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  1. Spigot
  2. SPIGOT-6457

Expose PluginClassLoader addURL or Dependency API


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • 2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094
    • Yes

      Starting with Java 16, classloaders and more are a bit more locked down. I was wondering if we go could get easy access to adding a URL to the plugin class loader. Currently, addURL for the PluginClassLoader protected as it is the default set by URLClassLoader.

      This prevents some stuff like dependency loaders and more from working at all without making a crazy hacky way.

      So the easiest way would be to expose that for developers that know what they are doing. Or a crazy big improvement would include a whole dependency loader. I personally wrote my own but also quite hacky with the loading. Example of such which does not work with Java 16 at all: DependenciesGen

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