After playing with about 130 plugins on my server, after a while, it hadn't been lagging normally, but I got these unusual lag spikes everyone once and a while no matter what was happening. I decided to do a timings. It gave me a timings that first said that my plugins were causing all the major lag; but then, after I removed EscapeLag like everyone told me to do so on the Spigot Forums, the next results were; saying that the cause was Fire and Ticks in the Nether and End worlds. After disabling Fire and Random ticks in the worlds, it kept happening. So, I decided to test all of my plugins 1 by 1. After a while, reaching 0 soon, I had received this; "Connection Handler" and "World Save" was taking 10% of my server load without any plugins. I'm using the default settings, deleted all my configurations, and I tried regenerating the End and Nether worlds as well as deleting the 4 extra ones out of 6. I'm still lagging, and I have massive lag spikes out of nowhere every once and a while. Please, what is the cause of this?