtVariant
483 -apw BlockDispenser
484 -apx BlockDoor
485 -apx$a BlockDoor$EnumDoorHalf
486 -apx$b BlockDoor$EnumDoorHinge
487 -apy BlockTallPlant
488 -apy$a BlockTallPlant$EnumTallPlantHalf
489 -apy$b BlockTallPlant$EnumTallFlowerVariants
490 -apz BlockDragonEgg
456 +apa BlockPlant
457 +apb BlockButtonAbstract
458 +apc BlockCactus
459 +apd BlockCake
460 +ape BlockCarrots
461 +apf BlockCauldron
462 +apg BlockChest
463 +apg$a BlockChest$Type
464 +aph BlockChorusFlower
465 +api BlockChorusFruit
466 +apj BlockClay
467 +apk BlockCocoa
468 +apl BlockCloth
469 +apm BlockCommand
470 +apn BlockRedstoneComparator
471 +apn$a BlockRedstoneComparator$EnumComparatorMode
472 +apo BlockConcretePowder
473 +app BlockWorkbench
474 +app$a BlockWorkbench$TileEntityContainerWorkbench
475 +apq BlockCrops
476 +apr BlockDaylightDetector
477 +aps BlockDeadBush
478 +apt BlockMinecartDetector
479 +apu BlockDiodeAbstract
480 +apv BlockDirectional
481 +apw BlockDirt
482 +apw$a BlockDirt$EnumDirtVariant
483 +apx BlockDispenser
484 +apy BlockDoor
485 +apy$a BlockDoor$EnumDoorHalf
486 +apy$b BlockDoor$EnumDoorHinge
487 +apz BlockTallPlant
488 +apz$a BlockTallPlant$EnumTallPlantHalf
489 +apz$b BlockTallPlant$EnumTallFlowerVariants
491 490 aq CriterionConditionLocation
492 -aqa BlockDropper
493 -aqb BlockFlowing
494 -aqc BlockEnchantmentTable
495 -aqd BlockEndGateway
496 -aqe BlockEnderPortal
497 -aqf BlockEnderPortalFrame
498 -aqg BlockEndRod
499 -aqh BlockEnderChest
500 -aqi ITileEntity
501 -aqj BlockFalling
502 -aqk BlockSoil
503 -aql BlockFence
504 -aqm BlockFenceGate
505 -aqn BlockFire
506 -aqo BlockFlowers
507 -aqo$a BlockFlowers$EnumFlowerVarient
508 -aqo$b BlockFlowers$EnumFlowerType
509 -aqp BlockFlowerPot
510 -aqp$a BlockFlowerPot$EnumFlowerPotContents
511 -aqq BlockIceFrost
512 -aqr BlockDoubleStoneStep2
513 -aqs BlockDoubleStep
514 -aqt BlockDoubleWoodStep
515 -aqu BlockFurnace
516 -aqv BlockGlass
517 -aqw BlockGlazedTerracotta
518 -aqx BlockLightStone
519 -aqy BlockGrass
520 -aqz BlockGrassPath
491 +aqa BlockDragonEgg
492 +aqb BlockDropper
493 +aqc BlockFlowing
494 +aqd BlockEnchantmentTable
495 +aqe BlockEndGateway
496 +aqf BlockEnderPortal
497 +aqg BlockEnderPortalFrame
498 +aqh BlockEndRod
499 +aqi BlockEnderChest
500 +aqj ITileEntity
501 +aqk BlockFalling
502 +aql BlockSoil
503 +aqm BlockFence
504 +aqn BlockFenceGate
505 +aqo BlockFire
506 +aqp BlockFlowers
507 +aqp$a BlockFlowers$EnumFlowerVarient
508 +aqp$b BlockFlowers$EnumFlowerType
509 +aqq BlockFlowerPot
510 +aqq$a BlockFlowerPot$EnumFlowerPotContents
511 +aqr BlockIceFrost
512 +aqs BlockDoubleStoneStep2
513 +aqt BlockDoubleStep
514 +aqu BlockDoubleWoodStep
515 +aqv BlockFurnace
516 +aqw BlockGlass
517 +aqx BlockGlazedTerracotta
518 +aqy BlockLightStone
519 +aqz BlockGrass
521 520 ar CriterionTriggerLocation
522 -ara BlockGravel
523 -arb BlockStoneStep2
524 -arc BlockStepAbstract
525 -arc$a BlockStepAbstract$EnumSlabHalf
526 -ard BlockStep
527 -are BlockHalfTransparent
528 -arf BlockWoodStep
529 -arg BlockHardenedClay
530 -arh BlockHay
531 -ari BlockHopper
532 -arj BlockFacingHorizontal
533 -ark BlockHugeMushroom
534 -ark$a BlockHugeMushroom$EnumHugeMushroomVariant
535 -arl BlockIce
536 -arm BlockJukeBox
537 -arm$a BlockJukeBox$TileEntityRecordPlayer
538 -arn BlockLadder
539 -aro BlockLeaves
540 -arq BlockLever
541 -arq$a BlockLever$EnumLeverPosition
542 -arr BlockFluids
543 -ars BlockLogAbstract
544 -ars$a BlockLogAbstract$EnumLogRotation
545 -art BlockMagma
546 -aru BlockMelon
547 -arv EnumBlockMirror
548 -arw BlockMobSpawner
549 -arx BlockMonsterEggs
550 -arx$a BlockMonsterEggs$EnumMonsterEggVarient
551 -ary BlockMushroom
552 -arz BlockMycel
521 +ara BlockGrassPath
522 +arb BlockGravel
523 +arc BlockStoneStep2
524 +ard BlockStepAbstract
525 +ard$a BlockStepAbstract$EnumSlabHalf
526 +are BlockStep
527 +arf BlockHalfTransparent
528 +arg BlockWoodStep
529 +arh BlockHardenedClay
530 +ari BlockHay
531 +arj BlockHopper
532 +ark BlockFacingHorizontal
533 +arl BlockHugeMushroom
534 +arl$a BlockHugeMushroom$EnumHugeMushroomVariant
535 +arm BlockIce
536 +arn BlockJukeBox
537 +arn$a BlockJukeBox$TileEntityRecordPlayer
538 +aro BlockLadder
539 +arp BlockLeaves
540 +arr BlockLever
541 +arr$a BlockLever$EnumLeverPosition
542 +ars BlockFluids
543 +art BlockLogAbstract
544 +art$a BlockLogAbstract$EnumLogRotation
545 +aru BlockMagma
546 +arv BlockMelon
547 +arw EnumBlockMirror
548 +arx BlockMobSpawner
549 +ary BlockMonsterEggs
550 +ary$a BlockMonsterEggs$EnumMonsterEggVarient
551 +arz BlockMushroom
553 552 as CriterionConditionValue
554 -asa BlockNetherbrick
555 -asb BlockNetherWart
556 -asc BlockBloodStone
557 -asd BlockLeaves2
558 -ase BlockLog2
559 -asf BlockDoubleStoneStepAbstract
560 -asf$a BlockDoubleStoneStepAbstract$EnumStoneSlab2Variant
561 -asg BlockNoDrop
562 -ash BlockNote
563 -asi BlockObserver
564 -asj BlockObsidian
565 -ask BlockLeaves1
566 -asl BlockLog1
567 -asm BlockOre
568 -asn BlockPackedIce
569 -aso BlockWood
570 -aso$a BlockWood$EnumLogVariant
571 -asp BlockPortal
572 -asp$a BlockPortal$Shape
573 -asq BlockPotatoes
574 -asr BlockPowered
575 -ass BlockPoweredRail
