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  1. Spigot
  2. SPIGOT-4747

Server crashing while in the END


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • 1.14
    • Yes


      As stated in the title, whenever i go in the end, the server will eventually crash.

      I'd like to report some other stuff too tho. But let's start from the beginning, shall we.

      I have a minecraft server with 4 other friends. We were playing on spigot 1.13, with 1.5 gb of ram, and everything was fine, the server was totally lag free and we had no issue. When monday arrived, i decided to prepare the server to go to 1.14, so i cleared most of the map in the overworld, updated to 1.14 pre5 vanilla, to be sure it was ready for 1.14...\

      From this point, I could already see a big difference, the server was extremely laggy. We couldn't explore with the elytra without losing our momentum and having a message in the console saying we were going too fast. I rapidly came to the conclusion that spigot was fixing all these issues... In 1.14, it was still the case, and the server was most of the time a 95% usage of ram, where we used to be at max 30% beforehand, on 1.13...  We have spigot 1.15 dev build, and well.. It didn't totally fix it, so my first question is : will it be fixed in the final build or is it a 1.14 vanilla issue ? WE can't explore with elytra, we can't use ice tunnels in the nether, and stuff like that, and it's really unfortunate....


      Now let's talk map. When we moved to vanilla, one of the things i did, was take the dim-1 folder in the nether folder, and moved it to the main folder, and the same for the end. Why? well vanilla and spiggot doesn't threat the other dimension the same way, and if we wanted to keep what we did in those, this is the solution i found. Today, when i updated to the spigot 1.14 dev build, i moved those back into their respective folder (base_nether and base_the_end in my case). I went into the nether to check if the map was properly restored, all good. Then i go into the end... All seems fine, but 20 sec in, every thing disappear, im in the void, i can't do anything, and then timed out. I can't log back in, and the server restarts. And it kept on doing so. At first I thought it was the old plugin still having a folder, and so still loding in a 1.14 version when they are meant for 1.13, so i went into the plugin folder, and deleted them all except bstats and plugin metric.

      Surprisingly, in the console, it still starts the plugins, and essentialX is still affecting the chat. so maybe this is where the issue comes ?

      Anyway, back to the end, it is still bugged, so as soon as i connect, i type /home, and now the server doesn't crash.


      I think i've told everything i know, Anybody has an idea ?


      Btw, here are the logs before the last crash occured:



      EDIT: I think i figured out more about the issue. The server crash when it has to load something really far away. The end being another dimension, it is something enterily new to load, and it can't handle it apparently... I teleported to a location 5500 blocs away on z and 800 on x, and the server crashed exactly the same way as before...


      And to answer the comment, the way to reproduce  it is by taking the portal to the end, once there, visit a bit the main island and then the server crash. The other way is teleporting 5500 blocks away (or more i presume) on z and 800 on x, and then the chunks you are in will load, but nothing else, and then the server will crash and reboot....

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Neizo Julien Moreno
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