[SPIGOT-346] Scoreboard name colours broken in chat Created: 02/Jan/15  Updated: 27/Jul/18  Resolved: 02/Jan/15

Status: Closed
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Conor McS Assignee: Thinkofname
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 0
Labels: None

Windows 7 x64
Java 8 update 25

Issue Links:
is duplicated by SPIGOT-4170 Chat messages don't use the translata... Resolved


Name colours provided by scoreboard teams don't correctly show in normal chat messages, they work everywhere else (tab list, death messages, scoreboard sidebar display, etc).

Steps to reproduce:
1. /scoreboard teams add redtest
2. /scoreboard teams option redtest color red
3. /scoreboard teams join redtest
4. Check tablist, name is red.
5. /kill yourself, name in death message is red.
6. /say test, name is red.
7. Type a message in chat, name defaults to white!

This was working fine up until a few updates ago.

Comment by quat [ 14/May/16 ]

It's part of their sneaky plan to get me to learn how to write Bukkit plugins!

Wrote a tiny plugin to fix it: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/fixnamecolors.23196/

Comment by Sébastien GENOU [ 11/May/16 ]

I have searched the bukkit plugins site and did not found any plugin that can get the color from scoreboard team.
Please reconsider fixing this. Perhaps an option to avoid breaking other plugins would be a good idea.

Comment by quat [ 08/May/16 ]

any word on a fix (or mind to link a comparable plugin?)

this messes up compatibility when going from vanilla to bukkit, everybody just says "won't fix find a plugin to do it lol" and never links any, and it's really frustrating.

If you're so worried about plugins breaking compatibility, why do name colors work LITERALLY EVERYWHERE ELSE except for normal chatting? /me, messages, deaths, and the tab list all show the color, but the one place it's used most doesn't because logic I guess.

Comment by Sébastien GENOU [ 27/Apr/16 ]

Is there a chat plugin that handles scoreboard team color?

Comment by Conor McS [ 10/Jan/15 ]

Look on the bright side, Thinkofdeath ended his comment with 'for now', so it's very probably just a temporary workaround.

Comment by Yuri Sizov [ 09/Jan/15 ]

Also, yes. Somehow this compatibility only applies to chat messages. /me, /say, all the actions, such as getting an achievement, scoreboard itself — everything else have correct colors.

Comment by Yuri Sizov [ 09/Jan/15 ]

I don't get how is this helping anyone's plugin. If anyone wants to have vanilla functionality on their Bukkit server, they need to install more plugins and spend more resources? That's absurd! Plus, it is not currently possible to get, or set, team colors via Scoreboard API, so no plugin is able to restore vanilla behavior without some major hacks, which is not a good way to set up things.

Come on! It's been a CraftBukkit issue for a number of major releases, please restore vanilla behavior for consistency and usability sake!
Or at least reopen this issue, so concerned players can vote for it, while you are searching for a way to please both old plugins and current players.

Comment by Conor McS [ 03/Jan/15 ]

Ok tell me right now what in the hell does name colouring have to do with plugin compatibility? Also, could you at least add SOME kind of internal thing that plugins can use? Currently I am unable to get any chat plugins to handle scoreboard colours correctly. And how come, if it's disabled for normal chat messages, it's not disabled in practically every other thing?

Comment by Thinkofname [ 02/Jan/15 ]

This is disabled for plugin compatibility, you'll have to get a chat plugin to handle it for now

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