I have put the following file into "data/minecraft/loot_tables/blocks" of a data pack, then execute the following command
loot spawn ~ ~ ~ mine ~ 0 ~ minecraft:wooden_pickaxe{loot_table_tool:1b}
where ~ 0 ~ has a shulker_box with some item in it.
The expected behavior (in vanilla) is to summon all items in shulker_box at the current location, but in the spigot, it only summons the item in the box with a smaller slot number, won't summon the item in the box with a larger slot number (the exact splitting number varies), and a message of "An unexpected error occurred trying to execute that command" is printed.
However, the command
loot give @s mine ~ 0 ~ minecraft:wooden_pickaxe{loot_table_tool:1b}
work as expected.
- relates to
SPIGOT-6959 Error in spawn for loot tables
- Resolved