576 -ast BlockPressurePlateBinary
577 -ast$a BlockPressurePlateBinary$EnumMobType
578 -asu BlockPrismarine
579 -asu$a BlockPrismarine$EnumPrismarineVariant
580 -asv BlockPumpkin
581 -asw BlockPurpurSlab
582 -asw$a BlockPurpurSlab$Default
583 -asw$b BlockPurpurSlab$Half
584 -asw$c BlockPurpurSlab$Type
585 -asx BlockQuartz
586 -asx$a BlockQuartz$EnumQuartzVariant
587 -asy BlockMinecartTrack
588 -asz BlockRedFlowers
553 +asa BlockMycel
554 +asb BlockNetherbrick
555 +asc BlockNetherWart
556 +asd BlockBloodStone
557 +ase BlockLeaves2
558 +asf BlockLog2
559 +asg BlockDoubleStoneStepAbstract
560 +asg$a BlockDoubleStoneStepAbstract$EnumStoneSlab2Variant
561 +ash BlockNoDrop
562 +asi BlockNote
563 +asj BlockObserver
564 +ask BlockObsidian
565 +asl BlockLeaves1
566 +asm BlockLog1
567 +asn BlockOre
568 +aso BlockPackedIce
569 +asp BlockWood
570 +asp$a BlockWood$EnumLogVariant
571 +asq BlockPortal
572 +asq$a BlockPortal$Shape
573 +asr BlockPotatoes
574 +ass BlockPowered
575 +ast BlockPoweredRail
576 +asu BlockPressurePlateBinary
577 +asu$a BlockPressurePlateBinary$EnumMobType
578 +asv BlockPrismarine
579 +asv$a BlockPrismarine$EnumPrismarineVariant
580 +asw BlockPumpkin
581 +asx BlockPurpurSlab
582 +asx$a BlockPurpurSlab$Default
583 +asx$b BlockPurpurSlab$Half
584 +asx$c BlockPurpurSlab$Type
585 +asy BlockQuartz
586 +asy$a BlockQuartz$EnumQuartzVariant
587 +asz BlockMinecartTrack
589 588 at CriterionConditionMobEffect
590 -ata BlockRedSandstone
591 -ata$a BlockRedSandstone$EnumRedSandstoneVariant
592 -atb BlockRedstoneOre
593 -atc BlockRedstoneWire
594 -atc$a BlockRedstoneWire$EnumRedstoneWireConnection
595 -atd BlockRedstoneLamp
596 -ate BlockRedstoneTorch
597 -ate$a BlockRedstoneTorch$RedstoneUpdateInfo
598 -atf BlockReed
599 -atg EnumRenderType
600 -ath BlockRepeater
601 -ati BlockRotatable
602 -atj EnumBlockRotation
603 -atk BlockSand
604 -atk$a BlockSand$EnumSandVariant
605 -atl BlockSandStone
606 -atl$a BlockSandStone$EnumSandstoneVariant
607 -atm BlockSapling
608 -atn BlockSeaLantern
609 -ato BlockShulkerBox
610 -atp BlockSign
611 -atq BlockSkull
612 -atr BlockSlime
613 -ats BlockSnowBlock
614 -att BlockSnow
615 -atu BlockSlowSand
616 -atv SoundEffectType
617 -atw BlockSponge
618 -atx BlockStainedGlass
619 -aty BlockStainedGlassPane
620 -atz BlockStainedHardenedClay
589 +ata BlockRedFlowers
590 +atb BlockRedSandstone
591 +atb$a BlockRedSandstone$EnumRedSandstoneVariant
592 +atc BlockRedstoneOre
593 +atd BlockRedstoneWire
594 +atd$a BlockRedstoneWire$EnumRedstoneWireConnection
595 +ate BlockRedstoneLamp
596 +atf BlockRedstoneTorch
597 +atf$a BlockRedstoneTorch$RedstoneUpdateInfo
598 +atg BlockReed
599 +ath EnumRenderType
600 +ati BlockRepeater
601 +atj BlockRotatable
602 +atk EnumBlockRotation
603 +atl BlockSand
604 +atl$a BlockSand$EnumSandVariant
605 +atm BlockSandStone
606 +atm$a BlockSandStone$EnumSandstoneVariant
607 +atn BlockSapling
608 +ato BlockSeaLantern
609 +atp BlockShulkerBox
610 +atq BlockSign
611 +atr BlockSkull
612 +ats BlockSlime
613 +att BlockSnowBlock
614 +atu BlockSnow
615 +atv BlockSlowSand
616 +atw SoundEffectType
617 +atx BlockSponge
618 +aty BlockStainedGlass
619 +atz BlockStainedGlassPane
621 620 au CriterionConditionNBT
622 -aua BlockStairs
623 -aua$a BlockStairs$EnumHalf
624 -aua$b BlockStairs$EnumStairShape
625 -aub BlockFloorSign
626 -auc BlockStationary
627 -aud BlockStem
628 -aue BlockStone
629 -aue$a BlockStone$EnumStoneVariant
630 -auf BlockSmoothBrick
631 -auf$a BlockSmoothBrick$EnumStonebrickType
632 -aug BlockStoneButton
633 -auh BlockDoubleStepAbstract
634 -auh$a BlockDoubleStepAbstract$EnumStoneSlabVariant
635 -aui BlockStructure
636 -auj BlockStructureVoid
637 -auk BlockLongGrass
638 -auk$a BlockLongGrass$EnumTallGrassType
639 -aul BlockThin
640 -aum BlockTNT
641 -aun BlockTorch
642 -auo BlockTrapdoor
643 -auo$a BlockTrapdoor$EnumTrapdoorHalf
644 -aup BlockTripwire
645 -auq BlockTripwireHook
646 -aur BlockVine
647 -aus BlockCobbleWall
648 -aus$a BlockCobbleWall$EnumCobbleVariant
649 -aut BlockWallSign
650 -auu BlockWaterLily
651 -auv BlockWeb
652 -auw BlockPressurePlateWeighted
653 -auy BlockWoodButton
654 -auz BlockWoodenStep
621 +aua BlockStainedHardenedClay
622 +aub BlockStairs
623 +aub$a BlockStairs$EnumHalf
624 +aub$b BlockStairs$EnumStairShape
625 +auc BlockFloorSign
626 +aud BlockStationary
627 +aue BlockStem
628 +auf BlockStone
629 +auf$a BlockStone$EnumStoneVariant
630 +aug BlockSmoothBrick
631 +aug$a BlockSmoothBrick$EnumStonebrickType
632 +auh BlockStoneButton
633 +aui BlockDoubleStepAbstract
634 +aui$a BlockDoubleStepAbstract$EnumStoneSlabVariant
635 +auj BlockStructure
636 +auk BlockStructureVoid
637 +aul BlockLongGrass
638 +aul$a BlockLongGrass$EnumTallGrassType
639 +aum BlockThin
640 +aun BlockTNT
641 +auo BlockTorch
642 +aup BlockTrapdoor
643 +aup$a BlockTrapdoor$EnumTrapdoorHalf
644 +auq BlockTripwire
645 +aur BlockTripwireHook
646 +aus BlockVine
647 +aut BlockCobbleWall
648 +aut$a BlockCobbleWall$EnumCobbleVariant
649 +auu BlockWallSign
650 +auv BlockWaterLily
651 +auw BlockWeb
652 +auy BlockPressurePlateWeighted
653 +auz BlockWoodButton
