Mobs Added 1.17 and After Do Not Create an EntityTargetEvent Properly


    • Type: Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Minor
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Environment:

      Tested on the latest version of Vanilla Spigot, as well as some past major versions of Spigot Minecraft that I already had on my computer

    • CraftBukkit version 3552-Spigot-14a2382-fc30711 (MC: 1.19) (Implementing API version 1.19-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
    • Yes

      I've been working with the EntityTargetEvent to run code when specific mobs try to target a player who has food in their hand. I have found that the EntityTargetEvent works as expected, except for mobs which have been added to Minecraft during and after version 1.17. In this case, the mobs will not create a targeting event and continue as normal, which stops me from modifying vanilla behavior. Other ways of targeting appear to work (EG: a goat targeting an entity to ram them). I have tested this in a few versions of Spigot and Minecraft and it seems to be occurring since Spigot builds for Minecraft 1.17.


      Me holding wheat and being targeted by a cow, sheep, and goat


      My console during this point in time - only the cow and sheep create an event not the goat


      From my testing, this occurs with every mob added during and after 1.17. that will follow a player because they are holding food. This includes axolotls, frogs, and goats.

      I also found the following from testing which I believe could also be part of this issue:

      • An event is not created for when Allays seek to track a player down and give them an item. 
      • An event is not created when a non-angered warden begins to follow a player. It is only created when they actively target the player to attack


      I have included a plugin that I created to test the range of this bug. It simply prints to the console when an entity attempts to target another entity.

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