New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: None
This server is running CraftBukkit version 3262-Spigot-dc75aca-f0f801e (MC: 1.17.1) (Implementing API version 1.17.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
According to the javadocs this is the order
- generateNoise(WorldInfo, Random, int, int, ChunkData)
- generateSurface(WorldInfo, Random, int, int, ChunkData)
- generateBedrock(WorldInfo, Random, int, int, ChunkData)
- generateCaves(WorldInfo, Random, int, int, ChunkData)
and these are the settings that you're able to override
- shouldGenerateNoise()
- shouldGenerateSurface()
- shouldGenerateBedrock()
- shouldGenerateCaves()
- shouldGenerateDecorations()
- shouldGenerateMobs()
- shouldGenerateStructures()
From my testing, if you set a chunk to air in the last generate method, there's still structures and decorations that generate inside the chunk. I don't want to just override the settings (ex. shouldGenerateStructures() ) as I still want structures, just not in that chunk. Would it be possible to add a method that runs after everything is generated? The alternative is setting the chunk to air in ChunkLoadEvent, which is annoying and laggy.