655 654 av CriterionTriggerNetherTravel
656 -ava BlockCarpet
657 -avb BlockYellowFlowers
658 -avc TileEntityBanner
659 -avd EnumBannerPatternType
660 -ave TileEntityBeacon
661 -ave$a TileEntityBeacon$BeaconColorTracker
662 -avf TileEntityBed
663 -avg TileEntity
664 -avh TileEntityBrewingStand
665 -avi TileEntityChest
666 -avj TileEntityCommand
667 -avj$a TileEntityCommand$Type
668 -avk TileEntityComparator
669 -avl TileEntityLightDetector
670 -avm TileEntityDispenser
671 -avn TileEntityDropper
672 -avo TileEntityEnchantTable
673 -avp TileEntityEnderChest
674 -avq TileEntityFlowerPot
675 -avr TileEntityFurnace
676 -avs IHopper
677 -avt TileEntityHopper
678 -avu TileEntityContainer
679 -avv TileEntityMobSpawner
680 -avw TileEntityNote
681 -avx TileEntityLootable
682 -avy TileEntityShulkerBox
683 -avy$a TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase
684 -avz TileEntitySign
655 +ava BlockWoodenStep
656 +avb BlockCarpet
657 +avc BlockYellowFlowers
658 +avd TileEntityBanner
659 +ave EnumBannerPatternType
660 +avf TileEntityBeacon
661 +avf$a TileEntityBeacon$BeaconColorTracker
662 +avg TileEntityBed
663 +avh TileEntity
664 +avi TileEntityBrewingStand
665 +avj TileEntityChest
666 +avk TileEntityCommand
667 +avk$a TileEntityCommand$Type
668 +avl TileEntityComparator
669 +avm TileEntityLightDetector
670 +avn TileEntityDispenser
671 +avo TileEntityDropper
672 +avp TileEntityEnchantTable
673 +avq TileEntityEnderChest
674 +avr TileEntityFlowerPot
675 +avs TileEntityFurnace
676 +avt IHopper
677 +avu TileEntityHopper
678 +avv TileEntityContainer
679 +avw TileEntityMobSpawner
680 +avx TileEntityNote
681 +avy TileEntityLootable
682 +avz TileEntityShulkerBox
683 +avz$a TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase
685 684 aw CriterionTriggerPlacedBlock
686 -awa TileEntitySkull
687 -awb TileEntityStructure
688 -awb$a TileEntityStructure$UsageMode
689 -awc TileEntityEndGateway
690 -awd TileEntityEnderPortal
691 -awg BlockPiston
692 -awh BlockPistonExtension
693 -awh$a BlockPistonExtension$EnumPistonType
694 -awi BlockPistonMoving
695 -awj TileEntityPiston
696 -awk PistonExtendsChecker
697 -awm BlockDataAbstract
698 -awn IBlockPhysics
699 -awo EnumBlockFaceShape
700 -awp IBlockProperties
701 -awq IBlockData
702 -awr BlockStateList
703 -awr$a BlockStateList$BlockData
704 -awt ShapeDetectorBlock
705 -awu ShapeDetector
706 -awu$a ShapeDetector$BlockLoader
707 -awu$b ShapeDetector$ShapeDetectorCollection
708 -awv ShapeDetectorBuilder
709 -awx MaterialPredicate
710 -awy BlockPredicate
711 -awz BlockStatePredicate
685 +awa TileEntitySign
686 +awb TileEntitySkull
687 +awc TileEntityStructure
688 +awc$a TileEntityStructure$UsageMode
689 +awd TileEntityEndGateway
690 +awe TileEntityEnderPortal
691 +awh BlockPiston
692 +awi BlockPistonExtension
693 +awi$a BlockPistonExtension$EnumPistonType
694 +awj BlockPistonMoving
695 +awk TileEntityPiston
696 +awl PistonExtendsChecker
697 +awn BlockDataAbstract
698 +awo IBlockPhysics
699 +awp EnumBlockFaceShape
700 +awq IBlockProperties
701 +awr IBlockData
702 +aws BlockStateList
703 +aws$a BlockStateList$BlockData
704 +awu ShapeDetectorBlock
705 +awv ShapeDetector
706 +awv$a ShapeDetector$BlockLoader
707 +awv$b ShapeDetector$ShapeDetectorCollection
708 +aww ShapeDetectorBuilder
709 +awy MaterialPredicate
710 +awz BlockPredicate
712 711 ax CriterionTriggerPlayerHurtEntity
713 -axb BlockState
714 -axc BlockStateBoolean
715 -axd BlockStateDirection
716 -axe BlockStateEnum
717 -axf BlockStateInteger
718 -axg IBlockState
719 -axi IWorldBorderListener
720 -axj EnumWorldBorderState
721 -axk WorldBorder
722 -axm DataPaletteBlock
723 -axn ChunkGenerator
724 -axo IChunkProvider
725 -axp NibbleArray
726 -axr DataPaletteGlobal
727 -axs DataPaletteHash
728 -axt Chunk
729 -axt$a Chunk$EnumTileEntityState
730 -axu ChunkSection
731 -axv DataPaletteLinear
732 -axw OldNibbleArray
733 -axx DataPalette
734 -axy DataPaletteExpandable
712 +axa BlockStatePredicate
713 +axc BlockState
714 +axd BlockStateBoolean
715 +axe BlockStateDirection
716 +axf BlockStateEnum
717 +axg BlockStateInteger
718 +axh IBlockState
719 +axj IWorldBorderListener
720 +axk EnumWorldBorderState
721 +axl WorldBorder
722 +axn DataPaletteBlock
723 +axo ChunkGenerator
724 +axp IChunkProvider
725 +axq NibbleArray
726 +axs DataPaletteGlobal
727 +axt DataPaletteHash
728 +axu Chunk
729 +axu$a Chunk$EnumTileEntityState
730 +axv ChunkSection
731 +axw DataPaletteLinear
732 +axx OldNibbleArray
733 +axy DataPalette
734 +axz DataPaletteExpandable
735 735 ay CriterionTriggerRecipeUnlocked
736 -ayb ChunkRegionLoader
737 -ayc IChunkLoader
738 -ayf OldChunkLoader
739 -ayf$a OldChunkLoader$OldChunk
740 -ayg RegionFile
741 -ayg$a RegionFile$ChunkBuffer
742 -ayh RegionFileCache
743 -ayj WorldProvider
744 -ayk DimensionManager
745 -ayl WorldProviderHell
746 -aym WorldProviderNormal
747 -ayn EnumDragonRespawn
748 -ayo EnderDragonBattle
749 -ayp WorldProviderTheEnd
750 -ays WorldGenCanyon
751 -ayt ChunkSnapshot
752 -ayu CustomWorldSettingsFinal
753 -ayu$a CustomWorldSettingsFinal$CustomWorldSettings
754 -ayu$b CustomWorldSettingsFinal$CustomWorldSettingsSerializer
