[SPIGOT-3327] Some functions don't work. Created: 11/Jun/17  Updated: 13/Jun/17  Resolved: 13/Jun/17

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Matt Powers Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Incomplete Votes: 0
Labels: 1.12, bug, function, functions, gameLoopFunction, spigot

It's being run on a Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-79-generic x86_64) Virtual Machine being run on a Win10 (latest update) PC. The server is running on 8GB of RAM, 4.0 GHz, 4 Cores, and an AMD FX 8350 8 core processor, but the VM is only using 4 cores.

The PC (not VM) has 24 GB of RAM.

Plugin: Our plugin is not causing the issue.


Hello. I run a Vanilla* server that runs on functions. We have a lot of players on so, we need the extra performance boost Spigot gives, but recently with the new functions being added, we've encountered a big issue...

The server's gameLoopFunction works fine, it loads and is happy. The issue is that it only runs about 3/4 of the gameLoopFunction designated in-game.

Here are all of our functions: https://github.com/TemplexMC/TemplexAdvancements/tree/master/functions/templex_standard

The gameLoopFunction designated in-game is loop.mcfunction. But, it only runs about 3/4 of this function then stops running the rest. The weird thing is that the functions being executed in the loop.mcfunction that aren't being run only run the command "scoreboard players enable @a <trigger>" and "scoreboard players set @s <trigger> 0".

We really love Spigot, but we can't run it with this bug present. Thanks!

Comment by md_5 [ 13/Jun/17 ]

I don't want your server files.
I want a single file which clearly shows the issue on an otherwise clean server.

Comment by Matt Powers [ 13/Jun/17 ]

Here's a link to a dropbox full of the server's files.


Comment by md_5 [ 13/Jun/17 ]

We can't investigate a bug when the reproduction you have provided is an entire git repo with dependencies on scoreboards etc.
We need the absolute minimum file that reliably shows the issue.

Comment by Matt Powers [ 13/Jun/17 ]

How else would you explain it? It's a bug. We don't know exactly what's going on.

Also, I have been able to reproduce this bug.

Comment by md_5 [ 13/Jun/17 ]

Minimal reproduction case required.
Also skeptical that any bug would cause a function to stop executing part way through with no indication of anything.

Comment by Black Hole [ 12/Jun/17 ]

Reopened, but I still think it's the same issue.

Comment by Matt Powers [ 12/Jun/17 ]

If you would like to try it on the same server, log in to "templex.ddns.net:19132"


Comment by Matt Powers [ 12/Jun/17 ]

Tried it, it still does not work.

Please re-open this.

Comment by Black Hole [ 11/Jun/17 ]

Then try to reproduce without that plugin.

Comment by Matt Powers [ 11/Jun/17 ]

But, that's not what is happening. Our server only runs on one plugin that makes it work like Vanilla. And, some of the functions work. Can you please re-open this?

Comment by Black Hole [ 11/Jun/17 ]

Have a look here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/jira/browse/SPIGOT-3313

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