Resolution: Fixed
General Plugin Development, attempting to group up custom items into the recipe book
This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-fe3ab0d-82f4b3b (MC: 1.13) (Implementing API version 1.13-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
recently Issue: https://hub.spigotmc.org/jira/browse/SPIGOT-4295 was added, allowing us to add the Group designation to recipes to group them together in the recipe book such as IronIngot's / Blocks / Nuggets
Given the following code on multiple items with the same OUTPUT material (different display name though) the items do not group regardless of setGroup being used.
ShapedRecipe sr = new ShapedRecipe(new NamespacedKey(Guns.getPlugin(), this.name().toLowerCase()), this.createAmmo(1)); String[] shape = new String[] {shp1, shp2,shp3}; sr.shape(shp1,shp2,shp3); for(String s:shape) { if(s.contains("d")) sr.setIngredient('d', Material.DIAMOND); if(s.contains("e")) sr.setIngredient('e', Material.ENDER_EYE); if(s.contains("i")) sr.setIngredient('i', Material.IRON_NUGGET); if(s.contains("g")) sr.setIngredient('g', Material.GOLD_NUGGET); if(s.contains("r")) sr.setIngredient('r', Material.ROTTEN_FLESH); if(s.contains("I")) sr.setIngredient('I', Material.IRON_INGOT); if(s.contains("A")) sr.setIngredient('A', Material.GOLD_INGOT); if(s.contains("G")) sr.setIngredient('G', Material.GUNPOWDER); } sr.setGroup("ammunition"); this.rec = sr; try { Guns.getPlugin().getServer().addRecipe(sr);
I have also tried setting the group to "melon seeds", "melon_seeds" and various other things, according to the wiki for recipe creation the group name should not matter just as long as they're all the same. I added in some debug code as well to try and track down the issue:
@EventHandler public void oncraft(CraftItemEvent e) { if(e.getRecipe() instanceof ShapedRecipe) { ShapedRecipe sr = (ShapedRecipe) e.getRecipe(); if(sr.getGroup() == null || sr.getGroup().isEmpty()) return; System.out.println("Item was: " + sr.getResult().getType().name() + " group: " + sr.getGroup()); } }
The custom items when crafted do not trigger the system.out as if they do not have a group, the only items that do trigger the system.out are the vanilla groupings such as "iron_ingot"
21.08 01:33:44 [Server] INFO Item was: IRON_INGOT group: iron_ingot
Also odd is the above system.out only triggers on the iron, if one is creating iron_ingots from nuggets, and NOT from IronBlocks
I hope im not missing something obvious, thanks in advance.