755 -ayv ChunkProviderDebug
756 -ayw ChunkProviderFlat
757 -ayx WorldGenCaves
758 -ayy WorldGenBase
759 -ayz WorldGenCavesHell
736 +ayc ChunkRegionLoader
737 +ayd IChunkLoader
738 +ayg OldChunkLoader
739 +ayg$a OldChunkLoader$OldChunk
740 +ayh RegionFile
741 +ayh$a RegionFile$ChunkBuffer
742 +ayi RegionFileCache
743 +ayk WorldProvider
744 +ayl DimensionManager
745 +aym WorldProviderHell
746 +ayn WorldProviderNormal
747 +ayo EnumDragonRespawn
748 +ayp EnderDragonBattle
749 +ayq WorldProviderTheEnd
750 +ayt WorldGenCanyon
751 +ayu ChunkSnapshot
752 +ayv CustomWorldSettingsFinal
753 +ayv$a CustomWorldSettingsFinal$CustomWorldSettings
754 +ayv$b CustomWorldSettingsFinal$CustomWorldSettingsSerializer
755 +ayw ChunkProviderDebug
756 +ayx ChunkProviderFlat
757 +ayy WorldGenCaves
758 +ayz WorldGenBase
760 759 az CriterionTriggerSummonedEntity
761 -aza ChunkProviderHell
762 -azb ChunkProviderGenerate
763 -azc ChunkProviderTheEnd
764 -azd WorldGenTreeAbstract
765 -aze WorldGenBigTree
766 -aze$a WorldGenBigTree$Position
767 -azf WorldGenForest
768 -azg WorldGenTaigaStructure
769 -azh WorldGenBonusChest
770 -azi WorldGenMushrooms
771 -azj WorldGenCactus
772 -azk WorldGenClay
773 -azl WorldGenDeadBush
774 -azm WorldGenDesertWell
775 -azn WorldGenTallPlant
776 -azo WorldGenEndGateway
777 -azp WorldGenEndIsland
778 -azq WorldGenEndTrophy
779 -azr WorldGenerator
780 -azs WorldGenFlowers
781 -azt WorldGenFossils
782 -azu WorldGenGroundBush
783 -azv WorldGenFire
784 -azw WorldGenLightStone2
785 -azx WorldGenHellLava
786 -azy WorldGenHugeMushroom
787 -azz WorldGenPackedIce1
760 +aza WorldGenCavesHell
761 +azb ChunkProviderHell
762 +azc ChunkProviderGenerate
763 +azd ChunkProviderTheEnd
764 +aze WorldGenTreeAbstract
765 +azf WorldGenBigTree
766 +azf$a WorldGenBigTree$Position
767 +azg WorldGenForest
768 +azh WorldGenTaigaStructure
769 +azi WorldGenBonusChest
770 +azj WorldGenMushrooms
771 +azk WorldGenCactus
772 +azl WorldGenClay
773 +azm WorldGenDeadBush
774 +azn WorldGenDesertWell
775 +azo WorldGenTallPlant
776 +azp WorldGenEndGateway
777 +azq WorldGenEndIsland
778 +azr WorldGenEndTrophy
779 +azs WorldGenerator
780 +azt WorldGenFlowers
781 +azu WorldGenFossils
782 +azv WorldGenGroundBush
783 +azw WorldGenFire
784 +azx WorldGenLightStone2
785 +azy WorldGenHellLava
786 +azz WorldGenHugeMushroom
788 787 b CrashReport
789 788 ba CriterionTriggerTamedAnimal
790 -baa WorldGenPackedIce2
791 -bab WorldGenLakes
792 -bac WorldGenLightStone1
793 -bad WorldGenJungleTree
794 -bae WorldGenMegaTree
795 -baf WorldGenMegaTreeAbstract
796 -bag WorldGenMelon
797 -bah WorldGenDungeons
798 -bai WorldGenMinable
799 -baj WorldGenTaiga1
800 -bak WorldGenPumpkin
801 -bal WorldGenReed
802 -bam WorldGenForestTree
803 -ban WorldGenSand
804 -bao WorldGenAcaciaTree
805 -bap WorldGenEnder
806 -bap$a WorldGenEnder$Spike
807 -baq WorldGenLiquids
808 -bar WorldGenTaiga2
809 -bas WorldGenSwampTree
810 -bat WorldGenGrass
811 -bau WorldGenTrees
812 -bav WorldGenVines
813 -baw WorldGenWaterLily
814 -bay WorldGenFlatInfo
815 -baz WorldGenFlatLayerInfo
789 +baa WorldGenPackedIce1
790 +bab WorldGenPackedIce2
791 +bac WorldGenLakes
792 +bad WorldGenLightStone1
793 +bae WorldGenJungleTree
794 +baf WorldGenMegaTree
795 +bag WorldGenMegaTreeAbstract
796 +bah WorldGenMelon
797 +bai WorldGenDungeons
798 +baj WorldGenMinable
799 +bak WorldGenTaiga1
800 +bal WorldGenPumpkin
801 +bam WorldGenReed
802 +ban WorldGenForestTree
803 +bao WorldGenSand
804 +bap WorldGenAcaciaTree
805 +baq WorldGenEnder
806 +baq$a WorldGenEnder$Spike
807 +bar WorldGenLiquids
808 +bas WorldGenTaiga2
809 +bat WorldGenSwampTree
810 +bau WorldGenGrass
811 +bav WorldGenTrees
812 +baw WorldGenVines
813 +bax WorldGenWaterLily
814 +baz WorldGenFlatInfo
816 815 bb CriterionTriggerTick
817 -bbd StructureBoundingBox
818 -bbe WorldGenEndCity
819 -bbe$a WorldGenEndCity$Start
820 -bbf WorldGenEndCityPieces
821 -bbf$a WorldGenEndCityPieces$Piece
822 -bbf$b WorldGenEndCityPieces$PieceGenerator
823 -bbg WorldGenMineshaft
824 -bbg$a WorldGenMineshaft$Type
825 -bbh WorldGenMineshaftPieces
826 -bbh$a WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftCorridor
827 -bbh$b WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftCross
828 -bbh$d WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftRoom
829 -bbh$e WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftStairs
830 -bbi WorldGenMineshaftStart
831 -bbj WorldGenNether
832 -bbj$a WorldGenNether$WorldGenNetherStart
833 -bbk WorldGenNetherPieces
834 -bbk$a WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece1
835 -bbk$b WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece2
836 -bbk$c WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece3
837 -bbk$d WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece4
838 -bbk$e WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece5
839 -bbk$f WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece6
840 -bbk$g WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece7
841 -bbk$h WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece8
842 -bbk$i WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece9
