Hello, I found a bug concerning the application of velocities on the new Display entities. I was creating a piece of code that allowed me to display a schematic (SPONGE format) with display blocks, so I could move the blocks smoothly. But when I tried to apply velocity to all the display blocks nothing happened.
I managed to create a small piece of code to simulate the movement of my blocks (which is not perfect but works well enough for my tests), but I find it anomalous that the #Entity.setVelocity() function doesn't work with Display Blocks (and I assume it's the same with all other Display entities).
To quickly test what I said, I put my test plugin in the attachments, I also inserted a schematic which should just be in the plugin folder (in plugins/EntityTest/).
Then the 2 commands to execute will be the following :
- Display the schematic :
- /mide create house house.schem 2 2 2
("house" is the id of your schematic, "house.schem" is the schematic, and 2 2 2 are the coordinates of the vector)
2. Try to make it move smoothly:
- /mide move house
("house" is the id of your schema)
To examine/edit/use my code, you can get it from GitHub via the following link: https://github.com/LyFl0w/EntityTest