[SPIGOT-2489] stat.useItem.grass isn't recgonized. Created: 04/Jul/16  Updated: 08/Jul/16  Resolved: 08/Jul/16

Status: Resolved
Project: Spigot
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: hooptiecoupe Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 0
Labels: 1.10, 1.9, bug

Hosting system. I'm unsure what the hardware or environment is.

I currently use hosthorde.com

I don't believe it as anything to do with the host as this problem did not exist until we updated spigot to 1.9 and later. If I revert back to 1.8.8 , the problem goes away.


It appers that many of the other stat.UseItems or stat.BreakItems are recognized by the scoreboards.

but, ever since the update to 1.9.0 Scoreboards have stopped registering the stat.useitem.grass
for scoreboards.

Example: I make a scoreboard called "placegrass" and called it "Place Grass"

I then do: /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar placegrass
....then.. I place grass.. nothing happens.

however, if I make scoreboards for other blocks like stone, cobble, diorite, gravel,
dirt.. they all recognize and up the score by 1 point everytime I place those blocks.

It appers to just be GRASS that isn't recognized any more.
This essentially breaks a game that I created with some friends for use on a server setting.
players can now no longer rankup past level 3 cause there score for placing grass dosnt work.

Comment by md_5 [ 08/Jul/16 ]

Please open a bug at bugs.mojang.com

Comment by hooptiecoupe [ 05/Jul/16 ]

please disregard this issue.
This actually appers to be an issue with mojang/minecraft itself.

I've tested all the way back to 1.8 in vanilla minecraft and found that this isn't working in vanilla minecraft unless I use the old ID system
which isn't supported any longer in version 1.10

Comment by hooptiecoupe [ 04/Jul/16 ]

It also effects a random events game Ive been working on within the spigot server setting.
once of the events registers for rather a player as placed grass blocks or mined grass blocks. but, since there not registering.
nothing happens so the game gets stuck in limbo when it pops up the grass events.

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