843 -bbk$j WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece10
844 -bbk$k WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece11
845 -bbk$l WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece12
846 -bbk$m WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece
847 -bbk$n WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPieceWeight
848 -bbk$o WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece13
849 -bbk$p WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece14
850 -bbk$q WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece15
851 -bbl WorldGenMonument
852 -bbl$a WorldGenMonument$WorldGenMonumentStart
853 -bbm WorldGenMonumentPieces
854 -bbm$a WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector7
855 -bbm$b WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector6
856 -bbm$c WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector5
857 -bbm$d WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector4
858 -bbm$e WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector3
859 -bbm$f WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector2
860 -bbm$g WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector1
861 -bbm$h WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece1
862 -bbm$i WorldGenMonumentPieces$IWorldGenMonumentPieceSelector
863 -bbm$j WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece2
864 -bbm$k WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece3
865 -bbm$l WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece4
866 -bbm$m WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece5
867 -bbm$n WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece6
868 -bbm$o WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece7
869 -bbm$p WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceEntry
870 -bbm$q WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiecePenthouse
871 -bbm$r WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece
872 -bbm$s WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSimple
873 -bbm$t WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSimpleT
874 -bbm$u WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece8
875 -bbm$v WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentStateTracker
876 -bbn WorldGenLargeFeature
877 -bbn$a WorldGenLargeFeature$WorldGenLargeFeatureStart
878 -bbo WorldGenRegistration
879 -bbo$a WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenPyramidPiece
880 -bbo$c WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenJungleTemple
881 -bbo$c$a WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenJungleTemple$WorldGenJungleTemplePiece
882 -bbo$d WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenScatteredPiece
883 -bbo$e WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenWitchHut
884 -bbp WorldGenStronghold
885 -bbp$a WorldGenStronghold$WorldGenStronghold2Start
886 -bbq WorldGenStrongholdPieces
887 -bbq$a WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdChestCorridor
888 -bbq$b WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdCorridor
889 -bbq$c WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdCrossing
890 -bbq$d WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdLeftTurn
891 -bbq$e WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdLibrary
892 -bbq$f WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPieceWeight
893 -bbq$g WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPortalRoom
894 -bbq$h WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPrison
895 -bbq$i WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdRightTurn
896 -bbq$j WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdRoomCrossing
897 -bbq$k WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStones
898 -bbq$l WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairs2
899 -bbq$m WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStart
900 -bbq$n WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairs
901 -bbq$o WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairsStraight
902 -bbq$p WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece
903 -bbq$p$a WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType
904 -bbr StructureGenerator
905 -bbs WorldGenFactory
906 -bbt PersistentStructure
907 -bbu StructurePiece
908 -bbu$a StructurePiece$StructurePieceBlockSelector
909 -bbv StructureStart
910 -bbw DefinedStructurePiece
911 -bbx WorldGenVillage
912 -bbx$a WorldGenVillage$WorldGenVillageStart
913 -bby WorldGenVillagePieces
914 -bby$a WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageLibrary
915 -bby$b WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageFarm2
916 -bby$c WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageFarm
917 -bby$d WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageLight
918 -bby$e WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillagePieceWeight
919 -bby$f WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageButcher
920 -bby$g WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHouse
921 -bby$h WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHut
