[SPIGOT-6870] Stepping into a Tripwire doesn't trigger a PlayerInteractEvent Created: 26/Dec/21  Updated: 18/Jan/22

Status: Open
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Priority: Minor
Reporter: Thomas Marchand Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0
Labels: Craftbukkit, bug, event, spigot

Java 17

Spigot 1.18.1 built today with buildtools.

This server is running CraftBukkit version 3378-Spigot-8965a50-0ba6b90 (MC: 1.18.1) (Implementing API version 1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

Version: 1.18.1
Guidelines Read: Yes


When you step into a tripwire, this tripwire gets powered. This is a server-side event. I want to disable this mechanic (I am working on a plugin which allows to replace some strings variations to simulate new blocks via a resourcepack). According to CraftBukkit source code this should be feasible by disabling PlayerInteractEvent, but this event is not called.

Here is a block created using this method (you can see powered:false at the right):

If I step inside the block, it gets powered:

Here is CraftBukkit code from buildtools (net.minecraft.world.level.block.BlockTripWire.java), see line 165:

{{ // If all of the events are cancelled block the tripwire trigger, else allow}}


Here is a minimal example:


public void tripwireEvent1(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
Logs.logInfo("triggered 1");

public void tripwireEvent2(EntityInteractEvent event) {
Logs.logInfo("triggered 2");

Those events are successfully registered (I see "triggered 1" when right clicking on a block for example), but strangely, they are not triggered when you step into a tripwire which prevents me from disabling this mechanism.

Comment by Thomas Marchand [ 02/Jan/22 ]

Thank you md_5, that makes sense. Do you have a suggestion to disable this mechanism? Is it possible to modify spigot so that this event is also called when the string is not attached ? Would you recommend me to propose a patch to the users of the plugin?

Comment by md_5 [ 02/Jan/22 ]

The event only fires for tripwire which is attached to a complete circuit (two tripwire hooks). Yours is not (attached=false in your debug screenshot).
Powered tripwire which is attached does nothing.

Comment by Thomas Marchand [ 31/Dec/21 ]

Any idea?

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