Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Affects Version/s: None
we run a world on shockbyte servers and i looked into the plugins we use and no plugin seems to be creating this problem i read into the crash reports i sent you carefully and it shows that chunks are the problem regardless of what a player does when they load in a chunk the server crashes we are not connected to any other server and we do not use any type of world split er plugin hope this helps~!
we run a world on shockbyte servers and i looked into the plugins we use and no plugin seems to be creating this problem i read into the crash reports i sent you carefully and it shows that chunks are the problem regardless of what a player does when they load in a chunk the server crashes we are not connected to any other server and we do not use any type of world split er plugin hope this helps~!
Spigot_1.13_2.jar Dev build #2
no plugin cause problem its when a player walks on a new chunk or rtps tps or goes and loads a new area!
the newest dev build spigot 1.13.2 dev build has a problem with players loading in chunks every time a player regardless of rank comes into a area that has to load they crash the server this can be done by simply walking tping or random teleportation! i put the crash reports in the drop files i hope this helps solves the problem you are having but as far as i can tell nothing on my server plugin wise is creating the problem!
- is cloned by
SPIGOT-4269 CLONE - Loading new chunk crashes server
- Resolved
SPIGOT-4270 CLONE - Loading new chunk crashes server
- Resolved