One of the latest spigot updates has broken all the "getEntities" calls from API.
I have made a small plugin to count all mobs in a certain radius (link + sourcecode below) that has been working flawlessy since 1.8 came out, and when I updated to latest spigot version a few hours ago, that kind of messages happen in chat every time I use my command :
[14:25:23 WARN]: Filtered out large getEntities call -8,5 9,5
This affects spigot 1.8.5, AND 1.8.3, since version git-Spigot-870264a-0a645a2, at least.
Obviously, it renders my plugins completely unusable.
Plugin's sourcecode :
(user: spigot, pass: spigotjira)
Direct .jar download :
(no NMS code, compatible with all 1.8 versions so far)
Usage : /countmobs <radius>
Radius is squared.
It usually worked flawlessy with radius up to 150², and started lagging a bit after that, now it's just unusable with radius 9² !