It would be amazingly nice to be able to create a recipe with an item result that has the items name / lore set.
For example given this code:
ItemStack newItem = new ItemStack(Material.IRON_INGOT); ItemMeta im = newItem.getItemMeta(); im.setDisplayName("My Customized Item"); //set lore and other stuff is.setItemMeta(im); ShapedRecipe sr = new ShapedRecipe(new NamespacedKey(MyExampleCode.getPlugin(), "CustomNamedItem"), newItem); sr.shape("iii","lhi","iti"); sr.setIngredient('i', Material.IRON_INGOT); sr.setIngredient('l', Material.LEVER); sr.setIngredient('h', Material.HOPPER); sr.setIngredient('t', Material.TRIPWIRE_HOOK); //It would be also fine if you could just add the meta to be added to the end material in here as well: // sr.setResultDisplayName("My Customized Item"); // sr.setResultLore(<some lore>); MyExampleCode.getPlugin().getServer().addRecipe(sr);
Ideally the data would carry over when the components were all placed in the crafting grid, the new customized item with its display name and lore would be set and show up in the result slot. Finally, if these could carry over to datapack recipes we could even have the customized item show up in the recipe book.
Thank you