If I use any plugin command INSIDE a command block it will recognize the @p, @a, @s
However if I use any permissions based plugin such as Permissionsex, easyprefix. ANYTHING that makes changes to the permissions.yml folder found inside permissionsex or a plugin like easyprefix it will not recognize the target selectors. It MUST be an actual players name.
This worked in pervious spigot builds for 1.12.2 but as since stopped working in 1.13.2
/pex user @p prefix {&aADMIN}&7:&l will NOT work... But:
/pex user hooptiecoupe prefix {&aADMIN}&7:&l will work just fine.
or for example, another plugin:
easyprefix set @p VIP will not work as it will say that @p dosnt exist.
However: /easyprefix hooptiecoupe VIP will work just fine.
The @p works fine for other plugins. For example:
odisguise @p chicken or undis @p (idisquise plugin)
will work just fine to target the selected player.
This was something I used to allow players to change there prefixes at a "TAGGING" room.
It worked from versions 1.9 all the way to version 1.12.2 it stopped working in version 1.13
- duplicates
SPIGOT-4193 Plugin Command Block Selectors not Working
- Resolved