922 -bby$i WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageTemple
923 -bby$j WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageBlacksmith
924 -bby$k WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageStartPiece
925 -bby$l WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageRoad
926 -bby$m WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHouse2
927 -bby$n WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillagePiece
928 -bby$o WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageRoadPiece
929 -bby$p WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageWell
930 -bbz WorldGenWoodlandMansion
816 +bba WorldGenFlatLayerInfo
817 +bbe StructureBoundingBox
818 +bbf WorldGenEndCity
819 +bbf$a WorldGenEndCity$Start
820 +bbg WorldGenEndCityPieces
821 +bbg$a WorldGenEndCityPieces$Piece
822 +bbg$b WorldGenEndCityPieces$PieceGenerator
823 +bbh WorldGenMineshaft
824 +bbh$a WorldGenMineshaft$Type
825 +bbi WorldGenMineshaftPieces
826 +bbi$a WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftCorridor
827 +bbi$b WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftCross
828 +bbi$d WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftRoom
829 +bbi$e WorldGenMineshaftPieces$WorldGenMineshaftStairs
830 +bbj WorldGenMineshaftStart
831 +bbk WorldGenNether
832 +bbk$a WorldGenNether$WorldGenNetherStart
833 +bbl WorldGenNetherPieces
834 +bbl$a WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece1
835 +bbl$b WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece2
836 +bbl$c WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece3
837 +bbl$d WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece4
838 +bbl$e WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece5
839 +bbl$f WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece6
840 +bbl$g WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece7
841 +bbl$h WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece8
842 +bbl$i WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece9
843 +bbl$j WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece10
844 +bbl$k WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece11
845 +bbl$l WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece12
846 +bbl$m WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece
847 +bbl$n WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPieceWeight
848 +bbl$o WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece13
849 +bbl$p WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece14
850 +bbl$q WorldGenNetherPieces$WorldGenNetherPiece15
851 +bbm WorldGenMonument
852 +bbm$a WorldGenMonument$WorldGenMonumentStart
853 +bbn WorldGenMonumentPieces
854 +bbn$a WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector7
855 +bbn$b WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector6
856 +bbn$c WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector5
857 +bbn$d WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector4
858 +bbn$e WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector3
859 +bbn$f WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector2
860 +bbn$g WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSelector1
861 +bbn$h WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece1
862 +bbn$i WorldGenMonumentPieces$IWorldGenMonumentPieceSelector
863 +bbn$j WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece2
864 +bbn$k WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece3
865 +bbn$l WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece4
866 +bbn$m WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece5
867 +bbn$n WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece6
868 +bbn$o WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece7
869 +bbn$p WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceEntry
870 +bbn$q WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiecePenthouse
871 +bbn$r WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece
872 +bbn$s WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSimple
873 +bbn$t WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPieceSimpleT
874 +bbn$u WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentPiece8
875 +bbn$v WorldGenMonumentPieces$WorldGenMonumentStateTracker
876 +bbo WorldGenLargeFeature
877 +bbo$a WorldGenLargeFeature$WorldGenLargeFeatureStart
878 +bbp WorldGenRegistration
879 +bbp$a WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenPyramidPiece
880 +bbp$c WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenJungleTemple
881 +bbp$c$a WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenJungleTemple$WorldGenJungleTemplePiece
882 +bbp$d WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenScatteredPiece
883 +bbp$e WorldGenRegistration$WorldGenWitchHut
884 +bbq WorldGenStronghold
885 +bbq$a WorldGenStronghold$WorldGenStronghold2Start
886 +bbr WorldGenStrongholdPieces
887 +bbr$a WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdChestCorridor
888 +bbr$b WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdCorridor
