sk89q | 5c7468ffb5fRemove "multiple categories" point about related flags handling. | Remove "multiple categories" point about related flags handling. | | |
sk89q | 343632cbf29 | Update changelog for 6.0 beta 2. | | |
sk89q | 2a3ccec4298 | Fix boat placement not being properly prevented.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3174. | | WORLDGUARD-3174 |
sk89q | d6f12804ea2 | Don't show a deny message if it's an empty string. | | |
sk89q | f858c175f97 | Add -e flag to /rg flag to set a flag to an empty value.Closes WORLDGUARD-3161. | | WORLDGUARD-3161 |
sk89q | cdab0045056 | Add option to consider use of an item as a block use at the player's feet.Closes WORLDGUARD-3151. | | WORLDGUARD-3151 |
sk89q | 59bd11e7427 | Don't use deny effects for entities because they look bad. | | |
sk89q | 2e6faff8c10 | Add option to whiteist some blocks / items so they can always be used.Closes WORLDGUARD-3159. | | WORLDGUARD-3159 |
sk89q | 722cc2e38c5 | Block polygonal regions for claiming for now.volume() returns 0. | | |
sk89q | 669c0e9651c | Add more deny effects.Closes WORLDGUARD-3158. | | WORLDGUARD-3158 |
sk89q | d2252c61428 | Warn about claim volume setting being too high. | | |
sk89q | eab4101d1c8 | Consider XP drops under ITEM_PICKUP.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3171. | | WORLDGUARD-3171 |
sk89q | db31c35d8ef | Don't consider vehicles a known cause.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3170. | | WORLDGUARD-3170 |
sk89q | 125595e6b97 | Fix mobs not being able to attack players regardless of permission.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3172. | | WORLDGUARD-3172 |
sk89q | 6d5d9934cc3 | Fix Enums.findFuzzyByValue() not handling _ correctly. | | |
sk89q | bd2a8daad3d | Fix sapling + bonemeal considered as usage rather than building.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3169. | | WORLDGUARD-3169 |
sk89q | c4b3c1d0337 | Destroy sapling if some of its blocks could be placed.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3168. | | WORLDGUARD-3168 |
sk89q | eb051bc1942 | Set MODIFIES_BLOCKS flag on ink dye.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3167. | | WORLDGUARD-3167 |
sk89q | 1a12faf5ab1 | Fix trees not growing naturally in protected regions.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3166. | | WORLDGUARD-3166 |
sk89q | 73fe9cd62fb | Debounce piston events and add a deny effect.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3157. | | WORLDGUARD-3157 |
sk89q | 7ab4a283fe1 | Document the delegate events.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3164. | | WORLDGUARD-3164 |
sk89q | 46138c9abe1M | Merge pull request #304 from stuntguy3000/masterAdd silent (s) and information (i) flags to /stoplag. | | |
sk89q | 841cc8e033f | Don't apply USE to hanging entities. | | |
sk89q | cb0844c64da | Ignore _ when fuzzy searching enums. | | |
sk89q | 6e8e59aee53 | Check Material in TargetMatcherParser. | | |
sk89q | 358eebf96b6 | Mention Spigot issue with | | |
sk89q | 01892b609f3 | Have other flags override BUILD but not the other way like in WG 5. | | |
sk89q | 096981bd272 | Fix condition error in handling of PVP flag. | | |
sk89q | 0852fc0d650 | Have membership override BUILD=DENY like in WG 5. | | |
sk89q | 40ceb3d0b86 | Fix NPE when handling PlayerFishEvent.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3149. | | WORLDGUARD-3149 |
sk89q | b52a6bd6d67 | Ignore sneaking when checking the events. | | |
sk89q | 992e53856d2 | Add some deny effects. | | |
sk89q | f776d15e039 | Allow right clicking hostile mobs in protected regions too.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3144. | | WORLDGUARD-3144 |
sk89q | 438bc59fbcb | Silence spam from not being able to walk on crops.Fixes WORLDGUARD-3143. | | WORLDGUARD-3143 |
sk89q | 453f253e773 | Remove outdated line in UPGRADE about flags and BUILD. | | |
sk89q | 550df20f18d | Set version back to 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT. | | |
sk89q | e8ee0a8c5b0 | Bump version to 6.0.0-beta-01. | | |
sk89q | 5fcd7ddf7ab | Handle multiple related flags more like in WG 5. | | |
sk89q | b11d4160358 | Revert the default region groups of the entry/exit flags back to WG 5. | | |
sk89q | f7e216ba84c | Mention how to report bugs in the UPGRADE document. | | |
sk89q | f6406b668cc | Silence messages about touching Redstone ore. | | |
sk89q | 7cd4a1d411e | Update CHANGELOG and UPGRADE documents. | | |
sk89q | bd558bb527a | Change .interact to .use for item use permission. | | |
sk89q | 8d29f6971a8 | Allow hitting hostile mobs in protected regions. | | |
sk89q | 300f69597fb | Don't cause item loss when the hopper is destroyed. | | |
sk89q | 8e320b6dbe5 | Add helper ProtectionQuery class for other plugins. | | |
sk89q | fa422bef32d | Update UPGRADE document with more information. | | |
sk89q | e8cd1cc253d | Block spawn eggs properly. | | |
sk89q | 5e9ffe9e29a | Better describe issue regarding flags being evaluated together. | | |
sk89q | edebb0efc92 | Be more lax with entity spawns. | | |