889 +bbr$c WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdCrossing
890 +bbr$d WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdLeftTurn
891 +bbr$e WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdLibrary
892 +bbr$f WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPieceWeight
893 +bbr$g WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPortalRoom
894 +bbr$h WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPrison
895 +bbr$i WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdRightTurn
896 +bbr$j WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdRoomCrossing
897 +bbr$k WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStones
898 +bbr$l WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairs2
899 +bbr$m WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStart
900 +bbr$n WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairs
901 +bbr$o WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdStairsStraight
902 +bbr$p WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece
903 +bbr$p$a WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType
904 +bbs StructureGenerator
905 +bbt WorldGenFactory
906 +bbu PersistentStructure
907 +bbv StructurePiece
908 +bbv$a StructurePiece$StructurePieceBlockSelector
909 +bbw StructureStart
910 +bbx DefinedStructurePiece
911 +bby WorldGenVillage
912 +bby$a WorldGenVillage$WorldGenVillageStart
913 +bbz WorldGenVillagePieces
914 +bbz$a WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageLibrary
915 +bbz$b WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageFarm2
916 +bbz$c WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageFarm
917 +bbz$d WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageLight
918 +bbz$e WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillagePieceWeight
919 +bbz$f WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageButcher
920 +bbz$g WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHouse
921 +bbz$h WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHut
922 +bbz$i WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageTemple
923 +bbz$j WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageBlacksmith
924 +bbz$k WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageStartPiece
925 +bbz$l WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageRoad
926 +bbz$m WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageHouse2
927 +bbz$n WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillagePiece
928 +bbz$o WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageRoadPiece
929 +bbz$p WorldGenVillagePieces$WorldGenVillageWell
931 930 bc CriterionTriggerVillagerTrade
932 -bca WorldGenWoodlandMansionPieces
933 -bcc DefinedStructureProcessorRotation
934 -bcd DefinedStructureManager
935 -bce DefinedStructureInfo
936 -bcf DefinedStructureProcessor
937 -bcg DefinedStructure
938 -bcg$b DefinedStructure$BlockInfo
939 -bcg$c DefinedStructure$EntityInfo
940 -bcl NoiseGeneratorPerlin
941 -bcm NoiseGeneratorOctaves
942 -bcn NoiseGenerator3
943 -bcq NoiseGenerator3Handler
944 -bcr NoiseGenerator
945 -bct MaterialDecoration
946 -bcu MaterialGas
947 -bcv MaterialLiquid
948 -bcw Material
949 -bcx MaterialMapColor
950 -bcy MaterialPortal
951 -bcz EnumPistonReaction
931 +bca WorldGenWoodlandMansion
932 +bcb WorldGenWoodlandMansionPieces
933 +bcd DefinedStructureProcessorRotation
934 +bce DefinedStructureManager
935 +bcf DefinedStructureInfo
936 +bcg DefinedStructureProcessor
937 +bch DefinedStructure
938 +bch$b DefinedStructure$BlockInfo
939 +bch$c DefinedStructure$EntityInfo
940 +bcm NoiseGeneratorPerlin
941 +bcn NoiseGeneratorOctaves
942 +bco NoiseGenerator3
943 +bcr NoiseGenerator3Handler
944 +bcs NoiseGenerator
945 +bcu MaterialDecoration
946 +bcv MaterialGas
947 +bcw MaterialLiquid
948 +bcx Material
949 +bcy MaterialMapColor
950 +bcz MaterialPortal
952 951 bd CriterionTriggerUsedEnderEye
953 -bdb GenLayerDeepOcean
954 -bdc GenLayerSpecial
955 -bdc$a GenLayerSpecial$EnumGenLayerSpecial
956 -bdd GenLayerIsland
957 -bde GenLayerMushroomIsland
958 -bdf GenLayerTopSoil
959 -bdg GenLayerDesert
960 -bdh GenLayerBiome
961 -bdj GenLayerZoomFuzzy
962 -bdl IntCache
963 -bdm LayerIsland
964 -bdn GenLayer
965 -bdo GenLayerPlains
966 -bdp GenLayerRegionHills
967 -bdq GenLayerIcePlains
968 -bdr GenLayerCleaner
969 -bds GenLayerRiver
970 -bdt GenLayerRiverMix
971 -bdu GenLayerMushroomShore
972 -bdv GenLayerSmooth
973 -bdz GenLayerZoomVoronoi
952 +bda EnumPistonReaction
953 +bdc GenLayerDeepOcean
954 +bdd GenLayerSpecial
955 +bdd$a GenLayerSpecial$EnumGenLayerSpecial
956 +bde GenLayerIsland
957 +bdf GenLayerMushroomIsland
958 +bdg GenLayerTopSoil
959 +bdh GenLayerDesert
960 +bdi GenLayerBiome
961 +bdk GenLayerZoomFuzzy
962 +bdm IntCache
963 +bdn LayerIsland
964 +bdo GenLayer
965 +bdp GenLayerPlains
966 +bdq GenLayerRegionHills
967 +bdr GenLayerIcePlains
968 +bds GenLayerCleaner
969 +bdt GenLayerRiver
970 +bdu GenLayerRiverMix
971 +bdv GenLayerMushroomShore
972 +bdw GenLayerSmooth
974 973 be CriterionTriggerUsedTotem
975 -bea GenLayerZoom
976 -bed Path
977 -bee PathType
978 -bef PathfinderFlying
979 -beg PathPoint
980 -beh PathfinderAbstract
981 -bei PathEntity
982 -bej Pathfinder
983 -bek PathfinderWater
984 -bel PathfinderNormal
985 -bep RunnableSaveScoreboard
986 -beq PersistentBase
987 -ber MapIcon
988 -ber$a MapIcon$Type
989 -bes WorldMap
990 -bes$a WorldMap$WorldMapHumanTracker
991 -bev ServerNBTManager
992 -bew WorldLoaderServer
993 -bex SecondaryWorldData
994 -bey WorldNBTStorage
995 -bez WorldLoader
996 -bfa WorldData
997 -bfb IDataManager
998 -bfd Convertable
999 -bfh IPlayerFileData
1000 -bfj PersistentCollection
1001 -bfk LootTables
1002 -bfl LootSelectorEmpty
1003 -bfm LootItem
1004 -bfn LootSelector
1005 -bfo LotoSelectorEntry
1006 -bfp LootTable
1007 -bfq LootTableInfo
1008 -bfq$b LootTableInfo$EntityTarget
1009 -bfr LootSelectorLootTable
1010 -bfs LootTableRegistry
1011 -bft LootValueBounds
1012 -bfu LootItemFunctionEnchant
1013 -bfv LootEnchantLevel
1014 -bfw LootItemFunction
1015 -bfx LootItemFunctions
1016 -bfy LootEnchantFunction
1017 -bfz LootItemFunctionSetAttribute
1018 -bga LootItemFunctionSetCount
1019 -bgb LootItemFunctionSetDamage
1020 -bgc LootItemFunctionSetData
1021 -bgd LootItemFunctionSetTag
1022 -bge LootItemFunctionSmelt
1023 -bgh LootItemConditionEntityScore
1024 -bgi LootItemCondition
1025 -bgj LootItemConditions
1026 -bgk LootItemConditionEntityProperty
1027 -bgl LootItemConditionKilledByPlayer
1028 -bgm LootItemConditionRandomChance
1029 -bgn LootItemConditionRandomChanceWithLooting
1030 -bgp LootEntityProperties
1031 -bgq LootEntityProperty
1032 -bgr LootEntityPropertyOnFire
1033 -bgu FileIOThread
1034 -bgv IAsyncChunkSaver
1035 -bgy AxisAlignedBB
1036 -bgz MovingObjectPosition
1037 -bgz$a MovingObjectPosition$EnumMovingObjectType
974 +bea GenLayerZoomVoronoi
975 +beb GenLayerZoom
976 +bee Path
977 +bef PathType
978 +beg PathfinderFlying
979 +beh PathPoint
980 +bei PathfinderAbstract
981 +bej PathEntity
982 +bek Pathfinder
983 +bel PathfinderWater
984 +bem PathfinderNormal
985 +beq RunnableSaveScoreboard
986 +ber PersistentBase
987 +bes MapIcon
988 +bes$a MapIcon$Type
989 +bet WorldMap
990 +bet$a WorldMap$WorldMapHumanTracker
991 +bew ServerNBTManager
992 +bex WorldLoaderServer
993 +bey SecondaryWorldData
994 +bez WorldNBTStorage
995 +bfa WorldLoader
996 +bfb WorldData
997 +bfc IDataManager
998 +bfe Convertable
999 +bfi IPlayerFileData
1000 +bfk PersistentCollection
1001 +bfl LootTables
1002 +bfm LootSelectorEmpty
1003 +bfn LootItem
1004 +bfo LootSelector
1005 +bfp LotoSelectorEntry
1006 +bfq LootTable
1007 +bfr LootTableInfo
1008 +bfr$b LootTableInfo$EntityTarget
1009 +bfs LootSelectorLootTable
1010 +bft LootTableRegistry
1011 +bfu LootValueBounds
1012 +bfv LootItemFunctionEnchant
1013 +bfw LootEnchantLevel
1014 +bfx LootItemFunction
1015 +bfy LootItemFunctions
1016 +bfz LootEnchantFunction
1017 +bga LootItemFunctionSetAttribute
1018 +bgb LootItemFunctionSetCount
1019 +bgc LootItemFunctionSetDamage
1020 +bgd LootItemFunctionSetData
1021 +bge LootItemFunctionSetTag
1022 +bgf LootItemFunctionSmelt
1023 +bgi LootItemConditionEntityScore
1024 +bgj LootItemCondition
1025 +bgk LootItemConditions
1026 +bgl LootItemConditionEntityProperty
1027 +bgm LootItemConditionKilledByPlayer
1028 +bgn LootItemConditionRandomChance
1029 +bgo LootItemConditionRandomChanceWithLooting
1030 +bgq LootEntityProperties
1031 +bgr LootEntityProperty
1032 +bgs LootEntityPropertyOnFire
1033 +bgv FileIOThread
1034 +bgw IAsyncChunkSaver
1035 +bgz AxisAlignedBB
1038 1036 bh ICommandDispatcher
1039 -bhb Vec3D
1040 -bhd ScoreboardObjective
1041 -bhe ScoreboardTeam
1042 -bhf ScoreboardScore
1043 -bhh Scoreboard
1044 -bhi PersistentScoreboard
1045 -bhj ScoreboardTeamBase
1046 -bhj$a ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush
1047 -bhj$b ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility
1048 -bhk ScoreboardCriteriaInteger
1049 -bhl ScoreboardBaseCriteria
1050 -bhm ScoreboardHealthCriteria
1051 -bhn IScoreboardCriteria
1052 -bhn$a IScoreboardCriteria$EnumScoreboardHealthDisplay
1053 -bho ScoreboardReadOnlyCriteria
1054 -bhp ScoreboardStatisticCriteria
1037 +bha MovingObjectPosition
1038 +bha$a MovingObjectPosition$EnumMovingObjectType
1039 +bhc Vec3D
1040 +bhe ScoreboardObjective
1041 +bhf ScoreboardTeam
1042 +bhg ScoreboardScore
1043 +bhi Scoreboard
1044 +bhj PersistentScoreboard
1045 +bhk ScoreboardTeamBase
1046 +bhk$a ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush
1047 +bhk$b ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility
1048 +bhl ScoreboardCriteriaInteger
1049 +bhm ScoreboardBaseCriteria
1050 +bhn ScoreboardHealthCriteria
1051 +bho IScoreboardCriteria
1052 +bho$a IScoreboardCriteria$EnumScoreboardHealthDisplay
1053 +bhp ScoreboardReadOnlyCriteria
1054 +bhq ScoreboardStatisticCriteria
1055 1055 bi CommandAbstract
1056 1056 bi$a CommandAbstract$CommandNumber
1057 1057 bj CommandHandler
1058 1058 bk ICommand
1059 1059 bl ICommandHandler
1060 1060 bm CustomFunction
1061 1061 bn ICommandListener
1062 1062 bo CommandListenerWrapper
1063 1063 bp CommandObjectiveExecutor
1064 1064 bp$a CommandObjectiveExecutor$EnumCommandResult

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